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Old 07-15-2006, 01:33 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Default Food for thought

Worth the time to read.
Seems that the tough decisions need to be made sooner than later before the "proxy war" further escalates.
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Old 07-15-2006, 01:40 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Don't waste a second of your time, folks ... this is just tin-foil hat, lunatic leftist frothing.
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Old 07-15-2006, 01:44 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bold Brooklynite
Don't waste a second of your time, folks ... this is just tin-foil hat, lunatic leftist frothing.
Spoken like a true stalker that claims he's ignoring me.
Go back to your cardboard box Bold Baffoon!
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Worth the time to read.
Seems that the tough decisions need to be made sooner than later before the "proxy war" further escalates.
OK, I just read it. There are elements of truth within but, in the final analysis, it's a morally bankrupt piece of psuedo-analysis of a complex situation! Bush didn't start the conflict for god sake, no one political party can successfully wash the innocent blood from their hands on this one! It's obviously an anti-Israeli piece, characterizing the Israeli acts as war crimes while ignoring the fact that they aren't the ones walking into schools with TnT strapped to their chests or blowing up buses, subways or hospitals. Lumping terrorist organizations together!!??...why the shame of that! They are birds of a feather and there remains only one effective way to deal with any terrorist...kill him or her! Sorry...I agree that this could get very very bad and I agree Bush is probably the only person in the world who might be able to stop the worst of it...but the ultimate question is...should he? As I've said in other threads, time for the guilty to pay for decades of savage, murderous behavior...if Israel invades Syria, well...we have folks already next door to Iran, they want trouble....take them out!!
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:13 PM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
OK, I just read it. There are elements of truth within but, in the final analysis, it's a morally bankrupt piece of psuedo-analysis of a complex situation! Bush didn't start the conflict for god sake, no one political party can successfully wash the innocent blood from their hands on this one! It's obviously an anti-Israeli piece, characterizing the Israeli acts as war crimes while ignoring the fact that they aren't the ones walking into schools with TnT strapped to their chests or blowing up buses, subways or hospitals. Lumping terrorist organizations together!!??...why the shame of that! They are birds of a feather and there remains only one effective way to deal with any terrorist...kill him or her! Sorry...I agree that this could get very very bad and I agree Bush is probably the only person in the world who might be able to stop the worst of it...but the ultimate question is...should he? As I've said in other threads, time for the guilty to pay for decades of savage, murderous behavior...if Israel invades Syria, well...we have folks already next door to Iran, they want trouble....take them out!!
You have once again proven to be most insightful.
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:16 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
OK, I just read it. There are elements of truth within but, in the final analysis, it's a morally bankrupt piece of psuedo-analysis of a complex situation! Bush didn't start the conflict for god sake, no one political party can successfully wash the innocent blood from their hands on this one! It's obviously an anti-Israeli piece, characterizing the Israeli acts as war crimes while ignoring the fact that they aren't the ones walking into schools with TnT strapped to their chests or blowing up buses, subways or hospitals. Lumping terrorist organizations together!!??...why the shame of that! They are birds of a feather and there remains only one effective way to deal with any terrorist...kill him or her! Sorry...I agree that this could get very very bad and I agree Bush is probably the only person in the world who might be able to stop the worst of it...but the ultimate question is...should he? As I've said in other threads, time for the guilty to pay for decades of savage, murderous behavior...if Israel invades Syria, well...we have folks already next door to Iran, they want trouble....take them out!!
Do you think that Israel is taking their cue from US (Bush) policy regarding the war on terrorists?
If so, this is a "proxy war" that has dangerous repercussions.
If not, it's Israel and the USA against the world.
Why did Great Britain abstain from the vote at the UN? And many voted in favor, including Japan whose PM just had a nice photo op at
Graceland with his "buddy".
This situation is going to get much nastier before it gets better.
Watch the price of crude oil. It will tell you more than you want to know.
Is Bush responsible for setting an an example to the rest of the free world?
Seems that Israel picked up on it....while the rest of them abandon his policies....
Did you catch Putin's put-down regarding his sermonizing about "human rights" at the G-8? The rest of the world is on to him. Do you really believe that he is the "one person that can stop the worst of it"?
My guess is that we'll be paying long and hard for his incompetence.
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Old 07-15-2006, 02:43 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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This article better states that which I attempted to voice.
And don't be surprised if Bold Baffoon responds. He claims to have me on "ignore" but just can't seem to resist responding to a thread that I started.
Afterall, he only has limited time in the library before he returns to his cardboard box beneath the underpass on 1-95. Such a "scholar".
Watch for a townhall view...incoming...DUCK AND COVER!
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Old 07-17-2006, 11:16 PM
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Wayne: Israel the oppressor?? USA the oppressor?? That right there is enough to line the birdcage with your commondreams manifesto!! DUDE!!! Unbelievable!
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Old 07-18-2006, 12:42 AM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Dixie Porter
Dateline:Caesarea, Israel

Things going pretty much as I said they would. Ironically after WE sent the first stolen missle into Haifa the Iranian Guard was able to hit the train station and a 3 story apartment house in the next two days. The other ordinance fell harmlessly into the sea. All Leabonese radar stations are now kaput. IDF troops are clandestinely operating with a free reign in Southern Lebanon. The body count and damage is 10 times higher than reported.

