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Old 11-03-2011, 10:34 PM
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Steve Byk
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Default 11/4 (Friday): Churchill Downs -- 28th Breeders' Cup

It's been a breakneck two weeks in Louisville, and it's time for the annual Breeders' Cup pep talk. Whether wildly successful or not, your ability as a horseplayer won't be forever defined over these next 48 hours. We have unique opportunities in the Cup with a chance to be rewarded for creative thinking and audacious risk-taking. Some will come away delighted and some maddeningly frustrated, but all should approach these races as the curious annual puzzles they've become. No matter how well you 'handicap' the races, fields this deep and mysterious will produce several nearly unforeseeable results. Remember that you could be 0 for 14 going into Saturday's finale and get it all back and more in the 2 minutes and 2 seconds it takes to run Saturday's Classic...

It's not uncommon to look at a card like Day 1 of the Cup and sense it is going to be highly formful as Andy Beyer suggested on ATR Thursday. And with possible winners like Secret Circle, Somali Lemonade and Turbulent Descent in the day's first early and My Miss Aurelia, Stacelita and the Distaff soph trio deserving chalk in the P6 second half, it's highly plausible. But as discussed since the draw, one well positioned upset will drive multi-race returns into the upper reaches while your interesting 30-1 shot running second or third will trip monster in-race exotics.

Spend as freely as you can afford, get a little lucky, and here's hoping that everyone gets something that fills their account and makes them proud. It's again been a pleasure trying to bring the flavor of the Cup to everyone listening, and I hope there was something offered that you can convert into winning tickets. Thanks to Churchill and everyone who contributed so generously to ATR over the last two weeks.. Best of luck this weekend!




1st: OC/N2X, 3+, 6f (P5, P3, DD, Super)

Best Value: #1 Privilaged 5-1 8th
Next Best: #8 Rothko 5-2 WON ($5.00)
Exotics Use: #6 De Price 6-1 5th
Super Add: #2 Goodtimehadbyall 8-1 3rd

2nd: ALW/N1X, 3+, 1m (P3, DD, Super)

Best Value: #6 Chilled 6-1 WON-via DQ ($7.00)
Next Best: #9 Katz My Song 7-2 3rd
Exotics Use: #2 Gentle Tap 5-1 4th
Super Add: #1 Post Ranch 5-1 5th

3rd: 19th Ack Ack H. (G3), 3+, 8.5f (P4, P3, DD, Super)

Well-matched set with challenging pace questions to answer..

Best Value: #5 Glenwood Canyon 6-1 3rd
Next Best: #3 Gladding 3-1 4th
Exotics Use: #1 Nacho Friend 5-1 7th
Super Add: #6 Demarcation 9-2 5th

4th: 2nd Jimmy V., 3yo, 6f (P3, DD, Super)

There's a preponderance of speed here, so inclined to look to some of the pressers and closers..

Best Value: #5 Southern Dude 6-1 7th
Next Best: #3 Matthewsburg 8-1 5th
Exotics Use: #1 Will's Wildcat 12-1 WON ($13.20)
Super Add: #6 Free Entry 15-1 6th

5th: 1st BC Juvenile Sprint, 2yo, 6f (P6, P3, DD, Super)

Inaugural running of this race is being given over to sharp Jack Goodman winner Secret Circle in most quarters, but be advised that Seeker's Spa win -- sealed slop or not -- was as fast as what Baffert's Eddington colt has run..

Best Value: #1 Seeker 4-1 4th
Next Best: #6 Secret Circle 6-5 WON ($2.80)
Exotics Use: #5 Shumoos 15-1 2nd
Super Add: #3 Blacky the Bull 20-1 8th

<$75 P5 Play:

1: 1-6-8
2: 4/SCR-6-9
3: 1-3-5-6
4: 3-5
5: 1-6

3x3x4x2x2 = 144 x .50 = $72

6th: 4th BC Juvenile Fillies Turf (G2), 2yo-F, 1m-T (P3, DD, Super)

Came to Kentucky fully respectful of favorites #14 Somali Lemonade (3-1) and #10 Elusive Kate (2-1) as the clear class of the event, but poor draw for Matz miss and dubious fitness status of Gosden invader give pause to pecking order. There are many signed on here that can win, and the ones that drew best at attractive prices -- like #5 Stephanie's Kitten (12-1) -- are the obvious place to start. Be aggressive and inclusive as there is no insane proposals approaching what can be one of the weekend's big exotic opportunities..

Best Value: #5 Stephanie's Kitten 12-1 WON ($14.20)
Next Best: #14 Somali Lemonade 3-1 5th
Exotics Use: #8 Hard Not to Like 15-1 6th
Super Add: #11 Ann of the Dance 30-1 13th

7th: 4th BC Filly & Mare Sprint (G1), F&M-3+, 7f (P4, P3, DD, Super)

Turbulent Descent has been widely identified as one of the likeliest winners of the weekend and she is perfect at the specialty distance of seven eighths. Mike Puype told me within 30 minutes of her Test win that his first inclination was to train the Congrats bay up to the Breeders' Cup. He has done little wrong with her since the decision to stick to one-turns with her and though we all want to beat horses like her, she is imposing in this spot. Imposing, but not unbeatable..

Most Likely: #3 Turbulent Descent 6-5 5th
Best Value: #10 Tamarind Hall 20-1 10th
Next Best: #6 Switch 3-1 2nd
Exotics Use: #12 Pomeroys Pistol 6-1 4th

8th: 28th BC Juvenile Fillies (G1), 2yo-F, 8.5f (P3, DD, Super)

Would love to be clever here, and there are a couple of price horses that do have some merit, but fillies like Grace Hall and My Miss Aurelia enjoy figure and connection marks that provide an edge on the field. (Personally, I'm taking a stand against My Miss Aurelia within the race looking for a score, but plan on protecting with her in multis). Say a Novena's win at MTH two back puts her in range with a return to it, while Northern Passion and Putthebabies down make first dirt starts that could offer jump up efforts into exotics..

Most Likely: #5 Grace Hall 4-1 2nd
Best Value: #10 Northern Passion 12-1 7th
Exotics Use: #2 Candrea 6-1 11th
Super Add: #7 Putthebabiesdown 30-1 8th

9th: 13th BC Filly & Mare Turf (G1), F&M-3+, 11f-T (DD, Super)

Stacelita has been a standout among the domestic turf mares this season and while the eye infection and medication concerns hover, she has looked incredible preparing for this..

Most Likely: #2 Stacelita 2-1 9th
Best Value: #3 Harmonious 30-1 10th
Exotics Use: #8 Perfect Shirl 30-1 WON ($57.60)
Super Add: #9 Shared Account 30-1 7th

10th: 28th BC Distaff (G1), F&M-3+, 9f (Super, Super Hi-5)

The sophomore fillies have taken turns winning the big division races and now face off against some unspectacular but solid mares and one other older filly in Super Espresso. Royal Delta and It's Tricky feel like the 3yo's you want, though underlaid Plum Pretty is the sole contestant with a win -- or a start of any kind in fact -- over the strip. Pachattack has worked beautifully at Churchill prepping for the Friday feature, while Ultra Blend has never missed the board in her 5 dirt starts..

Most Likely: #6 Royal Delta 5-2 WON ($6.40)
Best Value: #3 It's Tricky 5-1 2nd
Exotics Use: #2 Pachattack 12-1 3rd
Super Add: #7 Ultra Blend 8-1 4th

$1 Exacta (6-3) Paid $16.00
$1 Trifecta (6-3-2) Paid $116.50
$1 Superfecta (6-3-2-7) Paid $588.60

<$100 Ultra P6 Play:

5: 1-6
6: 5-14
7: 3
8: 5-9
9: 2-3-8
10: 3-6

2x2x1x2x3x2 = 48 x $2 = $96

$2 Pick 6 (6/5/5/9/8/6,9) Paid $1,354.00 (5OF6)

<$75 P4 Play:

