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![]() ![]() They're all the same guy- None of them will make the hard decisions to fix this country, they will both spiral us further and further down the shi.t hole. It's like being held up at gunpoint by two criminals at the same time and having to decide which one is going to get your cash - in the end, it doesn't matter where it goes, all you know is you'll never see it again. As George Carlin famously said, "Your only choice in America anymore is paper or plastic". |
![]() what part of 'if enough people did it' do you not understand?
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
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![]() How can we forget these slogans: George W. Bush: Compassionate conservatism, Leave no child behind, Real plans for real people, Reformer with results, Yes, America Can! Barack Obama: Change We Can Believe In, Change We Need,Hope,Yes We Can!, Forward Mitt Romney: Believe in America
We've Gone Delirious |
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Game Over |
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Game Over |
![]() Why not just generalize to:
If (an impossibility) happens, then (some result never seen before) will occur. What are the odds that the 6% to 9% who neither preferred Romney nor Obama will grow to the 34% minimum you need to win? Astronomical. A hell of a lot closer to an impossibility than an attainable feat. |
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Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
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of course staying with the turd sandwich over the douche bag isn't much of a confidence booster.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
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Game Over |
![]() The status quo has been both of those things for a bit though.
don't run out of ammo. |
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Give yourself the best chance of defeating an unsatisfactory incumbent. Vote for Romney. |
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Elections are discrete events. There is no continuum to be found in between those events. So I don't think that you will grow a populace who will consistently vote when that vote is ineffective - a significant percentage will instead stay home and say things like "they are all the same". Unfortunately at that point, the actions of those objecting to the party system and the voting process are indisguishable from those who don't give a sh*t or are just too drunk or stoned to make it to the polls that day. You're not going to get the progression to a 40% plurality win. You'll get single digits, over and over again - a true exercise in futility. In theory - I do agree that I'd like a broader spectrum of choices than "for or against" either party, where "Anti-Democrat = Republican" and vice versa. But the math will not work out in our current voting system. As others have suggested, if there was a ranked system instead of a single choice - your third party would have a good shot. I would rank mine: "1. Republican 2. Libertarian and 3. (or zero) Democrat." A liberal might do the opposite, with Libertarian being #2 for him as well. Or 3 points for top choice, 2 points for second choice, 1 point for last choice. |
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Monopolies are sometimes granted to state-controlled entities, such as the Royal Charter granted to the East India Company, or privileged bargaining rights to unions (labor monopolies) with very partisan political interests. This is what we are living in. Only when we all collectively dismiss the bullsi.t spewed from the corporate-controlled (RE: State Run) media and reclaim our nation, can we try that whole "Constitutionally Federated Republic" thing again. but if you think you're getting there with Romney or Obama, I'd say you're in for a disappointment. |
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You do realize he is/was in favor of dismantling Medicare and Social Security right? So would you say your views are closer to Romney's or Obama's when viewed in a comparison to Ron Paul? http://www.isidewith.com/paul-vs-romney-on-the-issues http://www.isidewith.com/paul-vs-obama-on-the-issues
We've Gone Delirious |
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Here are plenty of reasons, as a Libertarian, to dismiss Romney: Should the United States increase our space exploration efforts and budget? Ron Paul: Regardless, we should only use government funds for national defense purposes and leave exploration to the private sector Mitt Romney: Yes Do you support the Patriot act? Ron Paul: No, and pass strict laws prohibiting any government surveillance Mitt Romney: Yes Are you in favor of decriminalizing all drugs? Ron Paul: Yes, and retroactively reduce sentences for those already serving time for drug use Mitt Romney: No Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S.? Ron Paul: Yes, and immediately free all citizens jailed for drug offenses Mitt Romney: No Should the U.S. end the war in Afghanistan? Ron Paul: Yes, and only approve future wars through Congress Mitt Romney: No, not until all U.S. military leaders are confident the mission has been accomplished Should the U.S. continue to support Israel? Ron Paul: No, we should not give aid to any foreign nations Mitt Romney: Yes How should the U.S. handle the genocide in Sudan? Ron Paul: Do not get involved Mitt Romney: Support a NATO effort to contain the Sudanese military Should the United States end its trade embargo and travel ban on Cuba? Ron Paul: Yes, allow Americans to travel to any country they choose Mitt Romney: No Should gay marriage be allowed in the U.S.? Ron Paul: Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a religious decision Mitt Romney: No, marriage should be defined as between a man and woman Should the federal government allow the death penalty? Ron Paul: Leave it up to the states Mitt Romney: Yes Should the federal government subsidize U.S. farmers? Ron Paul: No Mitt Romney: Yes |
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Game Over |
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Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
![]() "So the Dark Side has already won." - Obi Wan Kenobi to Luke Skywalker, in "The Empire Strikes Back"
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![]() I think for me it is a bit simple - I'll vote for the guy that wants less government involvement in my life. I would find it hard to pull the lever for Obama based upon that criteria.
We've Gone Delirious |
![]() What does that really mean (I'll vote for the guy that wants less government involvement in my life). I hear it on these threads as a stock answer time and time again. What is less government to you Geeker?
Game Over |