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Old 09-15-2006, 08:00 PM
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Wow... I never criticized anyone and I surely don't hate anyone on here for being democrat, etc. We are all entitled to our opinions. But with that said, can you ever admit when you are wrong about something, Jessica? I don't understand why you are upset with me over this, but the fact is, you're wrong.
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Old 09-15-2006, 08:14 PM
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Gator: Jessica has an astute advisor, who has broadened her horizons, and warned about people with different opinions. Her reaction is typical, young, thin-skinned, extemporaneous facts and suppostions undoubtedly clouded by no 'real world' experience to guage the merits of the discussion. No prob... she'll learn..hopefully
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Old 09-15-2006, 08:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
Wow... I never criticized anyone and I surely don't hate anyone on here for being democrat, etc. We are all entitled to our opinions. But with that said, can you ever admit when you are wrong about something, Jessica? I don't understand why you are upset with me over this, but the fact is, you're wrong.
It is just your opinion that I am wrong, and I always apologize and admit when I am wrong. Everyone on this board knows that, and I'm sure others will tell you that. However, I believe that I am not wrong, and you can't prove that I am wrong at this point. The only problem with that nothing is set in stone. The facts of this Bush administration and the wars aren't written in the history books, and even if they were, history tends to change itself over the years because new information can be discovered and added. I'm not upset at you over this, but your thinking is flawed, especially if you think that it is a fact that I am wrong because you don't know if I am wrong, and won't know for sure for many years.
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Old 09-15-2006, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
There are more internal contradictions here than in Rubik's Cube.

This paragraph can become a challenge similar to the deciphering of the Rosetta Stone. I call on all etymologists and linguists to take up the cudgel.
Please tell me what the contradictions are BB. I summarized the facts of various be the judge for yourself what is right and what isn't. It is called an open-minded approach, and I will post the various websites for you if you would like. I posted the facts for both sides of the argument, then gave my opinion.
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Old 09-15-2006, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
Gator: Jessica has an astute advisor, who has broadened her horizons, and warned about people with different opinions. Her reaction is typical, young, thin-skinned, extemporaneous facts and suppostions undoubtedly clouded by no 'real world' experience to guage the merits of the discussion. No prob... she'll learn..hopefully
Sorry, but the personal attacks won't make me shutup or go away. It's called integrity, and nope I haven't been warned about people with different opinions, but I do know that when I start presenting them with facts and they start personally attacking, that I am winning the argument. Thin-skinned...I don't think so. Am I acting like I'm thin-skinned? No, if I was thin-skinned I would have given up a long time ago. No real world experience...let's just say that my own mother has said that I have had a tough enough life for three or four people. Some here know what I am going through, and some of the things that I have gone through. Many would have fallen into extreme depression, but I keep plugging away. I live in the real world and am not naive. You know nothing about me.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-15-2006 at 08:57 PM.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:00 PM
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KR: I'm not attacking you! The same flawed thinking you accuse CGator of, you are guilty of also. WAAAH If you think THAT was an attack, you'd better stay a student. Other than that ...good luck and hope things work out for you!
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by timmgirvan
KR: I'm not attacking you! The same flawed thinking you accuse CGator of, you are guilty of also. WAAAH If you think THAT was an attack, you'd better stay a student. Other than that ...good luck and hope things work out for you!
And what flawed thinking is that Tim, having a different opinion from you and Cajun. WAAAH. LOL

I have never been attacked like I have on this board in real life. That is because most people from this board wouldn't have the balls to say some of this stuff in real life. You can hide behind the screen name here. Sure, I've had people get in my face before, and have gotten into some heated discussions with people in real life, but they never personally attack least, people that I don't know very well. I never back down if I think I am right. However, listening to other people has made me change my mind before. Once I was like you, and thought that the government was good and wouldn't dare lie to its people. I worshipped Bush, but then I changed. I came into the 'real world'. LOL.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:16 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
Sorry, but the personal attacks won't make me shutup or go away.
"Thin-skinned" describes someone who overreacts to even the most benign attempts at analysis and provision of advice.

