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Old 08-09-2010, 05:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
You just can't stand it when anybody else is right about pace except you.

If you've ever read what I've said about QR, I'm actually not a big fan, so the joke's on you.
Really? But since I've been just about his biggest detractor on this board, don't I get any credit? Notice how I picked out all the people who disagreed with me and let them know it. Notice how many posted about me being correct.

I don't think that too many agreed with your 'slow pace' theory before the race. But, that's the way it played out and we'll give you credit for it. At least you felt the need to come back and take the credit. However, as was pointed out above, the winner came into Big Drama at the start causing him to veer inward and bump the horse to his inside, which caused a bit of a chain reaction with the other inside horses. The end result being that BD didn't come out as clean/fast as he'd have otherwise. So, we'll never know what really happens if BD gets a clean break. Maybe the pace isn't that slow. Maybe the race shakes out differently then.

This is like having to repeatedly hear about Vail of York in the BC. Arguably the most perfect trip in the history of the BC and we still hear about it.

Of course, racing luck plays a huge part in the results and any notion of 'correct' depends on it to some extent.
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Old 08-09-2010, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by the_fat_man View Post
Really? But since I've been just about his biggest detractor on this board, don't I get any credit? Notice how I picked out all the people who disagreed with me and let them know it. Notice how many posted about me being correct.

I don't think that too many agreed with your 'slow pace' theory before the race. But, that's the way it played out and we'll give you credit for it. At least you felt the need to come back and take the credit. However, as was pointed out above, the winner came into Big Drama at the start causing him to veer inward and bump the horse to his inside, which caused a bit of a chain reaction with the other inside horses. The end result being that BD didn't come out as clean/fast as he'd have otherwise. So, we'll never know what really happens if BD gets a clean break. Maybe the pace isn't that slow. Maybe the race shakes out differently then.

This is like having to repeatedly hear about Vail of York in the BC. Arguably the most perfect trip in the history of the BC and we still hear about it.

Of course, racing luck plays a huge part in the results and any notion of 'correct' depends on it to some extent.
If Coa wanted the lead, he could've had it. He didn't want it. Even if Big Drama broke a length slow, the horse is still plenty capable of running a faster first quarter than Majesticperfection did.

As for 'taking credit,' it's kinda hard to resist after watching you, yet again, complain about the jockeys whenever you're wrong about something.
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by tiggerv View Post
MP got away with 22.8 45.6

The 2yo Filly in the 4th went 21.8 45.9
Faulty comparison. Two different distances that always favors the former for faster clockings.
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:19 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
If Coa wanted the lead, he could've had it. He didn't want it. Even if Big Drama broke a length slow, the horse is still plenty capable of running a faster first quarter than Majesticperfection did.

As for 'taking credit,' it's kinda hard to resist after watching you, yet again, complain about the jockeys whenever you're wrong about something.
I 'complained' because the early fractions of a relatively major stake race were the SLOWEST of 4 other sprints that day -- 2 of which were 2 year old maiden races, one at 6.5F. I 'complained' because of all of the hype concerning the FASTEST horse in the country sprinting, and then we get that early pace. I then also took the time to take a look at the replay and gain some 'understanding' as to WHY Coa didn't go early. Clearly, there's a distinction between INTENTIONALLY not going early in a knowingly SLOW pace, which is, apparently, your contention, and, not going early because you were compromised at the start and doing so would mean rushing more than you want to.

I blame jocks a lot. So do others. So, in fact, do you. (I won't bother to provide the evidence.) I do, however, acknowledge when there were circumstances that compromised a jock's ride and impacted upon the shape of the race. I have to because my plays depend on objectively interpreting information.

You on the other hand are 'right' irrespective of the events. Doesn't have anything to do about luck.
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by the_fat_man View Post
I blame jocks a lot. So do others. So, in fact, do you. (I won't bother to provide the evidence.) I do, however, acknowledge when there were circumstances that compromised a jock's ride and impacted upon the shape of the race. I have to because my plays depend on objectively interpreting information.
That's why it took a post from tiggerv to get you to re-watch the race and revise your monotonous "That jock is a FAG, he BLEW the race for everyone and took it up the ASS" rhetoric. Yeah, you're real thorough. And of course, when Mambo Meister runs like ass, it's not your fault. It's always someone else's doing when you lose.
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:38 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
That's why it took a post from tiggerv to get you to re-watch the race and revise your monotonous "That jock is a FAG, he BLEW the race for everyone and took it up the ASS" rhetoric. Yeah, you're real thorough. And of course, when Mambo Meister runs like ass, it's not your fault. It's always someone else's doing when you lose.
So, there'd never be a point in time, before any of these came back, where I'd watch the replay? Is that what you're standing on? Or, maybe, after I do my charts for the week tommorow, I won't take a look at some of these races?

Mambo Meister ran 'like an ass' because he was too close early. Slow pace or otherwise, even you would agree that he was supposed to be where Brisbon was early, and not with Big Drama. Make sense? Maybe he wasn't good enough to beat the field but, at 21:1, he was worth a win bet to me. I only win between 10-15% of the races I bet anyway, and I bet my usual UNIT on him, so it wasn't like I was stepping out. It's another bet for me. Just the way taking 8:1 on the Blame QR exacta was 'worth' it and just another bet. There's no single bet that makes my year, monetarily or otherwise. I grind it out.

