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![]() http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/an...eys-high-horse
Ann and Mitt Romney sold a dressage horse, Super Hit ($125,000). After sale, the horse was found to have four drugs in it's system as painkillers/sedatives. The Romney's were sued. The case settled out of court. The expert witness against the Romney's was an FEI vet. The horse had a foot problem (coffin bone) and a contralateral compensatory lameness. The drugs found (they are spelled incorrectly in the Buzzfeed article, see the original lab report) were: Butorphenol - sedative and mild analgesic, opiod Xylazine - short-term sedation and analgesic, alpha-2 receptor agonist Detomidine - primarily sedation and some analgesia, alpha-2 agonist, lasts longer than xylazine Romifidine - used for standing sedation and mild analgesia. When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over) Some yahoo put all four in this horse to calm and mask the lamenesses. Romney is scum. I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider. Money above horse welfare. Eff you, Mitt Romney. I hope your campaign is over now.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
![]() http://www.buzzfeed.com/rosiegray/an...eys-high-horse
![]() The horse was sold with four drugs in it's system, that, first, must be revealed on a pre-purchase exam if the seller is simply specifically asked, "has the horse had a tranquilizer or painkiller?" and secondly, are a non-medical hodgepodge of painkiller and sedatives not used as a ridiculous cocktail.
When you purchase a horse, it's "buyer beware" 100% of the time. This buyer was smart. The seller was a cheat. Romney was the owner. The owner is responsible for what his trainer, or his vet, put into the horse, whether he knows about it or not. There is no way any owner paying the bills would not know this horse was being drugged sound. Before any sale was considered. Try to explain this away and stand up for Romney. It won't go anywhere. Putting his dog on a crate on the top of the car is nothing compared to the fraud and deceit of selling a lame horse, that has been drugged to mask the lamenesses, for $125,000.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts Last edited by Riot : 06-22-2012 at 11:25 AM. |
![]() What Quiet is doing is damage control for her God. You see, her God was caught shipping guns to Mexico in order to fuel media propaganda for a gun ban. The sycophants can deflect, defend, attack all they want. Those are the indisputable facts for normal human beings who aren't in a high fructose corn syrup induced coma.
While doing this obvious damage control she abandons humanity and puts one horse above Mexicans and border patrol agents. For shame. But that's the type of evil we're dealing with. |
![]() When you combine Xylazine or detomidine or romifidine with butorphenol, you get nice pain control and sedation. With no ataxia (stumbling, tripping, falling over.. how would you know...this does explain a few things..
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Your bu.lls.h.ait attempt to imply I'm a cheater is just that - ignorant bull.shi.at. And there's nothing more pathetic than watching some of you, those who pretend hate those evil cheating race trainers that take your gambling money, try and justify the exact same fraud in Mitt Romney's world. This has nothing to do with politics. This has nothing to do with Fast and Furious. This, too, has nothing at all to do with Obama, or Buddy Roemer, or Ron Paul. This is not politics. It goes to the man's - Mitt Romney's - ethics and morals. You guys put your politics before horses? Nice.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts Last edited by Riot : 06-22-2012 at 11:43 AM. |
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""Romney is scum. I don't care if he didn't know about this, and the trainer had a vet do it, or more likely, chose to do it his self, without the Romney's knowledge (very common, unfortunately) - it's cheating, it's fraud, it's deception, it's theft by deception, and worse, it's dangerous for the horse, for the rider."" Was to attempt to assassinate his character - Ok fine you may have a point. Then, when someone points out how Obama is responsible for over 2000 firearms being walked over the border specifically to be put in the hands of the drug cartels, many of which have turned up at violent crime scenes on both sides of the border and are responsible for at least 2 murders of US Border Patrol agents - that says nothing about his character? That just politics? You're in rare form today. |
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wow, what a fargin cheapshot that was. "them's fightin words in my country. but we're not in my country." - Shemp Howard |
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We've Gone Delirious |
![]() It's sad that when you guys have nothing at all regarding the subject, some of you immediately resort to insulting and attacking the messenger
![]() "Ad hominem - it's for losers" ![]() I suggest you guys click on the Buzzfeed link, and read the actual testimony from the expert witness yourselves. It gets good about page 12-14, but you'll need the background. This was clearly not dismissed as "there was no case". The horse had documented severe low ringbone for years, was lame and injected for years, was known as lame, was not showing for some time at the time of sale. The horse was drugged to help him pass a pre-purchase (the trainer probably added something on top of what the vet did), sold for $125,000 as an upper level dressage horse - a job he was physically unable to perform without drugs - and the pre-purchase vet didn't do due diligence to the purchaser, as his agency required - he worked for the Romney side. This is the perfect example of why you always look a gift horse in the mouth and get second opinions. And you never, ever use only the seller's vet. This is a cheating owner, trainer and vet taking $125,000 from a purchaser to get rid of a useless, lame horse. A purchaser who was smart enough to get a second opinion and catch them. And take them to court. There is zero justification for this on Romney's behalf. It shows he is completely unethical in his business dealings, and worse, that he'll misuse an animal for money.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
![]() Actually that turd Holder wanted to give Issa viewing of multiple documents, on top of the thousands he's already willingly given to the Committee, and Issa refused. Issa voted for Fast and Furious to start under the Bush administration, btw.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
![]() Right. You clearly didn't read the complaint before you said that silly thing, did you?
![]() Please - you might want to read what happened in detail - and how long the horse was lame before it was put up for sale - before you make assumptions.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
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![]() And before you defend Romney, I strong suggest you read the entire complaint, too. I doubt you'll want to go on much offense with this one.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
![]() The buyer's vet admitted giving the horse tranquilizers to x-ray it. Can't remember what ones he gave or if he gave it to the horse before he took the drug screen. He also failed to mention it to the buyer. I agree the buyer has a case-against the vet THEY hired to do the purchase exam.
Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs! |
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Seems the legal owner, the seller - Mitt Romney - was selling a known lame horse that couldn't show nor perform any longer at the level intended at time of sale. Sold as an upper level dressage horse in spite of previous medical records indicating it had longstanding low ringbone, treated, and the horse couldn't be shown. The horse was drugged to pass the pre-purchase sound. And Romney took $125,000 for it. Read the entire complaint. It's very ugly.
"Have the clean racing people run any ads explaining that giving a horse a Starbucks and a chocolate poppyseed muffin for breakfast would likely result in a ten year suspension for the trainer?" - Dr. Andrew Roberts |
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Hillary Clinton 2016: The "Extremely Careless" Leadership America Needs! |
![]() i read the ny times article that was linked by old dog. seems quite a reach to attempt to tie this to mitt.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
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