02-16-2011, 03:22 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,626
Originally Posted by Danzig
we should never have gone into iraq. never, ever, ever in a million years. we'd be thru in afganistan by now had we not taken men and money away from afganistan. then again, i don't know that we should have gone into that pissant country either. look at every other country that has invaded afganistan and where it got them. no-freaking-where. think back to gulf '91 and the aftermath. we had never stood higher in many peoples' estimation. now, fast forward over the years....we got attack on 9-11-look at the worlds reaction. for the most part, shock, horror and a lot of support. what did we do? think about all that. what should we have done? not what ended up happening, that's for damn sure. universal good will evaporated with our push to invade iraq. iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. nothing.
a war should be justified, your cause should be right, and you have to be able to win the thing. can we win in afganistan? i don't know that we can.
like sherman said, "War is cruelty. There's no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over." but we want to fight a ''civilized' war, which is why that joker is dragging on and on...and on.
bush was a fool. his push to war in iraq was the cruellest act of his presidency. i wish like hell we could go back to those dark days and redo all that. what a mess he's gotten us into. the deficit is what it is due to those two misbegotten wars. and for what? where has it gotten us? what has been gained? nothing. there were other ways to attack terrorism. what a bill of goods we were sold.
three things are needed to fight a war.
money, money, and yet more money.
My bet is that we are in the wrong country to try and find Bin Laden.