That's exactly what you've done on several occasions. Providing contradictory facts and/or expressing opposing opinions ... is not a personal attack.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
And what flawed thinking is that Tim, having a different opinion from you and Cajun. WAAAH. LOL

I have never been attacked like I have on this board in real life. That is because most people from this board wouldn't have the balls to say some of this stuff in real life. You can hide behind the screen name here. Sure, I've had people get in my face before, and have gotten into some heated discussions with people in real life, but they never personally attack least, people that I don't know very well. I never back down if I think I am right. However, listening to other people has made me change my mind before. Once I was like you, and thought that the government was good and wouldn't dare lie to its people. I worshipped Bush, but then I changed. I came into the 'real world'. LOL.
I sure as hell don't worship Bush. Am I a Republican? Yes, I most certainly am. I was a Republican before GW and I'll be a Republican after GW. He doesn't make the Republican party, but hey... you'd know that if you bothered to look into it. And please point out to me where someone has posted that the "government is good and wouldn't dare lie to its people?" Geesh... everyone knows that there is scum in the government. Hell, anywhere that things are run by humans, there's going to be scum. That's the way it's always been.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:20 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
No real world experience...let's just say that my own mother has said that I have had a tough enough life for three or four people.
Experience ... by definition ... is something which can only be acquired with time ... it's not something which can be manufactured or willed.

Don't feel bad that most people here are older than you are ... because some day you'll be the old one ... and more in a position to understand what experience really is.

We were all once as young as you are ... but you've never been as old as we are.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Experience ... by definition ... is something which can only be acquired with time ... it's not something which can be manufactured or willed.

Don't feel bad that most people here are older than you are ... because some day you'll be the old one ... and more in a position to understand what experience really is.

We were all once as young as you are ... but you've never been as old as we are.
You got that right, old man ... I'll never be as old as you! HAHA!
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:25 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
IAnd please point out to me where someone has posted that the "government is good and wouldn't dare lie to its people?"
I think that was a description of the Clinton administration ...

... no lies ... ever.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:26 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
You got that right, old man ... I'll never be as old as you! HAHA!
And Jessica will never be as old as you.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
And Jessica will never be as old as you.
You're right about that... I am feeling the years right now as we type.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Experience ... by definition ... is something which can only be acquired with time ... it's not something which can be manufactured or willed.

Don't feel bad that most people here are older than you are ... because some day you'll be the old one ... and more in a position to understand what experience really is.

We were all once as young as you are ... but you've never been as old as we are.
Well, some people grow up faster than others do because they have to. Just because I don't supposedly have any "real world experience" according to you all, doesn't mean that I'm not smarter and wiser than some of the people who are older than me. Experience is all what you do with it. For example...I had a friend who had ridden a lot longer than me yet I beat her every time in the big EQ classes. She couldn't figure out how in the world that I was beating her when she had ridden twice as long as me. Well, even though she thought that she had more experience than me, she really didn't. She had only been riding one horse a day, whereas I had been riding four and five. It took me half the time to become a professional trainer than it does most people. By the time I was seventeen, I had clients. Of course, I was lucky. I had a great teacher who saw the potential and determination, took me under her wing, and got me started. Of course, I have had to let off of it because of my college work and other jobs. Boy, do I miss it, but I will rise back to the top one of these days.

I don't get the "real world" experience remarks anyway when it comes to matters such as politics. It's what you know, and how you use what you know...not how old you are or how much experience you have.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-15-2006 at 09:51 PM.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:36 PM
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[quote=kentuckyrosesinmay]Well, some people grow up faster than others do because they have to. Just because I don't supposedly have any "real world experience" according to you all, doesn't mean that I'm not smarter and wiser than people who are older than me. Experience is all what you do with it. For example...I had a friend who had ridden a lot longer than me yet I beat her every time in the big EQ classes. She couldn't figure out how in the world that I was beating her when she had ridden twice as long as me. Well, even though she thought that she had more experience than me, she really didn't. She had only been riding one horse a day, whereas I had been riding four and five. It took me half the time to become a professional trainer than it does most people. By the time I was seventeen, I had clients. Of course, I was lucky. I had a great teacher who saw the potential and determination, took me under her wing, and got me started. Of course, I have had to let off of it because of my college work and other jobs. Boy, do I miss it, but I will rise back to the top one of these days.

