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Old 11-05-2008, 11:26 AM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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good to see that people are giving up the kudos to McCain. he always has been a class act, a man of dignity and honor. of course not the best campaigner, you could see he wasn't in his element and that he or his advisors did not have an effective focused strategy after the convention.
I'm not having any of the blame McCain crap that some on the right are doing. there is no current Republican that could have done substantially better than what McCain did.

who else gets booed at their own rally? remember that happened to McCain that one time when he had to take the mike away from that nutty lady who was saying something about Arab or terrorist, I'm not sure which. he had to reprimand his own people and say look we're not going there. that kinda shows you the character of the man.

I don't have the same opinion of Obama. he has not been forthcoming and imo not suitable for the job. however i'm not the kind that hopes for all kinds of bad things to happen now just to prove that i was right about him. I wouldn't mind being wrong about him, but at the same time I'm not optimistic about our future.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:29 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
good to see that people are giving up the kudos to McCain. he always has been a class act, a man of dignity and honor. of course not the best campaigner, you could see he wasn't in his element and that he or his advisors did not have an effective focused strategy after the convention.
I'm not having any of the blame McCain crap that some on the right are doing. there is no current Republican that could have done substantially better than what McCain did.

who else gets booed at their own rally? remember that happened to McCain that one time when he had to take the mike away from that nutty lady who was saying something about Arab or terrorist, I'm not sure which. he had to reprimand his own people and say look we're not going there. that kinda shows you the character of the man.

I don't have the same opinion of Obama. he has not been forthcoming and imo not suitable for the job. however i'm not the kind that hopes for all kinds of bad things to happen now just to prove that i was right about him. I wouldn't mind being wrong about him, but at the same time I'm not optimistic about our future.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani

mag heem stub
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
good to see that people are giving up the kudos to McCain. he always has been a class act, a man of dignity and honor. of course not the best campaigner, you could see he wasn't in his element and that he or his advisors did not have an effective focused strategy after the convention.
I'm not having any of the blame McCain crap that some on the right are doing. there is no current Republican that could have done substantially better than what McCain did.

who else gets booed at their own rally? remember that happened to McCain that one time when he had to take the mike away from that nutty lady who was saying something about Arab or terrorist, I'm not sure which. he had to reprimand his own people and say look we're not going there. that kinda shows you the character of the man.

I don't have the same opinion of Obama. he has not been forthcoming and imo not suitable for the job. however i'm not the kind that hopes for all kinds of bad things to happen now just to prove that i was right about him. I wouldn't mind being wrong about him, but at the same time I'm not optimistic about our future.
If McCain was a Democrat you would have voted against him too. Sorry dude, but your opinion is so clouded in Republican devotion your view of Obama could not possibly be positive.

You should be proud that YOUR state senator has risen to the highest post in all of the world. His ascension mirrors that of the GREATEST President ever... right down to the state affiliation.
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by philcski
If McCain was a Democrat you would have voted against him too. Sorry dude, but your opinion is so clouded in Republican devotion your view of Obama could not possibly be positive.

You should be proud that YOUR state senator has risen to the highest post in all of the world. His ascension mirrors that of the GREATEST President ever... right down to the state affiliation.

You dumb as.s.......Nixon wasn't from Meeny-SOH-tah!
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Mortimer
You dumb as.s.......Nixon wasn't from Meeny-SOH-tah!
LOL... isn't ArlJim from Illinois?

Or does CanterburyDownsJim just not have a good ring?
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Old 11-05-2008, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by philcski
LOL... isn't ArlJim from Illinois?

Or does CanterburyDownsJim just not have a good ring?

I got it.......but was looking to have some fun.

Snarlin'Jim......ah don't know about that guy.
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:08 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by philcski
If McCain was a Democrat you would have voted against him too. Sorry dude, but your opinion is so clouded in Republican devotion your view of Obama could not possibly be positive.

You should be proud that YOUR state senator has risen to the highest post in all of the world. His ascension mirrors that of the GREATEST President ever... right down to the state affiliation.
you assume way too much. your hypothetical assumption that I would vote against McCain if he were a Democrat leaves out who the Republican would be running against him. I would have no trouble voting for McCain as a Democrat if say the Republican nominee were Huckabee. I would have voted for Hillary Clinton before Huckabee. Obama vs. Huckabee would have left me no choice but to blow my brains out.

Rooting for the home team is not my style in politics. I'm in it for the principles, not to get free stuff or to say "hey, our local guy won". Are you proud of all politicians from your neck of the woods irrespective of their policies?
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
you assume way too much. your hypothetical assumption that I would vote against McCain if he were a Democrat leaves out who the Republican would be running against him. I would have no trouble voting for McCain as a Democrat if say the Republican nominee were Huckabee. I would have voted for Hillary Clinton before Huckabee. Obama vs. Huckabee would have left me no choice but to blow my brains out.

Rooting for the home team is not my style in politics. I'm in it for the principles, not to get free stuff or to say "hey, our local guy won". Are you proud of all politicians from your neck of the woods irrespective of their policies?
HELLS no. I'm a New Yorker through and through but the red tape in this state has really got me hot and bothered lately. I didn't even get to vote because of it.

I understand your discounting of Huckabee. He was too right for even the most conservative Republicans. Where does Obama fall down from a policy perspective for you? Don't tell me taxes... because I'm 100% sure you don't make enough money to have it hurt you (as do 98% of the population).

