Incorrect Scoring on Jockey Challenge
They have posted the results on the Jockey Challenge and they have Tammi Piermarini finishing 2nd. WTF? She only had 9 points. Should be a 3 way dead heat for 2nd with Forest Boyce, Greta Kuntzweiler, and Emma Jayne Wilson all with 12 points. Can somebody please explain this?
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Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
Cost me about 400! Had exactas with everybody BUT her
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you |
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
Forest Boyce, does he normally ride in Maryland because I never heard of this guy before lol. This coming from a guy who usually plays california racing.
Psst......He's a she...........
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
Call the MD Stewards.
It sounds crazy but these jockey challenges are the easiest to handicap. People bet names and when you grade out the mounts there's usually a standout. Rosie couldn't lose.
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Where do you find the wagering options on something like that?
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you |
Got my answer. They gave her the post time favorite in the 3rd race because her mount scratched. Nothing in the rules that indicated that was the rule, but whatever.
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you |
Even in an event like this, the sport never ceases to amaze me. Sorry about your beat Phil.
Felix Unger talking to Oscar Madison: "Your horse could finish third by 20 lengths and they still pay you? And you have been losing money for all these years?!" |
please use generalizations and non-truths when arguing your side, thank you |