NYRA defends raises
600k over a ton of people. The guy NYCOTB hired was 125k a month for 1 guy. And this Pretlow dude is another rocket scientist!
“In light of their statement because of the demise of New York City OTB claiming that they’re going to experience a cash shortage, I think it’s imprudent on their part to authorize increases for individuals at a time when fiscal restraint should be the norm now,” said Assemblyman Gary Pretlow, chairman of the Assembly racing committee. Pretlow noted the raise was given the day after 1,000 people lost their jobs at NYCOTB. “I think it is more or less a stick in the eye to people at DC 37,” Pretlow said of the union representing NYCOTB workers, “who are losing their jobs, that NYRA, whose payroll has been known to be bloated already, is now looking to increase their payroll expenditures.” Read more: http://www.bloodhorse.com/horse-raci...#ixzz17uJO7ZtO |
Pretlow acts like NYRA owes NYCOTB money, not the other way.
Yeah, NYRA should be heartbroken for the DC 37 employees at NYCOTB.
What is NYRA supposed to do ? Hire some do nothing employees like NYCOTB ?
Tom Cooley photo |
NYRA hasn't had a raise since 2008, this doesn't even cover the COLA they lost. Not that much cash spread out over 200 employees.