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Old 08-10-2014, 03:10 AM
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Default Hard-luck season continues for pissed-off kid, Tony Stewart runs him over & kills him

Looks like a pretty cut-and-dry thing.

Some kid named Kevin Ward Jr. was having a hard-luck run at the track. Here's an article from 5-days ago saying how "he can't catch a break"

The 2014 racing season has produced more than its share of bad luck for Kevin Ward Jr. He had fast cars last month during the New York Sprint Car Speed Week, although the results fail to show it due to bad luck. That trend continued this past weekend for Ward.

Kevin was up to third and battling for second place until motor issues developed on lap 20 and he was unable to continue.

Alright, so he's had bad luck in recent races...

Enter, the great Tony Stewart...a man with a reputation as a hot-head.

Tony apparently throws helmets at cars...

Tony apparently runs out on the track and points at cars...

Tony confronts people:

And Tony likes Burger King:

So...Tony wrecks the hard luck kid tonight.

The hard-luck kid behaves like he's Tony Stewart, and gets out of the car to point at him. He starts throwing up his hands and acting pissy.

Tony Stewart is mad.

You should be honored to be wrecked by the great Tony Stewart...

But, the pissy hard-luck is not acting honored. Tony Stewart ran him over, killed him instantly, and here's the video:

It looks like Tony Stewart will be scratched from today race at Watkins Glen.
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Old 08-10-2014, 05:59 AM
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When I first watched this, I thought Tony Stewart was a MONSTER. But after reflecting on it, the kid had to be certifiably insane. Even though they were under a yellow flag (I write this as if I know more than the smallest amount about auto racing), they were still going at a high rate of speed. He steps directly in front of Stewart's car. If Tony had 5 minutes to think about it, he could have taken evasive action that would have been safe for everyone, but in the split second he had to make a decision, he couldn't have known the ramifications to himself and anyone else around him had he tried to swerve out of the way (or even if that would have worked). I did read that witnesses said he stepped on the gas, but who really knows? Other than Stewart himself. I guess the absurd, unsportsmanlike behavior that seems commonplace in that "sport" finally led to the inevitable, someone being killed. At this point, I would blame the kid.
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Old 08-10-2014, 06:04 AM
santana santana is offline
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This guy needs to get some jail time.....looks as if it was intentional....It also is never good idea to go on a track with cars going at that rate of speed....
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Old 08-10-2014, 06:52 AM
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We need a head-on replay, but it kind of looks like Stewart veered out and stepped on it.

Maybe, he was just trying to brush him back, or scare him, or whatever. But he's supposed to be one of the best drivers in history.

You'd have to assume the kid didn't run straight in front of his car and expect him to stop.

Either way, it looks bad for Stewart. He put two different people in the hospital the last time he drove at that track, and he said the accident was his own fault that day:

Now, he's in a wreck with a kid who he ran over and killed on the next lap.

I can't wait to hear his press conference. They probably won't let him take questions. He got very cocky and defensive when the TV announcers called him out for starting wrecks:
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Old 08-10-2014, 07:53 AM
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It's actually been pretty entertaining watching these clips of Stewart's antics on Youtube this morning.

He's like Meyham, in this one. Spinning people out, wrecking them, throwing his helmet at a car, and talking trash in interviews...all in one race.

Nice to see he hasn't mellowed out, much.

I think his bank account will take a massive hit if they come up with a head-on replay on yesterday nights accident. Might even get jail time if they can prove he veered outward and hit the gas.
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Old 08-10-2014, 08:27 AM
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Stewart is not at fault. Kid was an idiot.

Kinda difficult to charge Stewart with murder considering he was parked behind a car blocking his view and going at a high rate of speed on a dirt track.
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Old 08-10-2014, 06:37 PM
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No way he gets any time for it.

It's too hard to prove intent and the dumbass pulled a Darwin move to walk on the track and confront the great Tony Stewart.

The cars weren't going very fast. I've jogged on roads where cars go 30-to-40MPH. It looks like the car veered out and just sucked him up and spit him out.
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Old 08-11-2014, 05:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Calzone Lord View Post
No way he gets any time for it.

It's too hard to prove intent and the dumbass pulled a Darwin move to walk on the track and confront the great Tony Stewart.

The cars weren't going very fast. I've jogged on roads where cars go 30-to-40MPH. It looks like the car veered out and just sucked him up and spit him out.
Sure looks like Stewart attempting to intimidate the kid by accelerating causing his car to go sideways. You can hear the acceleration clearly on the video. He miscalculated how close the kid was. He is not without any fault in this but the kid clearly should not have been on a dark track in a dark suit.
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Old 08-11-2014, 07:48 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by jms62 View Post
Sure looks like Stewart attempting to intimidate the kid by accelerating causing his car to go sideways. You can hear the acceleration clearly on the video. He miscalculated how close the kid was. He is not without any fault in this but the kid clearly should not have been on a dark track in a dark suit.
from what i read, they don't know that it was his car accelerating-the audio could well have picked up another vehicle.
there's no criminal intent, the guy stepped out onto a track at night in a dark suit-not the brightest idea.
i know several say 'well stewart was pissed'. why would he be mad, the wreck did nothing to him. and i doubt some 20 year old who got wrecked would be an issue to him either.
i'm surprised it's taken this long, knowing how many of these geniuses (including stewart) have gone storming across the track to show their displeasure. sheer idiocy.
there won't be charges. but i fully expect a civil suit by the kids family.

