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Old 03-19-2012, 03:29 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Default France-same shooter

some soldiers were shot days ago, now a shooting at a jewish school has left three children and a teacher dead. it's the third shooting in ten days, all involving minorities as targets.
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Old 03-19-2012, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
some soldiers were shot days ago, now a shooting at a jewish school has left three children and a teacher dead. it's the third shooting in ten days, all involving minorities as targets.
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Old 03-19-2012, 04:06 PM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
His distant cousin Formula One.
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Old 03-19-2012, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
His distant cousin Formula One.
Formula UH
don't run out of ammo.
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Old 03-21-2012, 06:41 AM
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Call me shocked!

Islam strikes again.

"I have brought the Jewish and Muslim communities together to show that terrorism will not manage to break our nation's feeling of community," Sarkozy said after meeting community leaders. "We must stand together. We must not cede to discrimination or vengeance."
I'm not sure why Sarozy spoke to the Jewish community on this.

IMO Similar to bringing an abused wife together with her abuser in the hope of preserving the abusive marriage.

There is no room on this earth for radical Islamists and they need to be dealt with. Better now than later. A culture who considers honor killings to be valid and treating your wife as you would your dog may be beyond help.

In the name of women and children all over the world, please stop these maniacs.,7933232.story
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Old 03-21-2012, 07:16 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Call me shocked!

Islam strikes again.

I'm not sure why Sarozy spoke to the Jewish community on this.

IMO Similar to bringing an abused wife together with her abuser in the hope of preserving the abusive marriage.

There is no room on this earth for radical Islamists and they need to be dealt with. Better now than later. A culture who considers honor killings to be valid and treating your wife as you would your dog may be beyond help.

In the name of women and children all over the world, please stop these maniacs.,7933232.story

no qaeda struck again. and sarkozy probably brought together the jewish community since they're always a target, and they just had four killed yesterday by a terrorist-the same guy who shot some french soldiers of north african origin-you think he asked what religion they were before killing them? he was only concerned with the fact they were french soldiers, and the shooter was targetting them because he didn't like that france has a presence in the middle east.

the White House released its National Security Strategy. The document declared:

'The United States is waging a global campaign against al-Qa’ida and its terrorist affiliates. To disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qa’ida and its affiliates, we are pursuing a strategy that … denies al-Qa’ida safe haven, and builds positive partnerships with Muslim communities around the world. … We will always seek to delegitimize the use of terrorism and to isolate those who carry it out. Yet this is not a global war against a tactic—terrorism—or a religion—Islam. We are at war with a specific network, al-Qa’ida, and its terrorist affiliates who support efforts to attack the United States, our allies, and partners.'

and further down:

Bin Laden’s biggest concern was al-Qaeda’s media image among Muslims. He worried that it was so tarnished that, in a draft letter … he argued that the organization should find a new name. The al-Qaeda brand had become a problem, bin Laden explained, because Obama administration officials “have largely stopped using the phrase ‘the war on terror’ in the context of not wanting to provoke Muslims,” and instead promoted a war against al-Qaeda. The organization’s full name was “Qaeda al-Jihad,” bin Laden noted, but in its shorthand version, “this name reduces the feeling of Muslims that we belong to them.” … Bin Laden ruminated about “mistakes” and “miscalculations” by affiliates in Iraq and elsewhere that had killed Muslims, even in mosques. He told Atiyah to warn every emir, or regional leader, to avoid these “unnecessary civilian casualties,” which were hurting the organization. “Making these mistakes is a great issue,” he stressed, arguing that spilling “Muslim blood” had resulted in “the alienation of most of the nation [of Islam] from the [Mujaheddin].”

Obama and Brennan were right. So was George W. Bush in his steadfast refusal to blame Islam for 9/11. Bin Laden wanted a religious war. Bush and Obama refused to let him have it. At the end of his life, isolated by left-wing drone strikes and marked for death by PC commandos, this was Bin Laden’s chief lament.
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Old 03-21-2012, 07:24 AM
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'The 24 year-old, known as Mohammed, told police he was a jihadist for al Qaeda seeking revenge for Palestinian children and French military postings overseas. '

The shootings began on March 11, when an paratrooper of North African origin arranged to meet someone in Toulouse to sell him a scooter he had advertised online, revealing in the ad his military status.

