2 fat kids fighting over a cookie!
* Thanks to Sal Santoro ffor the title *
The state of Florida racing according to the " Hair Guy" Gene Stevens from Post Time magazine for many years. (Just skimmed it ) http://tracktimestoday.net/genestevens.htm " Gulfstream Vs. Calder: A Losing Battle All Around The best that can be said of any war is that the results are primarily determined by which side loses less. Winter racing in South Florida in its latest form is a month and a half old, and no example better exemplifies the bitter cost of war than the senseless battle between Gulfstream Park and Calder Casino & Race Course. The two giant conglomerates are the owners of the most racetracks in America. One is publicly traded Churchill Downs Inc. (CDI), Calder’s parent, and host of the Kentucky Derby, arguably the single most important race in the world. The other is the equally powerful Stronach Group, Gulfstream’s parent, now privately owned, and formerly known as Magna Entertainment Corp. (MEC) prior to its 2010 bankruptcy. These two giants continue to be locked in mortal combat. The behemoths’ profit-driven objectives are as different as night and day, and not only should they never have gone to war, the battle should never have been considered. In Florida, CDI is only interested in racing if it can make a profit while in so doing retain the right under its FHBPA purse contract to continue running its highly profitable Calder casino. "........... Last edited by Benny : 01-28-2014 at 08:52 AM. Reason: thanks to sal s added |
Funny title sad story