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Old 01-27-2010, 09:43 PM
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Time to expand that title more Steve, Gill has posted his threats:

In reply to Maggie's letter on the Paulick Report, post #88, his trainer is there too.

Michael Gill Says:
January 27th, 2010 at 5:48 pm
This is my first email response ever. I am the owner of these horses not the trainer. Every one of my trainers has strict instructions that if a horse is sore, you don’t run that horse and there is not a trainer that has worked for me that will dispute that by name. I give away more horses than anyone in this industry and I have a bill of sale for one dollar for each and everyone. Many of these horses are still running but not for me.

None of my horses have tested positive for anything. So when you see the comments on these blogs they are coming from trainers like Mr. Guilforte that won’t tell you that I claim a bunch of his horses and he cries each and every time and I mean big tears, Maggie Moss who has horses running in Penn now an has Stephanie Beatie to claim horses, and the other bloggers? Jockeys I don’t use. So when you win $3 million dollars out of a little track in Western Pennsylvania their motives are pretty clear. The other group of bloggers hates horse racing all together, and jump on every opportunity to give me a black eye. Every one of these horses were bread to race, otherwise they would not be here and trust me they do not come cheap.

I want all you bloggers to pay attention because class is in session: Gillforte, Maggie Moss, Mr Clifton, Ray Paulick, pay particular attention. Have you all heard of liable? And antitrust? If you think I am kidding about suing you, you haven’t been paying attention. I have never made a threat and not followed through. I have a case in the Supreme Court right now. I am going to have horse racing as my business, and my hobby will be punishing each and every one of you pinheads, so happy blogging you have my attention.
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:47 PM
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Threats by the douche.
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:52 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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I want all you bloggers to pay attention because class is in session: Gillforte, Maggie Moss, Mr Clifton, Ray Paulick, pay particular attention. Have you all heard of liable? And antitrust? If you think I am kidding about suing you, you haven’t been paying attention. I have never made a threat and not followed through. I have a case in the Supreme Court right now. I am going to have horse racing as my business, and my hobby will be punishing each and every one of you pinheads, so happy blogging you have my attention.
I know I'm liable to die laughing at him.
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:54 PM
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I love it
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:55 PM
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Mind you no one has libeled him in the least. His horses breaking down did.
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Old 01-27-2010, 09:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Sightseek
Michael Gill Says:
January 27th, 2010 at 5:48 pm
This is my first email response ever. I am the owner of these horses not the trainer. Every one of my trainers has strict instructions that if a horse is sore, you don’t run that horse and there is not a trainer that has worked for me that will dispute that by name. I give away more horses than anyone in this industry and I have a bill of sale for one dollar for each and everyone[sic]. Many of these horses are still running but not for me.

None of my horses have tested positive for anything. So when you see the comments on these blogs they are coming from trainers like Mr. Guilforte[sic] that[sic] won’t tell you that I claim a bunch of his horses and he cries each and every time and I mean big tears, Maggie[sic] Moss who has horses running in Penn now an[sic] has Stephanie Beatie[sic] to claim horses, and the other bloggers? Jockeys I don’t use. So when you win $3 million dollars[sic] out of a little track in Western Pennsylvania their motives are pretty clear. The other group of bloggers hates horse racing all together[sic], and jump on every opportunity to give me a black eye. Every one of these horses were bread[sic] to race, otherwise they would not be here and trust me they do not come cheap.

I want all you bloggers to pay attention because class is in session: Gillforte[sic], Maggie[sic] Moss, Mr[sic] Clifton, Ray Paulick, pay particular attention. Have you all heard of liable[sic]? And antitrust? If you think I am kidding about suing you, you haven’t been paying attention. I have never made a threat and not followed through. I have a case in the Supreme Court right now. I am going to have horse racing as my business, and my hobby will be punishing each and every one of you pinheads, so happy blogging you have my attention.
This isn't counting all the missed commas and punctuation. He sounds scary.

Last edited by ateamstupid : 01-27-2010 at 10:32 PM.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:02 PM
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Apparently spelling and his racing business isn't the only thing he has issues with:
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:02 PM
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Adamo's wife is involved. This is unbelievable internet right here...

96. Sheryl Adamo Says:
January 26th, 2010 at 6:15 pm
I am the wife of Anthony Adamo and last night we were called by a friend to look up this sight to see the personal attacks that have been orchestrated towards my husband and the Gill organization. To a handful of people, please stop posting things on web sights that you know nothing about. There are so many untruths that have been said about this operation and I want to clear some of them up.
I live here on Elk Creek Ranch and my kidsand I have spent alot of time at the barn with these horses and i can give you some insight on how the barn is run.

