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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
i think mccain/just about anyone could have won it.
palin was too much like bush, really. the thought of her being president if mccain was to pass in office was just too much for many to imagine happening, let alone have to deal with in reality. that's the main reason he lost. i told my husband months ago that generally the vp slot doesn't matter, but that this time it would matter quite a bit. and mccain absolutely blew it.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I still think McCain/Romney defeats or is a lot closer vs Obama/Clinton

Romney would have been a positive from an economic background standpoint, Palin negativity would have been neutrailized and there is a lot of hatred for anything Clinton that Biden didn't have to overcome
maybe marginally better with Romney, who was my choice, but I still think that any Republican ticket would have been demolished in much the same way McCain/Palin was. Two things make me say that; the 3:1 spending advantage in favor of Obama, there is simply no way to easily overcome that; and the overwhelming and unprecendented media bias towards Obama. Its hard to put a value on that.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dalakhani

You seem like a pretty good guy despite your twisted politics. Only one thing.

Whenever i see a grown man obsess over his cat...kind of like you do...i think one thing.

what, a guy likes his p**** and you think he's gay??
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
what point? maybe you can translate
Hi Timmi-

I think the point that the other poster made was that many of lincolns ideas were pretty liberal for the times and you don't seem to agree with progressive ideas.

Now please carry on.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
what, a guy likes his p**** and you think he's gay??

You know what im talking about Z.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:18 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dalakhani

You know what im talking about Z.



but i couldn't resist.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
my issue with Huckabee was not that he was too far right, its that he is too religious. I don't want a preacher/president quoting scriptures in his speeches and doing Gods work. I can take him as talk show host, not as pres.

I don't have the strength now to go into again everything that I don't like about Obama's policies. I'll just say I would prefer to vote for someone with more substance under their belt than he has. As Commander-in-chief of the US armed forces he becomes the most powerful man in the world. I see nothing on his resume that makes me think he has what it takes to fulfill that role.

to address your example about taxes, I oppose the whole idea of using the tax code to make things more fair, to redistribute the wealth, etc, even if it would benefit my immediate situation. I'm not looking for a hand-out or a boost from government. I'm not looking to soak the rich, to gain in status by simply electing people that are going to enact policies that benefit my own situation. I believe more that governments role is to provide equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
funny that you should mention that you didn't want to support McCain based on his military stance, as he was the overwhelming winner of the military voters, and because one of the reasons that the Iraq war has faded so far as an issue that affected voters, is exactly because of McCains military stance. He took an unpopular position and it proved to be the correct one. Since Obama has been all over the map about what to do it doesn't instill confidence that he will suddenly figure it out and get it right the next time there is a tough decision to make, which surely is just around the corner.

i find it strange that so many people voted for Obama based on what they think he will become, what he could be. The comparison to Lincoln doesn't work at all for me.
Yes... I meant too religious/conservative with respect to Huckabee. Separation of church and state... although America has seemed to have forgotten that policy.

Graduated tax rates ARE what put people on equal opportunity- Obama isn't passing on money from the rich to the poor, like so many people make it sound like. You still have to EARN to benefit, it isn't a HANDOUT (Bush actually tried a handout this year, remember? It didn't work, and I thought it was a good idea at the time.) It's simple economics. The value of $1 to someone making $40k is much higher than someone making $400k. To put it in racing parlance, the reason takeout is higher on trifectas than win bets because the 'bite' of an incremental dollar in tax is lessened.

RE: military... my opinion is we spend too much money on defense in this country. We are spending $12.3 BILLION a month in Iraq/Afghanistan right now. No offense to those that have honorably served our country in legitimate wartime, like World War II or Korea or even Vietnam, but in nonviolent times, the military is a good place for kids to go out of high school who aren't (a) bright/motivated enough for college or (b) skilled enough at a trade. why not spend those same dollars on alternative schools which could mold kids into potentially lucrative careers? Obama has flip flopped a lot on this, as have many people and politicians, I agree. It's definitely something I'm watching closely for when he's up for re-election in 4 years.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
maybe marginally better with Romney, who was my choice, but I still think that any Republican ticket would have been demolished in much the same way McCain/Palin was. Two things make me say that; the 3:1 spending advantage in favor of Obama, there is simply no way to easily overcome that; and the overwhelming and unprecendented media bias towards Obama. Its hard to put a value on that.
why humiliate yourself further with these lame excuses? You had this election all wrong. It wasnt just a was an utter beat down. A thrashing. A stomping of epic proportions.

If it had been close, i could buy some of this crap but it wasnt even close.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:22 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by philcski
Graduated tax rates ARE what put people on equal opportunity- Obama isn't passing on money from the rich to the poor, like so many people make it sound like. You still have to EARN to benefit, it isn't a HANDOUT (Bush actually tried a handout this year, remember? It didn't work, and I thought it was a good idea at the time.) It's simple economics. The value of $1 to someone making $40k is much higher than someone making $400k. To put it in racing parlance, the reason takeout is higher on trifectas than win bets because the 'bite' of an incremental dollar in tax is lessened.

