Sun.AQ 7th
They took down the 8 on a jockeys objection. It cost me a 2486 p3. I'm interested to hear any opinions as to whether the dq was justified. Thanks KP
It looked like a no brainer to me, the 8 came in on the 2 around mid-stretch, striking the 2's shoulder and shutting off the rail while impeding the 2's path and forcing the 2to come out and restart a run at the 8.
Sorry you lost money on this one, but IMO the stewards made the right call on this one. |
I was surprised to read this in Ed Fountaine's "Through the Binocs" in the NY Post:
"How often have you cussed a jockey when he loses a race after letting another rider sneak through along the rail? Well, Eddie Castro, riding 20-1 Grand Treasure, wasn't about to let that happen to him. After taking the lead in mid-stretch, Castro glanced back to see Maylan Studart rallying up the fence aboard 4-1 Joe Corrigan. So he let Grand Treasure drift in a bit, shutting off the rail before Studart could get through. Just good race-riding, right? Well, Studart didn't think so - she claimed foul - and stewards agreed, disqualifying Grand Treasure and placing Joe Corrigan first. Eddie Arcaro is rolling over in his grave." I'm all about race-riding but that was not the case in this particular race. Castro had plenty of time to close up the rail but he waited until Joe Corrigan was halfway through. I thought it was very cut and dry. I'm sorry that it cost you a good score Kenny P, but I, like Pointman, think the right call was made. NT |
I have no argument with the decision. The shame is that Castro didn't have to do that...I think the 8 wins anyway. On to Wed. KP