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Old 12-03-2011, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
huntsman said on friday that he won't be there either. no word from mitt yet.
If Mitt is smart, he'll ignore this, and let it be the Newt, Bachmann and Santorum loser circus.
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Old 12-04-2011, 08:46 AM
Dahoss Dahoss is offline
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Originally Posted by dino View Post
They call you racist if you say anything about the worst president in my lifetime but they are in hiding when a real black man is floundering.
Boy do I wish you posted more. I'm a little confused though. What makes Cain a "real black man" and Obama not? Please be as specific as you can.

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Old 12-04-2011, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Dahoss View Post
Boy do I wish you posted more. I'm a little confused though. What makes Cain a "real black man" and Obama not? Please be as specific as you can.

Figure it out
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Dahoss View Post
Boy do I wish you posted more. I'm a little confused though. What makes Cain a "real black man" and Obama not? Please be as specific as you can.

It may be because Obama's mother was white, or it just may be a matter of Cain fitting into Dino's mold of what a black man should be. I don't know Dino so I'm not gonna accuse him of being racist the 60's, down south, we encountered this type of thinking...the white racists were fond of saying there were two types of black folks, one (they referred to as a "negro") knew their place and didn't stir up trouble (like being treated equally), the other (they called the "n" word) was a troublemaker who dared to demand equality and an end to Jim Crow. The bottom line being they were willing to tolerate the black man as long as he kept quiet and accepted their other words, you can be black as long as you live by our rules.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:06 AM
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Originally Posted by dino View Post
Figure it out
I'm clearly not as smart as you are, so I need help with this one. Come on, let it out.
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by dino View Post
Where all the black loving liberals when Cain was in trouble? They call you racist if you say anything about the worst president in my lifetime but they are in hiding when a real black man is floundering. Typical two faced BS by those phony scumbags.
I'm considered a big time racist because i acually hold minorities responsible for their actions but would have voted for Cain because I believed in his views. Wake up America and quit making excuses for that scumbag Obama just because he's black.

You weren't alive in 2000-2008?
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Old 12-04-2011, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
You weren't alive in 2000-2008?
I was alive 77-81. The good ole days of waiting in line for gas, almost 20% interest rates, Iran hostages. etc etc.

I'm proud to say the first Presidential ballot I ever cast was voting this clown out of office. Looking back he played a large part in my choice of party affiliation.
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Old 12-04-2011, 11:20 AM
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i'd have to say that we've had some damn bad 'leaders' lately. obama has continued many of bush's policies, and bush was pretty bad. then there's

i'd have to think that winning ww 2 is the high point of our recent history, just about everything since has been pretty bad, other than winning the cold war. but at what cost did we win that? we never kept a huge military til after ww2, and look at our deficit and debt since that time.
vietnam; a disgrace and huge mistake. invading iraq. ignoring afganistans history and invading it's dragged on longer than nam.
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Old 12-04-2011, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
I was alive 77-81. The good ole days of waiting in line for gas, almost 20% interest rates, Iran hostages. etc etc.

I'm proud to say the first Presidential ballot I ever cast was voting this clown out of office. Looking back he played a large part in my choice of party affiliation.

I remember those gas lines earlier than 77...Long lines at my local gas station and only 2 bucks of gas per person...but my pump operator always gave me 5 gal since i was a regular customer...always wondered what people thought we should do about the hostages...Invade Iran?...bomb them?...was one failed rescue attempt...400 plus days, none of the hostages was killed or died while in captivity...Never thought much of the peanut farmer from Ga but only Bush gets my vote for the worst....on many levels but primary was Iraq...
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Old 12-04-2011, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
I remember those gas lines earlier than 77...Long lines at my local gas station and only 2 bucks of gas per person...but my pump operator always gave me 5 gal since i was a regular customer...always wondered what people thought we should do about the hostages...Invade Iran?...bomb them?...was one failed rescue attempt...400 plus days, none of the hostages was killed or died while in captivity...Never thought much of the peanut farmer from Ga but only Bush gets my vote for the worst....on many levels but primary was Iraq...
Carter was not a bad president, certainly Bush would rank below him. Carter has been a wonderful former president, doing many good works. I agree that the hostage situation was unsolvable for Carter.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
invading iraq. ignoring afganistans history and invading it's dragged on longer than nam.
Main reasons i contend dumya bush was worst prez...
Afgan, ok to take out terrorists camps and route the Taliban, capture and kill bin laden and get out in one year tops...end of story...but no, dumya/darth cheney say Iraq is a threat to us...

Written by Pat Buchanan

"The U.S. arsenal had deterred Stalin and Mao Zedong, but apparently it could not deter such a monster as Saddam. A second 9/11 with nuclear, chemical or biological weapons was something we had to go to war to prevent.

So, with the indispensable support of a Democratic Senate including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Edwards, John Kerry and Harry Reid, we went to war against Iraq.

After eight years, what are the costs and what are the rewards?

Some 4,400 U.S. dead, 35,000 wounded, a trillion dollars sunk.

Economically, the U.S. share of world gross domestic product has shrunk dramatically in a decade, while China's share has soared.

