200k,150k, 120k
I really don't see how these 2 can keep telling crowds that Obama is gunna actually raise taxes on people making these lower amounts. Biden said most of the tax break should be for those making under 150k. I think they got the 120k amount from Richardson. He said most of the tax break would go for those making 120k or less. Somehow McCain n' Palin have simply gotten away with saying Obama is gunna raise taxes on people making above these lower numbers. Day after day(lie.) He has told everyone the amount is 250k. These 2 are simply gunna lie all the way to the finish.
If that's my admirers real photo.....The Philski just lost his place as The Fly.
It does look like him..considering the way he sounds.
I always pictured him as someone sitting right on the edge...ready to go off and bite people. |
Gosh he's ugly.
and people in Washington think that a cut is when you don't raise it as high as you were going to. Raise my taxes and call it a tax cut. Brilliant. Obama will claim that he was lied to about the numbers and he has to change with the current conditions and he worked really hard but he just can't give the middle class a tax cut. Now the spending... that's still good to go. He only has to compromise national security but that's ok because with him in the White House our enemies will love us.
A McCain presidency, in and of itself, would be a threat to our national security |
I say it as an alternative view to the "Obama wants to try to reason with our irrational enemies, so he must be weak" argument. How about, " McCain wants to fight and this will be happily obliged by the radicals from our enemies". That's all. It's not a dumb comment. I do see I've missed a lot of angry,insulting comments here the last few days. I'm surprised a bit, since I once had something removed by the moderators that seems to pale in comparison |
In case I get to Saratoga next summer, I stand just 5 feet, 6 inches but have puffed up to 200 pounds. I'll be ready
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiqyb...eature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3zeb...eature=related Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 11-03-2008 at 01:23 PM. |
Ain't he ugly? |
And I now feel my chances with Layla Dala are much bettah. Kiss-Kiss,Dahling!! >=:> |
Republican dirty tricksters! I never thought they'd stoop this low and kill the old lady As a serious aside, I imagine this is a very emotional night for Obama. He was raised by his grandmother, along with grandpa and mom, so this isn't some distant granny. Big day for Barack tomorrow. He and McCain are scheduled to be on Monday Night Football tonight, interviewed at halftime I believe(not in the studio, but from their home(or hotel room) |
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |