dubai world cup card... ?
is there anywhere i can get pp's right now ? i want to print them up while im at work tonight. thanks in advance
They draw Wednesday night, according to the bloodhorse article I read this morning.
Not positive, but I think they might have had them on the Churchill Downs site last year.
The DWC and Duty Free and Sheema Classic are to be drawn Wed. The others have drawn already but info won't be available til after the draw for the Big 3. One can hope that the info on the races aready drawn has been sent to CD so that after the "official draw" they will be able to get the PP's up fast. Of course, knowing how this system works, I am not hopeful...
RIP Monroe. |
With Curlin's field so large, is it possible to get even money on him, or is he so dominate that 1/2 is more likely?
#Grand |
Anybody have any idea what the betting menu is going to look like?