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Old 05-31-2012, 10:41 AM
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Default Obama's Love for Pakistan....

When the President decided to go ahead with the mission of killing Osama bin Laden, who happened to be hiding out in a compound in Pakistan surrounded by Pakistani military buildings, he was rightfully hailed as a hero. After all, the World’s Most Wanted Man had been executed and we would not be forced to go through a trial as we were in Saddam Hussein’s case. At the time of the mission I voiced concern the Pakistani’s were involved with or at least were aware of bin Laden’s hideout simply because it would be nearly impossible not to. Not to mention we went in without any notification, indicating at least our military’s belief the Pakistani’s may be aiding the World’s Most Wanted Man. In retrospect, the fact Saddam was found living in a hole while bin Laden lived in a mansion might have served as a major clue.

A couple months later, the SEALS suffered their biggest loss of life in SEAL history when a helicopter they were being transported in went down. Barely a mum was heard then and nothing but silence is heard now. Did the helicopter get shot down? Were some of the foreign military personnel being transported with the SEALS involved? Was it pilot, mechanical failure? Does anyone care?

Memorial Day would have been a perfect occasion for the President to speak of those heroes yet he chose to speak of Viet Nam Vets, who were serving and died not while he was President and in charge but while he was a child growing up in Indonesia listening to the marvelous sounds of the Call to Prayer.

Since the killing of bin Laden, Pakistan has closed our transport routes into Afghanistan at the very least inconveniencing our troops in battle and at the worst, endangering them. More recently the Pakistani’s saw fit to put the one man who turned in the World’s Most Wanted Man, on trial for TREASON! The man, a doctor who was immunizing children was not only charged but found guilty at trial and sentenced to THIRTY YEARS in prison!

Meanwhile the President is not only mum on everything above, sans the killing of bin Laden but is continuing to send these same Pakistani’s billions in taxpayer money. Thank goodness a Senator from KY has seen fit to call him on this bizarre choice.

Supposedly the money is going towards the Pakistani Security Forces. How ironic it is that undoubtedly some of that money will house a hero in prison for the next thirty years?

This President’s foreign policy follies would serve as a classic Keystone Cops remake. Just take Egypt for instance. The President sent endless billions to them in celebration of an Arab Spring, with a free Egypt scheduled to hold democratic elections for President.

Skip ahead a couple years and almost $10 billion and we now await the finale of free democracy in a run-off election where the choice is a Mubarek regime leftover or a Muslim Brotherhood candidate. (Obviously the truth means little in Islam as the MB publicly stated they would not run for office).

Meanwhile back at home we are constantly bombarded by the President’s constant whining of needing to raise taxes in order to pay for everything from the GM Bailouts to not raising interest rates on student loans. Meanwhile the cash pipeline to our Mid East ‘friends’ flows unabated.

Before casting a ballot next election, ask yourself if Pakistan and Egypt more important than needs at home. If your answer is yes vote for Obama. If the answer is no; vote for anyone but.
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:45 AM
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Actually, the President wanting to raise taxes is to pay for that massive deficit your friends caused.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:25 AM
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After Mittwit is elected he will settle up with Pakistan..clean house there then Syria and Egypt...In and out in no time at all like Iraq and Afgan...
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938)

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Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit
they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680)
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by bigrun View Post
After Mittwit is elected he will settle up with Pakistan..clean house there then Syria and Egypt...In and out in no time at all like Iraq and Afgan...
Well, Mittens will have to reinstitute the draft to do that ... unless he manages to contract out more of war to Halliburton and other Cheney pals.

Oh! And Mittens will immediately declare war on our biggest enemy and threat, "Russia".
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts
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