Read my Lips
"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
How's it looking???? http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-...ing-hit-taxes/ Not too good
We've Gone Delirious |
Write something on them.
Haha, you guys believed that? I'm gonna split my side laughing...
Democrats...lower taxes...hahahaha....please, stop.... |
We've Gone Delirious |
!! I erased it. Sometimes I just don't think. Last edited by clyde : 07-09-2010 at 09:37 AM. |
Hey.. a liar is a liar is a liar
We've Gone Delirious |
when a pols lips move, they're lying. no need to read them, or believe them! |
since according to you all pols are the same you'll be voting for Republicans every election no wait that is what people say when they vote dem (thinking they get to keep their soul) I know I know you voted for Ralph Nader [I tease]
i don't think there were higher expectations with bush. and no, i don't vote any party line.
but i do think anyone who actually believes what a politician says is deluding themself. pols say anything and everything they can think of to get elected. that is their #1 priority. it's why none of them like to give a straight answer, they don't want to have to explain later why they said one thing, and did another. |
We've Gone Delirious |
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs! |
We've been dupa'd
I was so looking forward to a free organ transplant too!
We've Gone Delirious |
I think we better keep our organs in fine-tuned condition or we're up sh*ts creek. (further up than we already are)
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs! |