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View Poll Results: If you had to use one word to describe Obama, it would be...
Great - One of our best presidents ever. 2 4.00%
Good - better than average, definitely better than the last guy. 17 34.00%
Average - His performance is about the same as most presidents. 4 8.00%
Worthless - His policies are ineffective in combatting the troubles of our times. 14 28.00%
Dangerous - He is vigorously trying to reduce the freedoms we have, and "restructure" our country. 11 22.00%
Something other than listed. 2 4.00%
Voters: 50. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-02-2010, 04:00 PM
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Default One word description

A poll on how you guys feel about Obama and the "Change" agenda
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Old 09-02-2010, 04:31 PM
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Dangerous - never smile at a crocodile.
I l Cigar, Medaglia d'Oro, Big Brown, Curlin, Rachel Alexandra, Silver Charm, First Samurai, Sumwonlovesyou, Lloydobler, Ausable Chasm, AND Prince Will I Am

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Old 09-02-2010, 04:39 PM
Antitrust32 Antitrust32 is offline
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Nerdy Trail is Dangerous, not President Obama.

He's just worthless.. which makes him average.

He's basically G.W the 2nd
Originally Posted by Riot View Post
Can I start just making stuff up out of thin air, too?
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Old 09-02-2010, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Antitrust32 View Post
Nerdy Trail is Dangerous, not President Obama.

He's just worthless.. which makes him average.

He's basically G.W the 2nd
Oh, I think he's gonna do alot more damage than G.W.!
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Old 09-02-2010, 11:35 PM
santana santana is offline
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Good guy, who is certainly trying to clean up the total mess left for him.
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Old 09-03-2010, 06:59 AM
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Friday @ 8:00 am: Looks like the "Great/Good" and "Worthless/Dangerous" totals are about an even split.
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Old 09-03-2010, 07:08 AM
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Incredibly disappointing. How could anyone say otherwise.
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Old 09-03-2010, 05:04 PM
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Old 09-04-2010, 12:22 AM
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Got some form of a National Healthcare plan across the goal line. Nobody else got it done. If they expect citizens to be ready agree to go to war (to protect the country,) then, they can give them some basic healthcare. His failures pale in comparison. There's no way anyone could have done anything to get the economy going. Not after the ponzi scheme was exposed, and people realized their house isn't worth what they thought it was worth. He's (no doubt) a backstabber though. A month and a half after Gays supported him, he announced Pastor Rick (compared gays to pedophiles) was gunna be part of the inauguration. That was his weakest group of supporters, and so he threw them under the truck. Then, he threw his next weakest group of supporters under the truck (Armenian Americans.) He gain any friends for doing it? Turkey? Nope...Gay Haters? Nope. He thinks he'll make a couple % points with the Independents, but he'll lose as many % points with his base. Backstabbers eventually get their punishment. Fk over the meek, and your maker will be waiting for ya.

One word description: "Better" - It's not like the bar was high.

Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 09-04-2010 at 12:36 AM.
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Old 09-04-2010, 01:32 PM
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He was born in Canada and raised in Kentucky.
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Old 09-18-2010, 03:39 PM
chucklestheclown chucklestheclown is offline
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Originally Posted by clyde View Post
He was born in Canada and raised in Kentucky.
That explains everything.
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Old 09-19-2010, 06:24 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Definitely dangerous. Other than healthcare getting passed in which the majority of the American public didn't want what else has he accomplished? Our ecomony and unemployment still sucks. Yet he keeps on blaming the Republicans for this nation's problems.
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Old 09-19-2010, 07:13 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
Definitely dangerous. Other than healthcare getting passed in which the majority of the American public didn't want what else has he accomplished? Our ecomony and unemployment still sucks. Yet he keeps on blaming the Republicans for this nation's problems.
well, if he hasn't done anything, what exactly is making him so dangerous? and the economy has been down for several years-generally it takes about as long to fix a problem as it does to create it. then there's the fact that the president really hasn't got much effect on the economy anyway. it's far too large for one person to personally help or hurt. as for the blame game, both sides engage in it, so i'm not sure why you're so focused on that. or why it bothers you. or why you feel republican pols deserve defending, they're just as bad as the democrats for the most part. or as good, depending on your point of view i suppose.
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Old 09-19-2010, 10:16 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
well, if he hasn't done anything, what exactly is making him so dangerous? and the economy has been down for several years-generally it takes about as long to fix a problem as it does to create it. then there's the fact that the president really hasn't got much effect on the economy anyway. it's far too large for one person to personally help or hurt. as for the blame game, both sides engage in it, so i'm not sure why you're so focused on that. or why it bothers you. or why you feel republican pols deserve defending, they're just as bad as the democrats for the most part. or as good, depending on your point of view i suppose.
You are very corect about the blame game. It's my opinion that the current President is using the blame game a little more than his predecessors did. As far as the economy goes, yes it will be a long road for recovery but there doesn't seem to be any idications that the economy is on the road to recovery.
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Old 09-19-2010, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Nascar1966 View Post
You are very corect about the blame game. It's my opinion that the current President is using the blame game a little more than his predecessors did. As far as the economy goes, yes it will be a long road for recovery but there doesn't seem to be any idications that the economy is on the road to recovery.
he's not using it any more than any of his predecessors. it's your bias telling you that, not any facts. same with the economy; there are encouraging signs. apparently you just choose to completely ignore them because of who's in charge. we have a ways to go, but there are some bright spots. considering how things are worldwide, as well as nationally, it's a wonder our economy isn't worse than it is.

i believe it was jon stewart who said people are bitching because obama hasn't fixed in two years what it took eight years to screw up. although that might not encompass the entire story, it's a good point. bush did screw us up quite a bit. much of what we're dealing with now is because of some poor decision making on his part, his admins part, and congresses part. add in the housing mess, banking, the terror attacks, etc, it's a wonder we're not in a lot worse shape.
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Old 09-20-2010, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by SCUDSBROTHER View Post
Got some form of a National Healthcare plan across the goal line.
That's exactly why he's so dangerous. Obamacare sucks, and in a few years everyone (who's left alive) will know it sucks.

Liberalism: Ideas so great that they have to be mandatory.
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:09 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by Princess Doreen View Post
Dangerous - never smile at a crocodile.
Also never smile at a snake.
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Old 09-20-2010, 09:12 AM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Originally Posted by joeydb View Post
That's exactly why he's so dangerous. Obamacare sucks, and in a few years everyone (who's left alive) will know it sucks.

Liberalism: Ideas so great that they have to be mandatory.
Glad I don't have to deal with Obamacare. It sucks that many others will have to deal with it.
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