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Old 02-14-2012, 01:03 PM
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dellinger63 dellinger63 is offline
Join Date: May 2006
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Default The Presidents’ 2013 Big Theft (Budget) Plan

Fortunately for America, none other than Harry Reed has pronounced the President’s proposed budget DOA, with others describing it as nothing more than a political paper.

The fact the $350 billion dollar Jobs Bill (actually union payoff), being regurgitated by the President, won’t get started much less done, finally represents some hope and change we were promised and all so badly came to yearn for.

Perhaps the transparency that was also pledged is coming to fruition with the realization and refutation of the President’s goose-step to the tax the rich and spend melody, spewed off key by his accompanying Progressive-Socialist Agnostic Choir.

Should the President suffer withdrawals from not spending, may I suggest sending the $350 billion directly back to the people who provided it in the first place, you know the taxpayers. Divided up evenly among all tax filers, that $350 billion becomes a $2,366 check, per filer!

Never again should this or any future President be allowed to steal from the taxpayers only to reward failing companies. Never again should taxpayer money be stolen to support a failing financial institution. Never again should there be such a thing as a Government Sponsored Entity pilfering through hundreds of billions more of taxpayer money.

The current administration just doesn’t get the fact a solid, promising business plan does not need to be monetarily supplemented in the private business world, only a poorly ill-conceived plan does. In fact such an animal is considered an investment tool/purchase for those private equity firms that have been touted as oh so successful. Government belongs in private business as much as private business belongs in governing. Zero, zilch, nada!

God Save Us from four more years of reckless, haphazard, kid in a candy store like spending this President is so singly focused on. You’d think after three years, adding six trillion to the debt he could at least look in the mirror and admit ‘spending to prevent bankruptcy’ probably wasn’t the greatest idea after all.

My hope is there will be a great awakening with the realization and acceptance of the fact that when $6 trillion is divided per tax filer the total comes to $40 thousand a piece and voters will finally put an end to politicians throwing away their money.
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