We won World War II and the Cold War. We did not win the post-Cold War era now ending. Looking back on the decade since 9/11, one appreciates Edmund Burke's summary judgment of that generation of British leaders who lost the North American colonies."

"A great empire and little minds go ill together."

and Obama is blamed for not cleaning up dumya's 8 years of mess...
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Old 12-04-2011, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
Main reasons i contend dumya bush was worst prez...
Afgan, ok to take out terrorists camps and route the Taliban, capture and kill bin laden and get out in one year tops...end of story...but no, dumya/darth cheney say Iraq is a threat to us...

and Obama is blamed for not cleaning up dumya's 8 years of mess...
i don't blame obama for not cleaning up the mess. i blame obama for continuing on with much of what bush started. also, one guy can't make it all, and one guy can't fix it all. i have always, and will always hold congress responsible for the majority of our issues.
it'll take years to fix what has been done. just too big a mess to fix everything at once... foreign policy failures, domestic issues being ignored or kicked down the road. too much emphasis on defense, which sucks up so much of our hard-earned money. pols feathering their own nests at the expense of ours. look how many folks lost their retirement while so many sens and reps made money on the same issues that cost soon to be retirees.
social security figures to become a bigger drain, so our most recent president and our current one both advocate lower ss withholdings. awesome.
the number one issue should be what to do to fix jobs, to encourage creation. that will generate more income to state and federal. than work on the budget, what to attack first.
they also need to work on afganistan-it'll never get better, we need to take what we've gotten and haul ass. karzai wants to talk to the taliban, let him. but we need out first.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
Carter was not a bad president, certainly Bush would rank below him. Carter has been a wonderful former president, doing many good works. I agree that the hostage situation was unsolvable for Carter.

And he is still a sharp speaker...have seen him on some late nite shows past few years in interviews and does very well....and bush can't complete a sentence..
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Old 12-04-2011, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost View Post
Carter was not a bad president, certainly Bush would rank below him. Carter has been a wonderful former president, doing many good works. I agree that the hostage situation was unsolvable for Carter.
well, if you compare him to bush, he does ok. but i wouldn't say he wasn't a bad president.
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Old 12-04-2011, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i don't blame obama for not cleaning up the mess. i blame obama for continuing on with much of what bush started.
it'll take years to fix what has been done. it's a far bigger mess than just what bush did, or obama, or several others over the years-as well as our wonderful congressmen and women. they are all to blame.
foreign policy failures, domestic issues being ignored or kicked down the road. too much emphasis on defense, which sucks up so much of our hard-earned money. pols feathering their own nests at the expense of ours. look how many folks lost their retirement while so many sens and reps made money on the same issues that cost soon to be retirees.
social security figures to become a bigger drain, so our most recent president and our current one both advocate lower ss withholdings. awesome.

I agree with 99%....but the hard right wants to blame Obama for everything...and he hasn't even started a war....i know elections are coming up but they have been preaching that sermon from day one...
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Old 12-04-2011, 02:02 PM
mclem0822 mclem0822 is offline
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
I agree with 99%....but the hard right wants to blame Obama for everything...and he hasn't even started a war....i know elections are coming up but they have been preaching that sermon from day one...
Oh they're all about doing anything and everything to take this President down, i give you the embarrassment for Kentucky that is Mitch McConnell who said it's their number 1 priority!
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Old 12-04-2011, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
I agree with 99%....but the hard right wants to blame Obama for everything...and he hasn't even started a war....i know elections are coming up but they have been preaching that sermon from day one...
yeah, but no one really gives a rats ass about the far right except the far right.
and yeah, he hasn't started a war-but we're still in afganistan. it's his now.
i am also bothered by the govt always being in election mode-from the top down. and when i say govt, i don't mean just the president. i don't mean just the house, or the senate. it's all of them, in permanent election mode. they don't want decisions made, votes taken, news let out, until after the election...or pass something tough that will run just past the next one wants to take a stand because the two parties don't want to lose seats. we need people with some spine to say to hell with the democratic party, or the republican party, and take a stand and do the dirty work that needs to be done. else the dirty work will never get fixed, and the problems will just snowball.
obama said he was for change-i scoffed then, and for good reason. he can't change it-they even have him toeing the line. he said even if it costs me re-election, i'll do the tough stuff. or not. that's on him-but all the issues are on all of them.
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Old 12-04-2011, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by mclem0822 View Post
Oh they're all about doing anything and everything to take this President down, i give you the embarrassment for Kentucky that is Mitch McConnell who said it's their number 1 priority!
but you know what...if, and that's a big if, a republican gets the presidency, the democrats will have their turn at taking that one down-it'll be their #1 priority.
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Old 12-04-2011, 02:42 PM
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"our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over",6439/

"as part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind."

anyone who writes recently that carter is the worst president of their lifetime must have figured out a way to do it posthumously.
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Old 12-04-2011, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
but you know what...if, and that's a big if, a republican gets the presidency, the democrats will have their turn at taking that one down-it'll be their #1 priority.
Some would say that's politics. I think we can agree it's pretty dirty lol! Which is a shame!
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