Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Sit down cause I'm going tell you something, and I don't want you to fall down if you're standing up.
I agree with you.
Yes, I'll say it again, I agree with you.
That said, and I'm sure Mike and others will chime in, does anyone besides me see that poly plays differently at different tracks, in different climates?
Where it's cold (frosted) like Woodbine, it seperates.
Keenland is finer.
Hollywood, I honestly don't know much.
Sure, I'm all for the safety of the horses, but haven't some been hurt on it anyway?
Just my two pennies...poly in one place is comething completely different in other places.
Hollywood is a different surface from Keeneland. The track at Hollywood is made by a totally different company. Hollywood uses Cushion-track while Kenneland uses Poly-track, so there will obviously be a big difference between the two. I don't know all the ingredients of the two tracks, but I think the two tracks have different ingredients. They have many of the same ingredients but I don't think they are all the same.
There is even a third company that makes their own unique surface. Michael Dickinson's surface is going to be used at one of the tracks in Northern California. So you have the Dickinson surface, polytrack, and cushiontrack, all of which are different. Not only that, there will even be differences in tracks made by the same company, depending on the climate where they are installed.