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Old 10-16-2009, 01:58 PM
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Default Racist GOP senators
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Old 10-16-2009, 02:01 PM
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It would be a clever trick if they could press him to pardon a really bad black man ... and use it against him when he runs again.

I don't get pardoning people who are long dead.
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Old 10-16-2009, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by The Indomitable DrugS
It would be a clever trick if they could press him to pardon a really bad black man ... and use it against him when he runs again.

I don't get pardoning people who are long dead.
especially Jesus Christ and all those Saints
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Old 10-17-2009, 04:52 PM
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mccain's a good man and probably the best candidate for president i ever didn't vote for. he also has a long running interest in boxing.

it's too bad the rest of the party isn't as enlightened.

not every republican is a racist. but if you're a racist and want to join a major party the choice is pretty obvious.
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Old 10-18-2009, 07:59 AM
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Is that why they call it a "Johnson"?
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
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Old 10-18-2009, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
not every republican is a racist. but if you're a racist and want to join a major party the choice is pretty obvious.
your kidding right? some of the biggest racists i know are liberals? and i say that as someone who is liberal on a lot of things. But who are the ones always crying race card?? who was it that pushed affirmative action which is by definition racist??

there are racists on both sides of the aisle, just for some reason old white guys being racist is viewed as 20 times worse than minorities being racist to either other minorities or whites.
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Old 10-18-2009, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by jballscalls
your kidding right? some of the biggest racists i know are liberals? and i say that as someone who is liberal on a lot of things. But who are the ones always crying race card?? who was it that pushed affirmative action which is by definition racist??

there are racists on both sides of the aisle, just for some reason old white guys being racist is viewed as 20 times worse than minorities being racist to either other minorities or whites.
it's funny how every conversation about race somehow winds up being a discussion of the huge national problem of discrimination against white people.

you might be liberal on a lot of issues but you echo the typical resentful old white guy when you try to make a case that there's an equivalency between slavery, lynching, jim crow laws, and whatever slight injury you imagine yourself to have suffered as a result of minority empowerment.

i think we're a better country for what has been accomplished since the civil rights act of 1965. some disagree.

my point is that most of the latter are republicans.
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Old 10-19-2009, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by hi_im_god
it's funny how every conversation about race somehow winds up being a discussion of the huge national problem of discrimination against white people.

you might be liberal on a lot of issues but you echo the typical resentful old white guy when you try to make a case that there's an equivalency between slavery, lynching, jim crow laws, and whatever slight injury you imagine yourself to have suffered as a result of minority empowerment.

i think we're a better country for what has been accomplished since the civil rights act of 1965. some disagree.

my point is that most of the latter are republicans.
it's funny that you are belittling my point. Slavery, lynching, jim crow laws are all gone. we're talking about now, not living in the past. and NOW, racism lives equally between everyone, going each way.

i completely agree we are better off because of the civil rights and things are more equal here than they ever have been in a lot of ways, but the original point is that racism is just as active among liberals as it is conservatives
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Old 10-19-2009, 09:55 AM
GBBob GBBob is offline
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Originally Posted by jballscalls
it's funny that you are belittling my point. Slavery, lynching, jim crow laws are all gone. we're talking about now, not living in the past. and NOW, racism lives equally between everyone, going each way.

i completely agree we are better off because of the civil rights and things are more equal here than they ever have been in a lot of ways, but the original point is that racism is just as active among liberals as it is conservatives
I really don't think that's true..Are you saying that today, whites are discriminated against as much as blacks?
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Old 10-19-2009, 12:26 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I really don't think that's true..Are you saying that today, whites are discriminated against as much as blacks?
the discrimination chain (FOR RIGHT NOW NOT FOR HISTORY):


Black Women



Hispanics & Jews fit here

non-black Women

Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 10-19-2009, 12:34 PM
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Originally Posted by GBBob
I really don't think that's true..Are you saying that today, whites are discriminated against as much as blacks?
Discrimination is usually miscatagorized simply by race and generally by black versus white. The problem is that virtually all groups are discriminated against in one way or another. The fact that there are more white people than black people and the fact that our history has a great deal of discrimination against blacks tilts the way society think about the entire discrimination topic. When any group claims they want equality but yet pushes for inequality using the same logic that you are thinking here, discrimination still exists but since it is against a white person it somehow is less wrong or not as bad.

Affirmative Action is discriminatory. While some justify the means to an end, it still is plainly discriminatory is that it elevates less qualified individuals BECAUSE of race, not in spite of it.

