ABC's Makeover to do my buddy's house!!!!
My buudy's son had brain cancer since age 3. He pulled thru and has started a Foundation geared to helping others like him. Kim and Dennis had a cousin who died in an auto wreck and they had 5 kids. Kim and Dennis took all of them kids in to keep them together. Man I'm so happy to see good things still happen in this world. Link at www.nashvillenews.org
That is awesome! I admit I do still watch this show.
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawaken. |
That's awesome and very ironic... I'll be moving to Murfreesboro (probably) in the next year.
http://www.facebook.com/cajungator26 |
That's great news! I loved that show...havent watched in awhile,but it's a Heart Tugger most of the time. Let us know the date of show,PB!
HOLY CRAP...not to be shallow, but they make those houses insanely cool...the one that they made for that family that recues all the animals made me cry...and there are some people here who will tell you that that is a very hard thing to do
I'm glad for your friend, it sounds like they are very deserving
Seek respect, not attention. |
HAH.....NOT A CHANCE IN HELL wait...involves animals....I could see ONE smallish type wet spot appear in the corner of your eye, maybe.....but I would't get carried away... |
Seek respect, not attention. |
me too, as you obviously know how I feel about my baby |
While on vacation i tried to see my buddies house but it's still off limits to tours until the April 22nd airing of the show. Now here's a little in sight to the show. If your a really big fan of it quit reading please because I have some bad news about the show. Kim Collins said only one sink works in the house, hardly any oulets for power are hooked up, washer and dryer don't work, all of the rooms are smaller in the new house but the master bedroom and living room, stove don't work either. Lots of other things are still getting worked on as we speak and will continue to be worked on for sometime they're saying. Kim says and I quote "Bam don't get me wrong we love getting the new house buts it's just a T.V. show" She also went to say for what they paid for their house getting done alone they could've helped many families instead of just them. Anyway I thought it would hard to build a working house in less than a week's time and I'm right, lot's of smoke and mirrors.
A "few" band nerds on hand, but, overall, a great show of talent. |
http://www.facebook.com/cajungator26 |