I don't get the "real world" experience remarks anyway when it comes to matters such as politics. It's what you know, and how you use what you

Just curious, but what do you consider "the top?" I would say making the Olympic team would be the top of the equestrian world. Have you done that? If so, I'm impressed.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Cajungator26
I sure as hell don't worship Bush. Am I a Republican? Yes, I most certainly am. I was a Republican before GW and I'll be a Republican after GW. He doesn't make the Republican party, but hey... you'd know that if you bothered to look into it. And please point out to me where someone has posted that the "government is good and wouldn't dare lie to its people?" Geesh... everyone knows that there is scum in the government. Hell, anywhere that things are run by humans, there's going to be scum. That's the way it's always been.
When did I say that Bush makes up the Republican party? In fact, some of the Republicans are starting to speak up against some of the things that Bush is doing. And please don't assume that I don't know this stuff. I know that Bush doesn't make up the entire Republican party. In fact, please go back and post where I would have directly stated or implied that I thought Bush ran the entire Republican party. You won't find it because I never said it or anything that resembled it. I know that Bush is only "one" representative of the Republican party that has many other representatives.'re a Republican...I must say that was gutsy to admit that under the circumstances. So no wonder your views are different...I'm not in either party or for any party in particular. I'm for the people who I think will best serve this country and its people no matter the party. I don't want to limit myself like that. It's an individual sort of thing for me. I like some things the Repubs do and some things the Dems do.

Most of all, I'm for America, her people, and those who are fighting for this wonderful country. I wish we had a monument rising out of the fallen World Trade Centers symbolizing our strength and the people who died bravely for us. We need to stand together in these times. It is the only way that this great empire will succeed through this struggle. We must have courage like those in 1776 did. We must stand firm and unwavering. It is the only way in which we will win as a country. She is falling on a downhill slope right now.

Last edited by kentuckyrosesinmay : 09-15-2006 at 09:54 PM.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
When did I say that Bush doesn't make the Republican party. In fact, some of the Republicans are starting to speak up against some of the things that Bush is doing. And please don't assume that I don't know this stuff. I know that Bush doesn't make up the entire Republican party. In fact, please go back and post where I would have directly stated or implied that I thought Bush ran the entire Republican party. You won't find it because I never said it or anything that resembled it.'re a Republican...I must say that was gutsy to admit that under the circumstances. So no wonder your views are different...I'm not in either party or for any party in particular. I'm for the people who I think will best serve this country and its people no matter the party. I don't want to limit myself like that. It's an individual sort of thing for me. I like some things the Repubs do and some things the Dems do.

Most of all, I'm for America, her people, and those who are fighting for this wonderful country. I wish we had a monument rising out of the fallen World Trade Centers symbolizing our strength and the people who died bravely for us. We need to stand together in these times. It is the only way that this great empire will succeed through this struggle. We must have courage like those in 1776 did. We must stand firm and unwavering. It is the only way in which we will win as a country. She is falling on a downhill slope right now.
I was taught by my father that you should always vote for your party. It's the party that rules the country. There are things that I like and dislike about both the Republican party and the Democrat party, but either way, I'm going to vote for the Republican candidate for President because I made up my mind that I was a Republican and that's how you show your support. Basically, it's either one or the other.
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Old 09-15-2006, 09:59 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by kentuckyrosesinmay
I don't get the "real world" experience remarks anyway when it comes to matters such as politics. It's what you know, and how you use what you know...not how old you are or how much experience you have.
Here's what I'd like you to do ...

... save all these political threads on which you've participated ... put them on a disc and/or print them out ... and put them in a drawer or box some place ... with a little note that says ... "Do Not Open Until 2030." And don't lose the box.

When you open the box ... and read what you said here 23 years ago ... you'll be in for quite a shock.

Then contact me on the "Remember When There Used To Be Something Called Thoroughbred Racing?" website ... and we'll have a few laughs.
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Old 09-15-2006, 10:18 PM
Rupert Pupkin Rupert Pupkin is offline
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Jessica, I hope you don't think that I "attacked" you. I did say that the Patriot Act is a non-partsian law that is recognized by lawmakers in both party as essential. It passed the Senate the first time by a vote of 98-1 or something like that. It passed the Senate the 2nd time by a vote of 89-11. I assume you know that the Senate has around 52 republicans and 48 democrats or something like that. So practically everyone in both parties in the Senate agree that the Patriot Act is absoluletly necessary. I was saying that if you don't think the Patriot Act is necessary, then I give up, you are "hopeless".

I wouldn't really call hat a persoanl attack. If someone said they don't think Bernardini is a good horse, I would say the person is pretty "hopeless". That's not really a personal attack. That would be a fact. If someone thinks that Bernardini is not a good horse, that person is beyond help.
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