Imad Ibn Ziaten, a 30-year-old staff sergeant in the 1st Airborne Transportation Regiment, was shot in the head at close range with a .45 calibre pistol, a method that was to become the suspect's signature.

Four days later three more paratroopers from another regiment were gunned down - two of them fatally - in identical fashion in a street in the garrison town of Montauban, 45 kilometres (29 miles) away.

The dead - Corporal Abel Chennouf, 25, and Private First Class Mohammed Legouade, 23, both of the 17t Parachute Engineering Regiment - were French soldiers of North African Arab origin.

Arab soldiers are prized targets for groups like Al-Qaeda, which regards Muslims who fight for Western armies as traitors.
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Old 03-21-2012, 07:47 AM
Coach Pants
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I'm waiting for the msm to confirm if he was in that prison break in afghanistan.
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Old 03-21-2012, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Call me shocked!

Islam strikes again.

I'm not sure why Sarozy spoke to the Jewish community on this.

IMO Similar to bringing an abused wife together with her abuser in the hope of preserving the abusive marriage.

There is no room on this earth for radical Islamists and they need to be dealt with. Better now than later. A culture who considers honor killings to be valid and treating your wife as you would your dog may be beyond help.

In the name of women and children all over the world, please stop these maniacs.,7933232.story
What we really need is Rick Santourm in charge. We need to do the Crusades in 21st century style. Radical Islam or Christianity is the same nonsense; talking to the invisible man in the sky and making the charlatans leading the effort obscenely wealthy.
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Old 03-21-2012, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
What we really need is Rick Santourm in charge. We need to do the Crusades in 21st century style. Radical Islam or Christianity is the same nonsense; talking to the invisible man in the sky and making the charlatans leading the effort obscenely wealthy.
Except Christians evolved beyond the Crusades and are no longer killing in the name of the invisible man. Now, like Santorum the radical ones are trying to preserve life, at any cost, over-ruling individual choice and they're considered anti-women.

When will the Radical Islamists follow suit?

And when will the less radical Muslims begin to respect womens' rights or women for that matter, much less individual choice.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:12 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Except Christians evolved beyond the Crusades and are no longer killing in the name of the invisible man. Now, like Santorum the radical ones are trying to preserve life, at any cost, over-ruling individual choice and they're considered anti-women.

When will the Radical Islamists follow suit?

And when will the less radical Muslims begin to respect womens' rights or women for that matter, much less individual choice. you mention that a group of people is pro-life, but anti-women..and then ask when muslims will progress to that point? lol only to you would that make sense.

again, not sure why you persist in making this a religious issue. the fact remains that al qaeda kills more muslims than any other group, but you're still trying to make it a muslim issue, rather than a terrorist issue. the guy in france joined al qaeda to get help with killing, not to get help as a muslim. he wanted to kill jews and soldiers, not try to convert people.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
Except Christians evolved beyond the Crusades and are no longer killing in the name of the invisible man. Now, like Santorum the radical ones are trying to preserve life, at any cost, over-ruling individual choice and they're considered anti-women.

When will the Radical Islamists follow suit?

And when will the less radical Muslims begin to respect womens' rights or women for that matter, much less individual choice.
I'm sure no Klansman consider themselves "Good Christians"
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post you mention that a group of people is pro-life, but anti-women..and then ask when muslims will progress to that point? lol only to you would that make sense..
No I mentioned a group that was pro-life and was PERCEIVED as anti-woman.

Is Al qaeda the only ones killing their wives and daughters to preserve honor? Is it only them who don't allow women to socialize with the opposite sex? Is it only al qaeda women that can't drive, go to college and marry who they want? And for Allah's sake what about the gay muslims? Or are there none as preached by the whacko Pres of Iran? What about a muslim woman who wants an abortion, a career or marry outside of her religion.

Comparing Islam as a whole to Christianity is like comparing Manson to the 14-year old who got caught shoplifting.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
I'm sure no Klansman consider themselves "Good Christians"
When was the last Klan killing?

