Mike Repole says....
"I think Uncle Mo would beat Frankel at a mile on dirt." That elicited quite a response from the European reporters at Churchill Downs.
If Frankel ran in the Kelso he would have been up the track.
In a match-up between Repole and Euro horse racing media ... I would take this guy and the points... Someone should tell the Euro's that Frankel would have most likely failed in last years Dirt Mile against dog-biscuit Dakota Phone. But hey, he might not ever lose a turf mile against our grass bums. |
Uncle Mo would be about 100 times more likely to beat Frankel going on turf than Frankel would be to beat Mo on dirt.
I think it's funny and hey at least he's excited and adds a much-needed dimension to the game. Good for him. Good luck to his kids (but especially Stay Thirsty). |