Firstly, there is no-magic pre-race,no wonder block and no abnormal activity done to these horses . Cole Norman is in charge of their traing,they are trained bathed, walked,fed and vetted like any other race horse.Before entry they are evalluated and then again before they load the van for the races.In my husbands care, no horse is sent to the races with the intention of them breaking down.I am a horse lover before I am a racing fan so i am not defending the recent outcome of some of these horses-it was awful but what i can say is that these breakdowns are not without regret or sorrow.
Secondly and most importantly to me ,after today I hope to never have to read about any horse in our care that was sold for meat because that is simplly not true.We have given horses away for riding,jumpers,breeding,studs and some even went to their original breeders,for instance white buck just went to retire in Florida.When we give these horses away we can only rely that what people say they are going to do with them is the truth.This past season we gave a horse away to his breeder.He was sore.That horse ran 3 weeks later and to no surprise was no factor.It just goes to show that not everybody is upfront with us. We do surrender their papers when they leave us just to ensure that they do not go for meat.We have turned out and I personally feed some of these layups until we can find them a home.Infact I want to add this,Iwas the one who for 3 months fed a mare and her foal,a 2 year old and another lay up horse of a previous trainer who abandomed them at the farm when they were let go.If it wasn’t for me I can not say how they would ended up.
Thirdly, All the allegations about Mike gill ,not because he employs my husband but because i just don’t get it. He does not live here ,so he has to entrust his trainers to properly care for these animals.Is he a hard nose? absolutely,I will not paint a picture of a harmonious relationship between owner and trainer.The two have their differences.He likes to win and when he is favorite and doesn’t he wants an explanation.Fair enough. Never and I stress Never has he suggested or implemented any tactics for these trainers to run unsafe horses. Again that is trainer resposibility.
I get that he is unliked because of his aggressive claiming but lets be honest he’s claiming some of these”bad ‘ horses from our fellow trainers and you guys are all laughing all the way to the bank. Everybody is responsible for sore horses not just one organization.This problem has not started with Mike and nor will it end with him.
Let’s look at another perspective of Gill racing,he employs alot of people from the hot walker,rider,groom,vet,feed,hay straw and supplies.He helps to keep the horse world employed.He is ahealthy economical part of this industry,especially in times when jobs are hard to come by.
A note to the people of pen national,If mike were to leave the level of competion is not going to change.Mike is considered an invader, invaders are not going away not with the purse structure as it is. so if the people of pen want to keep things as they were then get rid of the casino and decrease your purse structure.

I want to address one last issue, Lane Giliforte aka Startin Small Stable has run a personal campain against this operation and my husband.The amount of lies that he continues to write are so absurd that at times it is comical.I want the public to know that Lane has his own agends regarding the serious issues at hand.At the risk of speculating and spreading a rumour,I feel that he is rejoicing at recent injuries of horses and riders because it gives leverage for his cause. Before this issue this man has threatened,and harrassed my husband with terrible,relentless e-mails to the extent that Tony went to the stewards.we were told to go to the police which unfortunately we decided not to.This is all because Mike claimed a number of his horses.When you want to keep impressive stats and run horses at respectably prices you risk losing them.You asked tony as a friend to speak to mike about it and when it did not go your way you turned on him and vowed to get him back.Specifically you threatened that Mike took away your livelyhood and that Mike was “too big” to get to so you would go after him.Mike did not discuss your claims withTony nor did he ask him to do anyl claiming from him. Talk about what kind of people we need in this industry-Let’s look at Starting Small Stables.

I realize that i have steered away from the issue at hand and that is the safety of horse and rider. I will not defend that but i will defend my husband as a person and a trainer.These are real people you are bashing.Tony is a loving husband,father and friend . When we looked up some numbers out of 223 starts at pen, there has been 3 catastrophic injuries to his horses , some pull ups have not been due to injury. It’s not OK but certainly those numbers do not set him apart from other trainers who are dealing with large number of starts.

Something has gone wrong with the number of injuries at this track and i don’t have an answer for it There definately has been an oversight with the horses stabled at penn but that has been addressed.We can not go backwards but only forward and work harder and be more cautious in this game.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:06 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid

This isn't counting all the missed commas and punctuation. He sounds scary.
Right after he posted that, people went nuts on him because of his spelling.

I gotta start paying attention to this site, there is some classic stuff going on....
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:07 PM
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105. Scavs Says:
January 27th, 2010 at 7:21 pm
It’s rather ridiculous having someone like Moss who has employs only the biggest cheats at each track say this stuff. Gimme a break. She was no different than Gill when she was trying to win 9000 races a year with claimers. She employed some of the best “move up” trainers in the game who obviously broke the rules to get an edge. She really has no credibility on this topic and embarasses herself with this letter.

