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Old 01-11-2010, 06:36 PM
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I could care less about his admission of the obvious and wish him well

What a great game on now - Louisville vs Villanova

College B Ball
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:50 PM
alysheba4 alysheba4 is offline
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Originally Posted by Gander
Thats a wonderful plan. Penalize Derek Jeter, one of the best SS of all time for dopes like this creep. Penalize Albert the great too.
.....i wouldnt be shocked about " albert the great " the whole testing thing is a complete joke.......the drug of choice for the past few years
is HGH. they CANT EVEN TEST FOR IT. the morons that get tested for the old school steroids are beyond fcked up.
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:28 PM
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Originally Posted by GPK
"After all this time, I want to come clean. I was not in a position 5 years ago in my congressional testimony,m but now I feel an obligation to discuss this and to answer questions about it. I'll do that, and then I just want to help my team"

Translated it sounds more like "kiss my ass, the only reason I'm admitting this is because Mr. DeWitt has brought me back into the game that I cheated for many years. If he doesn't bring me back to the game, I deny it to my grave."
he wasn't offered immunity for his testimony before congress. his refusal to discuss steroids at the time makes a lot more sense in light of that. he was basically given the choice of admitting a criminal act with no guarantee he wouldn't be prosecuted, committing perjury, or doing what he did.

i need to do some research and resurrect the barry bonds threads from a few years back. people were still insisting there was no proof he used the year he broke mcguire's "record".

those would be fun to see again.
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Old 01-12-2010, 08:34 AM
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Now the MLB office needs to restore the HR records back to it's rightfull owners:
Hank Aaron and Roger Maris. Put the freakin asterisk next to the names of all those cheaters who presently hold them!
The decisions you make today...dictate the life you'll lead tomorrow!

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Old 01-12-2010, 10:18 AM
hockey2315 hockey2315 is offline
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Originally Posted by Scav
He was never going to get in before, and will never get in now.

And it is quite possible that they will mess around with his tainted HR record also
They're not going to mess with his home run record. . . especially considering he doesn't hold the record anymore. They would have to basically wipe an entire era of baseball from the record books.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:08 PM
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:22 PM
Gander Gander is offline
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That Larussa interview this morning was appaling. What a liar! Why did they even bother to have that clown on at all when they knew he has his own agenda and would defend Mcgwire to the end of the earth.

The only one telling the truth throughout all this is Jose Canseco.
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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remember when canseco was being crucified by any and everyone back when his tell all came out?? lol who'd have thought then he'd end up being able to laugh last?
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig
remember when canseco was being crucified by any and everyone back when his tell all came out?? lol who'd have thought then he'd end up being able to laugh last?
I think he was being crucified for breaking the unwritten, "what happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse" rule. He was ratting out his fellow players and that did not go over well at all.

I didn't doubt that he exaggerated a bit on some things, but the fact that nobody that he named in the book legally came after him, should tell you all you need to know.
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Bigsmc
I think he was being crucified for breaking the unwritten, "what happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse" rule. He was ratting out his fellow players and that did not go over well at all.

I didn't doubt that he exaggerated a bit on some things, but the fact that nobody that he named in the book legally came after him, should tell you all you need to know.
I don't think he was exaggerating. I was told by someone who played in the 90's that steroids were anything but a secret. The players Association basically met with each team in spring training to discuss the do's and don'ts (not literally, but figuratively). After that, it was a matter of each individual deciding to use or not.

Bottom line here is anyone involved in baseball at that time that claims they knew nothing about the topic is LYING!
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