Now, I really should look up a few of your post where you bash jocks; but I won't because you're just venting. We all know that jocks blow a ton of rides. It's part of the game.

P.S. Some whose opinion I respect very much was on record that Rail Trip was 'vulnerable' in the GC. Obviously, the result proved him 'correct' but was he 'right'? Moreover, was he 'right' in pointing out that he was 'right' after the fact?
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Old 08-09-2010, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by the_fat_man View Post
So, there'd never be a point in time, before any of these came back, where I'd watch the replay? Is that what you're standing on? Or, maybe, after I do my charts for the week tommorow, I won't take a look at some of these races?

Mambo Meister ran 'like an ass' because he was too close early. Slow pace or otherwise, even you would agree that he was supposed to be where Brisbon was early, and not with Big Drama. Make sense? Maybe he wasn't good enough to beat the field but, at 21:1, he was worth a win bet to me. I only win between 10-15% of the races I bet anyway, and I bet my usual UNIT on him, so it wasn't like I was stepping out. It's another bet for me. Just the way taking 8:1 on the Blame QR exacta was 'worth' it and just another bet. There's no single bet that makes my year, monetarily or otherwise. I grind it out.

Now, I really should look up a few of your post where you bash jocks; but I won't because you're just venting. We all know that jocks blow a ton of rides. It's part of the game.

P.S. Some whose opinion I respect very much was on record that Rail Trip was 'vulnerable' in the GC. Obviously, the result proved him 'correct' but was he 'right'? Moreover, was he 'right' in pointing out that he was 'right' after the fact?
Venting? What would I have to vent about? Everything you said about the race in question beforehand was wrong. And sure, I bash jocks once in a while too, but you do it just about every single time you're wrong about something. It's no wonder you're a big Zenyatta fan, your excuse-making ability is unparalleled. But hey, at least your excuses make sense sometimes, unless those of Shirreffs.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by cmorioles View Post
Faulty comparison. Two different distances that always favors the former for faster clockings.
Forgive me for neglecting the 40 feet runup difference. 3/10th second for FR1?

21.8/45.9 vs 22.5/45.45 better?
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
Venting? What would I have to vent about? Everything you said about the race in question beforehand was wrong. And sure, I bash jocks once in a while too, but you do it just about every single time you're wrong about something. It's no wonder you're a big Zenyatta fan, your excuse-making ability is unparalleled. But hey, at least your excuses make sense sometimes, unless those of Shirreffs.
Now we finally get to the crux of the matter: I'm a Z supporter; and a QR basher, and a POLY supporter; and I don't use BEYERS.

You know, I made some decent money with the CD/Blame double and the Blame/QR exacta. See, my opinion concerning QR 'paid' off. You and the other Z bashers, on the other hand, are 'sore' because you just can't make a score against her.

Now, let's see; as a Z supporter this year I've had the pleasure of:

1) watching her caddy beat your FAST Horse of the Year
2) watching your FAST HOTY not make the AB
3) watching your FASTEST horse in training fall on his face in the Whitney

Here's what I suggest. Rather than 'whining' about Z, bet against her in the Classic and make some money.

I think we're done here, Joey.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by the_fat_man View Post
Now we finally get to the crux of the matter: I'm a Z supporter; and a QR basher, and a POLY supporter; and I don't use BEYERS.

You know, I made some decent money with the CD/Blame double and the Blame/QR exacta. See, my opinion concerning QR 'paid' off. You and the other Z bashers, on the other hand, are 'sore' because you just can't make a score against her.

Now, let's see; as a Z supporter this year I've had the pleasure of:

1) watching her caddy beat your FAST Horse of the Year
2) watching your FAST HOTY not make the AB
3) watching your FASTEST horse in training fall on his face in the Whitney

Here's what I suggest. Rather than 'whining' about Z, bet against her in the Classic and make some money.

I think we're done here, Joey.
Yeah, you nailed it. It wasn't just an offhand remark about two people who make excuses about everything. It was totally about Zenyatta, even though there are already a million different threads to discuss her in. Seems to me like you were waiting for a reason to redirect the discussion from your piss poor opinion of the Vanderbilt and your universal condemnation of the jockeys in any race that costs you money. Oh, and brag about hitting an $18 exacta.
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
Yeah, you nailed it. It wasn't just an offhand remark about two people who make excuses about everything. It was totally about Zenyatta, even though there are already a million different threads to discuss her in. Seems to me like you were waiting for a reason to redirect the discussion from your piss poor opinion of the Vanderbilt and your universal condemnation of the jockeys in any race that costs you money. Oh, and brag about hitting an $18 exacta.
Just following you:

Originally Posted by ateamstupid View Post
Venting? What would I have to vent about? Everything you said about the race in question beforehand was wrong. And sure, I bash jocks once in a while too, but you do it just about every single time you're wrong about something. It's no wonder you're a big Zenyatta fan, your excuse-making ability is unparalleled. But hey, at least your excuses make sense sometimes, unless those of Shirreffs.

But I thought this was about you hitting that $14 exacta? You did bet that exacta, didn't you? You know me, I look for any chance to redboard.

And you're left 'ranting' about me 'bashing' jocks.

ha ha ha

Seriously, can we finish now?
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Old 08-09-2010, 07:50 PM
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You're a lost cause. It'd be easier to stay on topic arguing with a schnauser.
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