edit~here's a new article out about the whole thing:
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
from what i read, they don't know that it was his car accelerating-the audio could well have picked up another vehicle.
there's no criminal intent, the guy stepped out onto a track at night in a dark suit-not the brightest idea.
i know several say 'well stewart was pissed'. why would he be mad, the wreck did nothing to him. and i doubt some 20 year old who got wrecked would be an issue to him either.
i'm surprised it's taken this long, knowing how many of these geniuses (including stewart) have gone storming across the track to show their displeasure. sheer idiocy.
there won't be charges. but i fully expect a civil suit by the kids family.

edit~here's a new article out about the whole thing:
The only people that would agree with this are the braindead and the deaf. Even the blind could tell there was acceleration before impact.
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:27 AM
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
The only people that would agree with this are the braindead and the deaf. Even the blind could tell there was acceleration before impact.
i'll tell you i am neither, and don't appreciate your remarks. i neither know nor care if there was any acceleration, just know what i've read and heard on reports. saw a video of it once, on a cell.
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Old 08-11-2014, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i'll tell you i am neither, and don't appreciate your remarks. i neither know nor care if there was any acceleration, just know what i've read and heard on reports. saw a video of it once, on a cell.
If it's "they" who don't know, then why would you get all pissy? You're just telling us what you've read.

but since we're on the hell would you know if Stewart was mad or not?? You know their back story? Were you inside his head? His car? Have access to his radio?

He clearly drifted the kid into the wall.

Besides, this is the first time Tony Stewart has ever flown off the handle. His track record is pristine.

Two wrongs never make a right, and on that night, it cost a kid his life.
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Old 08-11-2014, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Danzig View Post
i'll tell you i am neither, and don't appreciate your remarks. i neither know nor care if there was any acceleration, just know what i've read and heard on reports. saw a video of it once, on a cell.
Declan, I'd withdraw the deafness complaint and rest your case on the braindead complaint.
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Old 08-11-2014, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
If it's "they" who don't know, then why would you get all pissy? You're just telling us what you've read.

but since we're on the hell would you know if Stewart was mad or not?? You know their back story? Were you inside his head? His car? Have access to his radio?

He clearly drifted the kid into the wall.

Besides, this is the first time Tony Stewart has ever flown off the handle. His track record is pristine.

Two wrongs never make a right, and on that night, it cost a kid his life.
i'm pretty sure any pissiness came in when i was called braindead and/or deaf.
i don't know if he was mad or not, but i have seen others say he was, which i take to be an assumption.
the guy took his life in his hands when he stepped out on a poorly lit track in a dark suit and went towards the cars-it's a wonder the first one by didn't hit the kid.
i know stewart is a hot head. but i don't see anything that would warrant criminal charges at all.
like i said above, there will most likely be a civil suit. i'm not defending stewart at all, just saying what i think-that he won't be charged.
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Old 08-11-2014, 11:05 AM
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Default Ts Badboy

First my prayers go out to Kevin Ward Jr's family and all that were affected in anyway by this avoidable tragedy.
Fellow Horse lovers this tragedy for me magnifies how lucky we are Tony Stewart is not a jockey. The young women and men who ride are at risk for this kind of tragedy everyday. Thank God jockeys have the common sense common courtesy and regard for human and equine safety and try at all cost to avoid the fallen rider and horse. Stewart looks like he tried to do what jocks do to crowd or intimidate another horse and rider. THE BIG DIFFERENCE IS STEW HAS A SPEEDING WEAPON. KEVIN WARD Jr HAD NO PROTECTION.

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Old 08-11-2014, 01:26 PM
Conrad Conrad is offline
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You guys pointing the finger at Stewart are tripping, hard.

I'm amazed you make that quantum leap from hot tempered driver to killer so easily.
Ever consider that he was swerving to AVOID the guy rather than hit him?
How long do you think he had Ward in his field of vision before contact?
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Old 08-11-2014, 02:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Conrad View Post
You guys pointing the finger at Stewart are tripping, hard.

I'm amazed you make that quantum leap from hot tempered driver to killer so easily.
Ever consider that he was swerving to AVOID the guy rather than hit him?
How long do you think he had Ward in his field of vision before contact?
Well, TS knew that he wrecked the kid into the wall, no?

Convenient that you don't touch on the acceleration debate. The kid was an idiot for venturing out into the track, for sure, and of course TS never meant to kill him (file that 'amazement' into the braindead category), but is it unfathomable that TS wasn't going to let some young kid grandstand him and wanted to teach him a lesson in the process?

He saw/created the wreck, which should have been enough to slow down entering the turn.
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Old 08-11-2014, 04:17 PM
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Bubba The Love Sponge explains the whole thing quite well, IMO:
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Old 08-11-2014, 04:45 PM
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Originally Posted by declansharbor View Post
Well, TS knew that he wrecked the kid into the wall, no?

Convenient that you don't touch on the acceleration debate. The kid was an idiot for venturing out into the track, for sure, and of course TS never meant to kill him (file that 'amazement' into the braindead category), but is it unfathomable that TS wasn't going to let some young kid grandstand him and wanted to teach him a lesson in the process?

He saw/created the wreck, which should have been enough to slow down entering the turn.
Acceleration debate? Okay...

Your insults are mere internet bravery.

Bec mon chu
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Old 08-11-2014, 04:48 PM
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Pucker up, buttercup!
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