UNFORTUNATELY we have less than 7 days to bomb Lebanon back into the early 80's. It shall be an ambitious undertaking.

I am SAD to say that the chances of turning Damascus into another Dresden/Tokyo are less than even money. Syria's finger prints are all over the latest ordinance that has landed in Haifa. Fortunately that translates into Mossad death sentences for the "optomertist" and that "thug" that is actuallty ruling Syria.

Unless some sort of unexpected devastation is perpertrated by one side or the other the real fighting should be over by the weekend.

As I've reiterated before, no one has any interest in the Palestinians in Gaza. They are doomed, and it is merely a matter of time untill they are virtually extinct. Personally I have no sympathy for these Zionist fanatics who choose to live on or near the Gaza border. They just give us a lot of extra work and problems to deal with. The same can be said for those religous morons that choose to live in the territories.

"Good night Mr. and Mrs. America, and all the ships at sea"
Thanks for the on-the-spot report ... but ...

... why do you say "the chances of turning Damascus into another Dresden/Tokyo are less than even money"? ... but also say "that translates into Mossad death sentences for the 'optomertist' and that 'thug'?

The first is bad news ... but the second is good. Which shall it be?

And as far as your sign-off is concerned ... yeah ... there are a lot of people here who are "at sea" ... way, way at sea.
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Old 07-18-2006, 11:54 AM
Bold Brooklynite
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Originally Posted by Dixie Porter
The elimination with "extreme predjudice" of the aforementioned two enemies of peace will have no negative press and will send a similar message.
Yeah ... but ...

... how will the Syrians get new eyeglass prescriptions?

That is ... the ones who still have eyes in their sockets?
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Old 07-18-2006, 03:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Dixie Porter
Israel has never used the tactic of "fire bombing" before and I regretfully expect that unless TA is hit the PR price we would have to pay is disproportionate to what would be accomplished militarilly. The elimination with "extreme predjudice" of the aforementioned two enemies of peace will have no negative press and will send a similar message.

My expectation is that Hezbollah will be diminshed by 50% when this ends and that they will have a military capacity equal to 15% of what it was a week ago. Hamas is a nusiance, not a military threat.

Israel has been BLESSED with a virtually unknown PM (Olmert)who came out of Jerusalem with an Ameican Express card and a political philosophy simlar to George Patton and Curtis LeMay. With my blessings he has made the likes of Begin, Sharon and Bibi look like pacifists. I will say that never before has the State of Israel had such a staunch and heroic ally in the White House as George W. Bush is poving to be. This is paramount in determining the total amount of death and destruction we shall invoke on these Muslim fanatics
Yeah, right.. from your mouth to Omert's ear. Do you think anyone other than your disciple believes a word of what you say? Really, now.

This is going just as I said and will end just as I said.

The Israelis want nothing to do with Tehran or Damascus as you so predicted. Israel will bully around the helpless Lebanese for another few days, maybe a week then go back to standing down those dangerous, rock and slingshot toting Palestinians.

Absolutely dead-on I am on this, though it gives me no great pleasure. Seeing international sentiment rise against the Israeli ocupation of Gaza is the bright light coming from all of this.

As an aside, I, like the the Saudis and Jordanians, don't really mind the downfall of Hezbollah. Despite the hope they brought to many Lebanese, the focus needs to be on establishing the Palestinian state.

You and Omert. Really, now ....
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Old 07-18-2006, 07:31 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by SentToStud
Yeah, right.. from your mouth to Omert's ear. Do you think anyone other than your disciple believes a word of what you say? Really, now.

This is going just as I said and will end just as I said.

The Israelis want nothing to do with Tehran or Damascus as you so predicted. Israel will bully around the helpless Lebanese for another few days, maybe a week then go back to standing down those dangerous, rock and slingshot toting Palestinians.

Absolutely dead-on I am on this, though it gives me no great pleasure. Seeing international sentiment rise against the Israeli ocupation of Gaza is the bright light coming from all of this.

As an aside, I, like the the Saudis and Jordanians, don't really mind the downfall of Hezbollah. Despite the hope they brought to many Lebanese, the focus needs to be on establishing the Palestinian state.

You and Omert. Really, now ....
Just another troll like his buddy. Such experts!
I'm no fan of Hezbollah either, but there must be better ways to find resolution besides "collective punishment".
There really must be a way to find a way to peace, though I don't know how it can occur while innocents scramble for their lives.
Israel is just playing into the same unfortunate thinking that they took from the model that has been shown in Iraq.
Lebanon will go the way to civil war, as will Iraq.

How does anyone think they can win a war aginst terrorists when the mindset seems to continue to create them?

"Those that ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them".

Suffer the innocents.
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