Admittedly they are the al qaeda of the Christian religion yet mainly because of Christians, are no longer much of a threat
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:56 AM
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
When was the last Klan killing?

Admittedly they are the al qaeda of the Christian religion yet mainly because of Christians, are no longer much of a threat
When was the last Klan Killing? What kind of question is that? Does something need to be in the newspapers with the words KLAN KILLING for it to have "Officially Happened" It very well could have happened this morning yet we don't know about it so your ascertation that it happened a long time ago is just as much nonsense as me stating it happed this morning
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:57 AM
Coach Pants
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Unfortunately the Utopia won't work. Multiculturalism doesn't work. Religious tards can't coexist with different sects. All of them are manipulated and when times are tough the hatred increases.

They use our differences to keep us enslaved. To add more laws that take away any semblance of privacy we had. And we accept it through guilt.

I'm tired of it. At this point I don't care what happens to our's obvious the ones who control everything don't.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:59 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by dellinger63 View Post
No I mentioned a group that was pro-life and was PERCEIVED as anti-woman.

Is Al qaeda the only ones killing their wives and daughters to preserve honor? Is it only them who don't allow women to socialize with the opposite sex? Is it only al qaeda women that can't drive, go to college and marry who they want? And for Allah's sake what about the gay muslims? Or are there none as preached by the whacko Pres of Iran? What about a muslim woman who wants an abortion, a career or marry outside of her religion.

Comparing Islam as a whole to Christianity is like comparing Manson to the 14-year old who got caught shoplifting.
al qaeda is a terrorist group. they kill people. they don't care what age, sex, religion. they just kill, as many as they can where ever they can. hasn't got to do with honor, or race, or gays, etc
this case has got nothing to do with this killers religion-i don't even know what religion he follows. i do know he claims to be a member of al qaeda-and that he targeted soldiers and jews because he doesn't agree with their politics and their being involved with afganistan.

as for santorum, etc-they are perceived as anti-women becase santorum and his ilk are anti-women. they want to run this country based on their religious beliefs. it's no different than any other theocracy, or attempted theocracy. it has no business in this country!

i haven't compared christianity to muslims, because it's got nothing to do with that at all. this shooting and other terrorist acts have to do with terror-with murder. you're the one who keeps trying to make it about religion-it's not about that. but you're determined to drag it back to religion. good luck with that.

you obviously didn't read the slate article, or if you did you stuck your fingers in your ears or your hands over your eyes because it doesn't jibe with your beliefs or your mindset.

look at the okla city bombing, a terrorist act. did that have to do with religion? no. it was just a mass killing, much like those carried out by al qaeda. a different type of serial killing by a couple of whackos.
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
Unfortunately the Utopia won't work. Multiculturalism doesn't work. Religious tards can't coexist with different sects. All of them are manipulated and when times are tough the hatred increases.

They use our differences to keep us enslaved. To add more laws that take away any semblance of privacy we had. And we accept it through guilt.I'm tired of it. At this point I don't care what happens to our's obvious the ones who control everything don't.
i don't feel guilt. i think they are taking away rights and adding more restrictions as a way to make us 'safer' when instead it makes us anything but.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Coach Pants View Post
I'm waiting for the msm to confirm if he was in that prison break in afghanistan.

'Authorities in Afghanistan confirmed that Merah had been arrested for bomb making in the lawless southern province of Kandahar in 2007 but escaped months later in a massive Taliban prison break.'
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:08 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i don't feel guilt. i think they are taking away rights and adding more restrictions as a way to make us 'safer' when instead it makes us anything but.
Most feel guilt. Comparing Islamic terrorists to Ku Klux Klan is just mentally accepting that it will never end.

Simply put the Ku Klux Klan didn't have enough stroke to have a government help them overthrow Mexico. Al Qaeda had help with Libya.

Lets have some perspective and stop apologizing for people that have the same skin tone as you. And this goes for all races. Blacks do it too. They justify radicals like the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam.

It has to stop.

And you know I speak in generalities. I'm not singling you out. It's the overall mindset of the herd that I'm talking about.
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