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Old 08-03-2010, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by SuffolkGirl View Post
Will her papers include that she cannot race again?
I'd like to know the answer to that question, too.

I'm glad to know that everyone is concerned that she goes to a good post-track home. I wish I could take her.
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Old 08-03-2010, 10:01 AM
Scav Scav is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
I'd like to know the answer to that question, too.

I'm glad to know that everyone is concerned that she goes to a good post-track home. I wish I could take her.
When we retired our three racehorses, we had to relinquish ownership of the horse to the retirement farm. The program up here is very similiar to the one in PA.

There are strict guidlines that adaptees HAVE to follow or they get the horse taken away. at the ILEHC, the adaptee has to submit a vet report of the horse every three months, pictures of the horse every other month and background checks of the person and immediate family. There is also an interview and they have to agree to a bunch of things before even approved.

The people that usually run these adaption farms are very good people, and they are super aggressive in their tone and how they carry themselves. They take great pride in doing what they do and get little back. That being said, to a normal person, they come off a touch weird.
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Old 08-03-2010, 10:01 AM
Many Others Many Others is offline
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wow what a bittersweet moment - kind of shocked but at the same time totally agree with and understand the decision. Right now, all can think of to say is thank you Team Simon, it's been quite a ride with the KNS, hope we can keep track of her somehow... best to all and good luck to DeeTee Stable with our future efforts...
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Old 08-03-2010, 10:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Scav View Post
When we retired our three racehorses, we had to relinquish ownership of the horse to the retirement farm. The program up here is very similiar to the one in PA.

There are strict guidlines that adaptees HAVE to follow or they get the horse taken away. at the ILEHC, the adaptee has to submit a vet report of the horse every three months, pictures of the horse every other month and background checks of the person and immediate family. There is also an interview and they have to agree to a bunch of things before even approved.

The people that usually run these adaption farms are very good people, and they are super aggressive in their tone and how they carry themselves. They take great pride in doing what they do and get little back. That being said, to a normal person, they come off a touch weird.
Tom, do you know if they have a "right of first refusal' clause, or something like that? if the adopting family cannot or will not keep her any longer can she go back to the PA adoption group? I would like to keep track of her, if possible and if the timing works out, perhaps bring her to my barn and keep her as a hunter/pleasure mount, perhaps jumper if she showed any ability.
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Old 08-03-2010, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by SuffolkGirl View Post
Tom, do you know if they have a "right of first refusal' clause, or something like that? if the adopting family cannot or will not keep her any longer can she go back to the PA adoption group? I would like to keep track of her, if possible and if the timing works out, perhaps bring her to my barn and keep her as a hunter/pleasure mount, perhaps jumper if she showed any ability.
I don't know specific to the Philly program, but I know that their program is now the model on how to do it, as IL just instituted the same like program, just financed it differently.

The great thing about this program is that it essentially funds itsself. A losing horse at Philly get $150 if finish 6th on, jock mount fee is the same across the board of $100, and $10 is AUTOMATICALLY deducted to go to the retirement program. Every starter essentially donates $10 of money that they haven't even touched. It is all handled by the horseman's bookkeeper. It essentially means that about 4-5k every racing week is donated to the program, thats alot of feed and care for retired horses.

As Chuck said, they have a waiting list a mile long of people that want to adapt A SOUND horse. The issue really comes when you are asking someone to adapt a cripple.

I do not know anyone at the PA program, but I am guessing someone can talk to the PA people and find out where she is going and maybe a specific person can be an 'point' person on her, instead of having a bunch of people asking the same questions.
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Old 08-03-2010, 10:56 AM
Many Others Many Others is offline
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that's why am glad she's going now instead of prolonging the inevitable - while KNS was never a beauty queen as michelle's recent photos attest she's never looked better, honestly don't think had ever seen a picture of her with head down actually grazing..

maybe they'll give her a goat (non-human)- maybe chuck can insert her nickname JAZZY on the application instead of mentioning anything about kicking and screaming lol.. aww it's still a sad day but am happy for her...

Originally Posted by Scav View Post
As Chuck said, they have a waiting list a mile long of people that want to adapt A SOUND horse. The issue really comes when you are asking someone to adapt a cripple...
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Old 08-03-2010, 11:49 AM
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Unhappy Thanks KNS.......for all the memories and good times!

"Change can be good, but constant change shows no direction"
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Old 08-03-2010, 12:47 PM
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Definitely a bittersweet moment, however, I am very happy that KNS can go into retirement sound. I appreciate those that have made this partnership possible. KNS gave us everything she had on the racetrack and I am very happy that she can go into retirement a sound horse and hopefully live out her days happily.
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Old 08-03-2010, 03:42 PM
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Old 08-03-2010, 03:44 PM
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Old 08-03-2010, 06:21 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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as the before photo shows, we weren't the only ones to benefit from chuck claiming kicken. i'm not set up yet to take a horse, i'm currently without a fence. but i'd like to change that, and either take on a dee tee horse when they're thru, or another retired racehorse.
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Old 08-04-2010, 08:02 AM
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Default KNS

This was a great ride for all envolved and it's nothing but good news to hear she has a solid retirement home. My personal thanks to Steve and the Simon racing crew for all the hard work and special care with her.