7: 3-6-10-12
8: 2-5-7-9-10-13
9: 2-3-8
10: 3-6

4x6x3x2 = 144 x .50 = $72

Good luck!
All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans

Last edited by Kasept : 11-04-2011 at 07:46 PM.
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:18 PM
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Good luck tomorrow Steve. I like your approach to the F&M turf- looks like Stacelita or a bomb to me (and I'm leaning towards the same three 30-1 shots.)
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:19 PM
ADJMK ADJMK is offline
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Steve a big thankyou for all your work this week .Great shows. Almost got me fired listening at work. Request for you to keep the volumn on the commercials down.
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Old 11-04-2011, 05:16 AM
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Thanks Steve & good luck. I live in Louisville and work near Churchill Downs -- would be great to meet you some day.
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Old 11-04-2011, 06:58 AM
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Thanks Steve for all your hard work. It has been an enjoyable 2 weeks. Best of racing luck.
If you are not going to lead get out of the way!
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Old 11-04-2011, 07:14 AM
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LOL...same here. Had to stop listening at work and listen to the replay at night. Taking notes and the big boss walked by....thought he was gonna ask me what I was doing for a second but he's still on a high from the Cardinals win so I skated by.

Outstanding week of shows Steve. Nick Luck and the Mig really stand out to me. "Home sick" today and really looking forward to the final prep show.

Good luck to all and have fun.
“Once there was only dark. If you ask me, light’s winning.”–Rust Cohle – True Detective
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:10 AM
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Track maintenance info:

Early scratches:
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:20 AM
Unstable Unstable is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigsmc View Post
Thanks, I was just going to look for this and... here it was!
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:27 AM
analyizethis analyizethis is offline
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Let me give it a whirl:

Race 5 Juvenile sprint
Most likely – Seeker/Secret Circle
Value – Blacky the Bull
Exotic add – Jake Mo

Race 6 Juvenile Filly Turf
Most Likely – Elusive Kate
Value – Hard Not To Like
Exotic add – Stephanie’s Kitten, Dayatthespa

Race 7 F & M Sprint
Most Likely – Turbulent Descent
Value – Tamarind Hall
Exotic add – Her Simile

Race 8 Juvenile Fillies
Most Likely – My Miss Aurelia, Northern Passion
Value – Putthebabiesdown
Exotic – Weemissfrankie

Race 9 F & M Turf
Most Likely – Stacelita
Value – Perfect Shirl
Exotic add - Shared Account

Race 10 Distaff
Most Likely – Royal Delta
Value –Miss Match
Exotic add – It’s Tricky

Pick 6 play < $200 1,6/2,5,8,11/3,10/9,10/1,8/6 2*4*2*2*2*1 = 64 * $2 =$128

Pick 4 play < $75 3,10,11/7,9,10/2,5,6,8,9/1,3,6 3*3*5*3 = 135 * $.5 = $67.50

Back for tomorrow.

Thanks and good luck.
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Old 11-04-2011, 11:12 AM
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Steve Byk
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All ambitions are lawful except those which climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind. ~ Joseph Conrad
A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right. ~ Thomas Paine
Don't let anyone tell you that your dreams can't come true. They are only afraid that theirs won't and yours will. ~ Robert Evans
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:11 PM
ADJMK ADJMK is offline
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winners coming down the middle of the track. Not the usual Borail we are used to seeing on drying out track
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:46 PM
ADJMK ADJMK is offline
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Originally Posted by ADJMK View Post
winners coming down the middle of the track. Not the usual Borail we are used to seeing on drying out track

Spoke too soon. Here comes the drying out rail bias. Note how Lep came up the inside as well following Borel
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:56 PM
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7th: Tar Heel Mom
8th: Miss Netta
9th: Misty For Me
10th:tri box- It's tricky/Plum Pretty/Super Expresso
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Old 11-04-2011, 04:41 PM
ADJMK ADJMK is offline
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Musical Romance - another winner up the rail
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Old 11-04-2011, 07:18 PM
lazytom lazytom is offline
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steve- sweet finish in the 10th- amazing how you find a way to win- i got a piece of that- thank you very much- keep rollin on- take care & thanks again
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Old 11-04-2011, 07:23 PM
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Steve, great info and insight for the last 2 weeks. Hope your Saturday mirrors your great plays today. recharge and attack the Satuday card.
Do it big, do it right and do it with style!
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Old 11-04-2011, 07:37 PM
ADJMK ADJMK is offline
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Way to go Steve. 5/6 today is a great job. Too bad your single got smacked around to put her off her game.
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Old 11-04-2011, 07:40 PM
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Congrats Steve,
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:17 PM
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Nice work today, Steve!

I would think it is of note for tomorrow's races that no horse won outside the 9 hole today.
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:53 PM
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Great job Mr Byk
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