RE: military... my opinion is we spend too much money on defense in this country. We are spending $12.3 BILLION a month in Iraq/Afghanistan right now. No offense to those that have honorably served our country in legitimate wartime, like World War II or Korea or even Vietnam, but in nonviolent times, the military is a good place for kids to go out of high school who aren't (a) bright/motivated enough for college or (b) skilled enough at a trade. why not spend those same dollars on alternative schools which could mold kids into potentially lucrative careers?
not oldest chose to go in the navy-perhaps he thought it was his calling?--and he could have gone to any college he chose. he went straight out of high school.
he re-enlists in a few weeks. we've got the best military you can imagine-you think it's the best because it's filled with morons and unskilled labor?
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani

You seem like a pretty good guy despite your twisted politics. Only one thing.

Whenever i see a grown man obsess over his cat...kind of like you do...i think one thing.



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Old 11-05-2008, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
maybe marginally better with Romney, who was my choice, but I still think that any Republican ticket would have been demolished in much the same way McCain/Palin was. Two things make me say that; the 3:1 spending advantage in favor of Obama, there is simply no way to easily overcome that; and the overwhelming and unprecendented media bias towards Obama. Its hard to put a value on that.
spending advantage = important... but where was the Republican $$ in this election? I don't see why the GOP allowed this to happen. They have access to plenty of funds, too.

media bias: not true. Simply not true. I don't know why so many people are using this as an excuse today.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:26 PM
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Dannie...The Philski has completely lost
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
not oldest chose to go in the navy-perhaps he thought it was his calling?--and he could have gone to any college he chose. he went straight out of high school.
he re-enlists in a few weeks. we've got the best military you can imagine-you think it's the best because it's filled with morons and unskilled labor?
I recognize your point Z. Do you think your son is more the exception or more the rule?
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
Hi Timmi-

I think the point that the other poster made was that many of lincolns ideas were pretty liberal for the times and you don't seem to agree with progressive ideas.

Now please carry on.
I meant Lincoln the man vs Obama the man
any further debate will have to wait until the FRAUD does or doesn't to what he promised to do for y'all!
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
not oldest chose to go in the navy-perhaps he thought it was his calling?--and he could have gone to any college he chose. he went straight out of high school.
he re-enlists in a few weeks. we've got the best military you can imagine-you think it's the best because it's filled with morons and unskilled labor?
Easy Danzig, he isn't saying all of them, Phil is smart enough to know and understand that there are educated/smart/intelligent/keen individuals with the armed forces, he isn't saying that. I have met some REAL comedy people that have went into the armed forces, and from my high school, the top of the pile wasn't enlisting in the armed forces, the bottom was
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
not oldest chose to go in the navy-perhaps he thought it was his calling?--and he could have gone to any college he chose. he went straight out of high school.
he re-enlists in a few weeks. we've got the best military you can imagine-you think it's the best because it's filled with morons and unskilled labor?
I was skating a fine line by writing that, just basing it on people *I* know that enlisted. Another question I have... do we NEED the best military in the world at this point, which we do have?

Why did he choose the Navy over college (or one of the military academies)?
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Scav
Easy Danzig, he isn't saying all of them, Phil is smart enough to know and understand that there are educated/smart/intelligent/keen individuals with the armed forces, he isn't saying that. I have met some REAL comedy people that have went into the armed forces, and from my high school, the top of the pile wasn't enlisting in the armed forces, the bottom was

Great job.

Really....calling them bottom of the pile. A lot of times in school smart kids fly under the radar because of problems you don't know about. Sometimes the "real" smart kids are the problem.

You and The Philski have greatly disappointed me.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:32 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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I just cant see how anyone would believe the media ISNT biased

My Lord! Obama was made out to look like a Savior in the media and McCain was made out to look like a old fart who will drop over next week.

And I VERY much agree with Dannie about the military.. It is extremely important to our country that young, bright minds keep enlisting and that our military stays the strongest in the world. I know some young men who could have had an IVY league education and decided to enlist.

This time period is a VERY violent time... and to take the situations of the world ightly could really cause harm to our country.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:33 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dalakhani
I recognize your point Z. Do you think your son is more the exception or more the rule?
well, since my husband and i both had also enlisted-i'd say everyone in the military is super intelligent!!!...seriously, going by those who we knew from back then, i'd say that you get the same overall spectrum in the military as you do in any large corporation. some top notch, some above average, average, and your fucl< ups. but it's absolutely incorrect to say only those who have no alternatives join the military. matter of fact mark (my oldest) not only just about aced the asvabs, he also had to take a second test for their nuke program, and sailed thru that as well--i mean, does anyone think that a guy could go from working at mcdonalds one day to working on a nuke power plant on a carrier the next?? there is a ton of high tech equipment in the navy, the air force...all the branches really.
my youngest also is considering the navy, he wants to be a pilot. he's hoping to get into the naval academy. he scored a 28 on the ACT as a sophomore. he's certainly not an average kid.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Mortimer
Great job.

Really....calling them bottom of the pile. A lot of times in school smart kids fly under the radar because of problems you don't know about. Sometimes the "real" smart kids are the problem.

You and The Philski have greatly disappointed me.
Sir, I meant the bottom of my graduating class based on grade point average, nothing more.

I have a friend that was not very good in school, but he has been in marines for 10 years, and he is now wealthy, smart and well rounded
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