So you know, for full disclosure, I was a Hillary supporter but I would have voted for Obama (if given the chance)- the decision being made when Palin was selected as McCain's VP (which HAD to be taken into account given his age and health). McCain on a standalone basis, while I disagree with his anti-gambling policies and military stance, he'd have been a fine leader of this great country. If it was Edwards vs. McCain, McCain would have gotten my vote. Financially, he'd have made more sense for me. But Obama really reminds me of what I've read about Lincoln. Please do your best to stand behind him and not take a radical right stance against that the world is over.
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:26 PM
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Steven H. Crsit,Philski.

A Hillary supporter??

Are you nuts!! ...or what?
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Mortimer
Steven H. Crsit,Philski.

A Hillary supporter??

Are you nuts!! ...or what?
I thought she looked SEXY in her business suit.

Actually, I was looking forward to 4 more years of Billy in the White House!
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:32 PM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:36 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
The McCain/Palin ticket was so bad that they won their home states of Arizona and Alaska by LESS of a margin than Bush won them by in 2004. Romney would have been a much better choice.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
i think mccain/just about anyone could have won it.
palin was too much like bush, really. the thought of her being president if mccain was to pass in office was just too much for many to imagine happening, let alone have to deal with in reality. that's the main reason he lost. i told my husband months ago that generally the vp slot doesn't matter, but that this time it would matter quite a bit. and mccain absolutely blew it.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
maybe marginally better with Romney, who was my choice, but I still think that any Republican ticket would have been demolished in much the same way McCain/Palin was. Two things make me say that; the 3:1 spending advantage in favor of Obama, there is simply no way to easily overcome that; and the overwhelming and unprecendented media bias towards Obama. Its hard to put a value on that.
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by philcski
HELLS no. I'm a New Yorker through and through but the red tape in this state has really got me hot and bothered lately. I didn't even get to vote because of it.

I understand your discounting of Huckabee. He was too right for even the most conservative Republicans. Where does Obama fall down from a policy perspective for you? Don't tell me taxes... because I'm 100% sure you don't make enough money to have it hurt you (as do 98% of the population).

So you know, for full disclosure, I was a Hillary supporter but I would have voted for Obama (if given the chance)- the decision being made when Palin was selected as McCain's VP (which HAD to be taken into account given his age and health). McCain on a standalone basis, while I disagree with his anti-gambling policies and military stance, he'd have been a fine leader of this great country. If it was Edwards vs. McCain, McCain would have gotten my vote. Financially, he'd have made more sense for me. But Obama really reminds me of what I've read about Lincoln. Please do your best to stand behind him and not take a radical right stance against that the world is over.
Comparing Lincoln to Obama is like comparing a Ferrari to a Volkswagon
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:30 PM
SniperSB23 SniperSB23 is offline
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Comparing Lincoln to Obama is like comparing a Ferrari to a Volkswagon
If you lived in Lincoln's time you would have been plotting his assassination.
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by SniperSB23
If you lived in Lincoln's time you would have been plotting his assassination.
I'm doubting that...what gives you that impression?
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Old 11-05-2008, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Comparing Lincoln to Obama is like comparing a Ferrari to a Volkswagon
Comparing you to a horse is like... well...

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Old 11-05-2008, 01:06 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by philcski
HELLS no. I'm a New Yorker through and through but the red tape in this state has really got me hot and bothered lately. I didn't even get to vote because of it.

I understand your discounting of Huckabee. He was too right for even the most conservative Republicans. Where does Obama fall down from a policy perspective for you? Don't tell me taxes... because I'm 100% sure you don't make enough money to have it hurt you (as do 98% of the population).

So you know, for full disclosure, I was a Hillary supporter but I would have voted for Obama (if given the chance)- the decision being made when Palin was selected as McCain's VP (which HAD to be taken into account given his age and health). McCain on a standalone basis, while I disagree with his anti-gambling policies and military stance, he'd have been a fine leader of this great country. If it was Edwards vs. McCain, McCain would have gotten my vote. Financially, he'd have made more sense for me. But Obama really reminds me of what I've read about Lincoln. Please do your best to stand behind him and not take a radical right stance against that the world is over.
my issue with Huckabee was not that he was too far right, its that he is too religious. I don't want a preacher/president quoting scriptures in his speeches and doing Gods work. I can take him as talk show host, not as pres.

I don't have the strength now to go into again everything that I don't like about Obama's policies. I'll just say I would prefer to vote for someone with more substance under their belt than he has. As Commander-in-chief of the US armed forces he becomes the most powerful man in the world. I see nothing on his resume that makes me think he has what it takes to fulfill that role.

to address your example about taxes, I oppose the whole idea of using the tax code to make things more fair, to redistribute the wealth, etc, even if it would benefit my immediate situation. I'm not looking for a hand-out or a boost from government. I'm not looking to soak the rich, to gain in status by simply electing people that are going to enact policies that benefit my own situation. I believe more that governments role is to provide equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.

funny that you should mention that you didn't want to support McCain based on his military stance, as he was the overwhelming winner of the military voters, and because one of the reasons that the Iraq war has faded so far as an issue that affected voters, is exactly because of McCains military stance. He took an unpopular position and it proved to be the correct one. Since Obama has been all over the map about what to do it doesn't instill confidence that he will suddenly figure it out and get it right the next time there is a tough decision to make, which surely is just around the corner.

i find it strange that so many people voted for Obama based on what they think he will become, what he could be. The comparison to Lincoln doesn't work at all for me.
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