THIS REALLY isn't me!
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:12 PM
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This is the hottest story to hit the internet since Tiger Woods!
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:14 PM
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Can't wait to hear about his childhood from his mother. How he helped little old ladies across the street, etc....
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:29 PM
Rudeboyelvis Rudeboyelvis is offline
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Lane Gilforte chiming in:

Startin' Small Says:
January 27th, 2010 at 9:32 pm

Wow, very impressive Mr. Gill,
It must be nice to have so much money and get away with all that you have gotten away with and continue to do so. And than threaten people that speak the truth against your actions.
For the record, I fully admit that there were times I was very ticked off about your persistent attacks on my business and the position you put me and my family in. You almost put me out of business and I have a family to support and I believe that would make anyone concerned. However, on the other hand, I was instructed to lose the horses that I had when I relocated to Penn from Fair Hill. Penn National being the choice because of you, it was known that you would make this goal achievable. In doing so, I knew that if I talked to Tony and slammed you with names and criticism and asked him to tell you to back off that you would keep coming. Believe what you want, but it worked. If either of you was smart enough to contact my owner and the time like Tony threatened to and tell him you were going to quit claiming the horses because of my calls than I probably would have lost my job. But instead, you both fell into the trap and took the horses I was sent to lose. And in turn, I have acquired new clients and new horses because of you. Again, I am not saying that at some times I was not pissed and reacted at the heat of the moment but 9 of 10 times my calls had a purpose.

To add to that, Tony told me one night and I quote as closely as I can remember, “I can’t tell this man anything. He is never happy. If we win 4 than he’s mad that we didn’t win 5. If we win 10 in week than we should have won 12. I hired Cole Norman so that I don’t have to listen to his **** anymore. If I lost my job today than I would be very relieved and move back to Canada.”
Does knowing your employees feel this kind of pressure, dissatisfaction and lack of appreciation make you feel like a man. Like you are so much better than them and everyone else.

You indirectly attack people. You threaten people. You treat people like they have no worth.
The jockeys that your trainer’s leg up to ride your horses are people to. People with families. People that sit at home and watch their father/husband lay motionless at the 1/4 pole and worry sick until they get the phone call that they are OK. If you can say you don’t allow your trainers to run sore horses and you can believe that you don’t put pressure on them to do so, than I truly hope that helps you sleep at night.

Mr. Gill, you are a horrible person. And believe me, I have never hated someone in my life as much as I hate you!! And can say that this sport would be better without you in it but also feel that this world would be better without you in it. That is not a threat, that is my heartfelt feeling!!!

Do they teach English in Pennsylvania?
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by freddymo
Thx he raced well it was a horrendous field will try again 2/6
Freddy .... he can show up to the paddock on crutches and he's still as good as claimed next time. Hello Ness barn.

He went 22 2/5 - 46 1/5 - and was beaten by a head in 1:05.10 while 8 lengths clear of the rest in an 11 horse field.

Three races later ... going the same 5.5f distance - African King went 22 flat - 45 3/5 - and won a 38K alw race with Cohen in 1:04.60

African King is a pretty damn honest horse - now 9 career dirt starts with 7 wins and 2 seconds.

I'm sure Sheets guys would say that the 6 or 7 weeks rest your horse had between starts is the reason for the big top he'll get .. and he's sure to bounce next time if he runs back on short rest.

However, I think the most important thing to take out of it all is .... BET AGAINST AFRICAN KING NEXT TIME HE RUNS!
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Scav

105. Scavs Says:
January 27th, 2010 at 7:21 pm
It’s rather ridiculous having someone like Moss who has employs only the biggest cheats at each track say this stuff. Gimme a break. She was no different than Gill when she was trying to win 9000 races a year with claimers. She employed some of the best “move up” trainers in the game who obviously broke the rules to get an edge. She really has no credibility on this topic and embarasses herself with this letter.

THIS REALLY isn't me!
You should go all Gill on the fake Scav and threaten to sue him! (Unless he makes for even better Scavatars, in such case you can never have too many Scavs)
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Sightseek
You should go all Gill on the fake Scav and threaten to sue him! (Unless he makes for even better Scavatars, in such case you can never have too many Scavs)
It wasn't me trolling as Scavs ....

If it was .... I would have talked about ...

A Moss drop down begging to get claimed that pulled up lame in a race 5 days ago.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:12 PM
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Paulick's reply to Gill:

For the record, we’re not scared.

And we’re certainly not going to let the threat of a frivolous lawsuit intimidate us or prevent us from taking a closer look at Gill’s racing operation.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Rudeboyelvis
Do they teach English in Pennsylvania?

You mean our longtime Congressman Phil English?

Better known to the racing world as Tom from Pace Advantage.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:39 PM
chucklestheclown chucklestheclown is offline
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Glad Paulick still has balls.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:43 PM
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I'm going to sew your ass!
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