Wanting to get tougher on illegal aliens is not racist though it is virtually always displayed in that manner by the left who generally take their position based on cheaply winning votes. But because the majority of illegal aliens aren't white males, it somehow is racially tinted.
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Old 10-19-2009, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
the discrimination chain (FOR RIGHT NOW NOT FOR HISTORY):


Black Women



Hispanics & Jews fit here

non-black Women

The assumption that this is how a white person would view the world is discriminatory in itself unless specifically designated as such.

Mexicans and Puerto Ricans hate each other far more than white men hate gays.

Different types of Muslims hate each other far more than they hate Americans.

Where are the Christians? They surely are as hated as Asians?

In fact I would put the gays behind Hispanics and Jews. Honestly no group has made as big as inroads in American society as gays in my lifetime.

And jews probably should be higher as there seems to be no recourse in actively speaking out or trashing them.
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:10 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
The assumption that this is how a white person would view the world is discriminatory in itself unless specifically designated as such.

Mexicans and Puerto Ricans hate each other far more than white men hate gays.

Different types of Muslims hate each other far more than they hate Americans.

Where are the Christians? They surely are as hated as Asians?

In fact I would put the gays behind Hispanics and Jews. Honestly no group has made as big as inroads in American society as gays in my lifetime.

And jews probably should be higher as there seems to be no recourse in actively speaking out or trashing them.

this was just for america, not the world. I think Americans would be #1 if it was for the world.. seems like everyone hates Americans even when the rely on us. though muslims would still be close, but it would be for the reasons you wrote. Jews have gotten the bad end of the stick for all of history.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Cannon Shell
Mexicans and Puerto Ricans hate each other far more than white men hate gays.
Your ability to conduct the extensive research needed to make all of your broad sociological pronouncements in thousands of areas at once never ceases to amaze.....but you have outdone even yourself in talking out of your ass with this one.
What exactly are you basing this statement on?
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:56 PM
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Discrimination and racism are 2 different things.
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:01 PM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Your ability to conduct the extensive research needed to make all of your broad sociological pronouncements in thousands of areas at once never ceases to amaze.....but you have outdone even yourself in talking out of your ass with this one.
What exactly are you basing this statement on?

um it is very true. All you have to do is know a few mexicans or puerto ricans to come up with that one. Same with dominicans.. they hate PR's for the most part. I mean as individuals people can like one another.. but call a dominican a puerto rican and you will probably get punched in the face.

Edit: but then again if you call a straight white guy a f*g you may get a bullet in your head. I think Cannon underestimates straight men's discrimination towards gay men. Its just different with lesbians because most guys approve.
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:02 PM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Your ability to conduct the extensive research needed to make all of your broad sociological pronouncements in thousands of areas at once never ceases to amaze.....but you have outdone even yourself in talking out of your ass with this one.
What exactly are you basing this statement on?

Actually from what I have seen at work Mexicans hate Guatamalans more than they hate the Ricans but this is just from a small pool of migrant workers.

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Old 10-19-2009, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by miraja2
Your ability to conduct the extensive research needed to make all of your broad sociological pronouncements in thousands of areas at once never ceases to amaze.....but you have outdone even yourself in talking out of your ass with this one.
What exactly are you basing this statement on?
Duh, from talking to Puerto Ricans and Mexicans. I have spent the last 25 or so years interacting daily with what you would call Hispanics.
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
this was just for america, not the world. I think Americans would be #1 if it was for the world.. seems like everyone hates Americans even when the rely on us. though muslims would still be close, but it would be for the reasons you wrote. Jews have gotten the bad end of the stick for all of history.
I dont think that Americans are nearly as hated worldwide as we are led to believe.

But my point was that you wrote the post using the viewpoint of a white American male. or at least what your version of what a white American male may think.
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32
um it is very true. All you have to do is know a few mexicans or puerto ricans to come up with that one. Same with dominicans.. they hate PR's for the most part. I mean as individuals people can like one another.. but call a dominican a puerto rican and you will probably get punched in the face.

Edit: but then again if you call a straight white guy a f*g you may get a bullet in your head. I think Cannon underestimates straight men's discrimination towards gay men. Its just different with lesbians because most guys approve.
As a straight man with many straight male friends I dont know any that would go out of their way to discriminate against a gay male. And it isnt as though all my friends are completely ...uh..enlightened.
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