Do it big, do it right and do it with style!
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Old 08-04-2010, 04:02 PM
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Other than when Scuds suggested that one of the horses be named "White Board" because he said that only an all-white board could come up with names as boring as those being proposed on one of the naming threads................KNS's big come-from-behind win at AP was my favorite moment of following DeeTee stables.

She was fun to watch, and I hope she enjoys retirement.
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Old 08-04-2010, 06:47 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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A Bob Hope would say "Thanks for the Memories" KNS. Enjoy your retirement life you have earned it.
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Old 08-07-2010, 08:41 AM
Barbara L. Barbara L. is offline
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Default Your filly's retirement

I really enjoyed reading everyone's posts about Kickin and Screamin. As administrator for Turning For Home, Philadelphia Park's retirement program, I just wanted to assure everyone that 1) we do take the foal papers (Jockey Club certificate) and return them to the Jockey Club so that none of them can ever end up racing. The JC takes each horse's name out of the registry when the papers are submitted with a Sold Without Pedigree Form, which has already been signed by Chuck Simon's assistant and given to me with KNS's Intake Form.

She will not be retired as a broodmare, but hopefully as someone's pleasure or show horse. We do have all of our retirees evaluated by a veterinarian before they leave the track, so that we can supply every bit of medical info we have to potential adopters. The availability of this info to adopters is very helpful in insuring that each horse can stand up to his or her new career, and hopefully it affords them a "forever" home.

Adopters are screened very carefully, references are checked, and follow-ups performed. An adopter can return one of our horses at any time if the horse does not work out. We only work with groups who comply with these requirements. There is a No Auction/Right of First Refusal Contract that must be signed once an adoption is final--more protection for our "kids!"

I photograph every retiree, collect the vet info, and schedule shipping. While I personally do not do many of the adoptions (we work with South Jersey Thoroughbred Adoption and New England Thoroughbred Retirement Center), I feel like each of the 425 Philadelphia Park horses that we have taken into our program has touched me in some way-- it is hard not to be affected when I meet them all, some with severe injuries and still sharp and alert, others who don't want any part of racing but have become amazing show or kids' horses, and unfortunately, those that have just been raced hard, and have given their all, and do not have anything left.

I have adopted one "pasture pal" kind of gelding myself, and want to assure you all that these animals are never just numbers to us, but the heart and soul of our sport.

I found it heartwarming to read all of your posts about this filly who has demonstrated so much heart. I feel like I know her already, and the photos of her on the turf, with her rider, etc., are beautiful.

Hope I get to meet some of you one day, and pleas feel free to contact me if you ever have questions. We have a website at, and just click on Turning For Home!


Barbara Luna
Turning For Home, Inc.
Sponsored by the PTHA
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Old 08-07-2010, 09:36 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Thanks, Barbara, for posting. I am glad there are places like yours to help these wonderful horses when their first career ends.

now i'm really glad you posted. followed some links, and found iGive. didn't know this was out there, but now i do. everyone, check it out. i'm sure most of us make purchases online-if spending means a donation, i'm all for it!
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Old 08-07-2010, 12:37 PM
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Barbara thanks for your note and all your hard work on behalf of retired horses. most all Thank you for looking out for our KNS.
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Old 08-07-2010, 01:12 PM
Benny Leger Benny Leger is offline
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Our most dependable runner evah!!! I wish I could have said goodbye in person...So Long Jazzy Girl !!!
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Old 08-08-2010, 03:34 PM
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I just read the news and I must say, although I am almost crying, I can't stop smiling.
Kickin was the first and only horse I have ever "owned" and I feel very lucky that she is the one I ended up with. She had spirit, she tried hard every time, and she got me in the winner's circle at my home track! For the money we spent, you can't ask for any more than that!

I also want to say thanks to Chuck for keeping her happy and sound, and placing her in the right spots. I know her welfare always came first and I can't tell you how glad I am that you made this decision even when you didn't have to. When I read about these horses being run to the death or dropped down in class only to break down, it only means that much more to know she is permanently safe.

Barbara - thanks for your program and for accepting Kickin. I wish you guys all the best!

Most of all, thank you Kickin for everything. We will miss you, but you are going to be so happy! yay!
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Old 08-09-2010, 11:19 AM
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Glad KNS is getting a good home.

I would take her myself, but I am saving the space in my barn for Rampillion if it is OK with the rest of the DeeTee'ers. I only saw KNS once in Arlington and was not part of that package. I bought in with Rampillion and Aldeb. package for my Dad's 80th BD.

Rapillion had the month of rest and she won again on July 25. I have been in touch with the owner and he is a very nice gentleman and really likes horses so he was glad to know she would have a new home when he stopped racing her.

Thanks to Barb Luna for the good work with all the PA Park horses and helping us take care of KNS. I got my Re-run horse Silver Over Finish through Barb when she was with NJ ReRun. She is the best!!!!
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