My guess is he simply overloaded his system with stress,and it resulted in a series of unexpected random waves of anxiety.When this happens to people who have never experienced it before,they almost always turn this anxiety into panic attacks(their response to the anxiety makes it much worse than somebody who has experienced anxiety before.)People with panic attacks feel like they are going to die....their hearts race...they can feel and hear "in their ears" every heartbeat....They are very dizzy..They have trouble "getting enough air" (hyperventilate in response to this.)I can see where this could possibly, at 1st, be thought to be the result of stomach flu .The sweating,and the overall feeling of impending doom is somewhat similiar to somebody who is sick with a stubborn nausea.If this is what's happening to Ortiz,then he will be fine.Panic Attacks,and anxiety are kind of the dirty little tricks that our minds can play on us. People usually learn techniques to deal with them,and some take medications(atleast temporarily.)They are very treatable.I hope this is what's happening to him,because they are nature's false alarm,and nothing important is actually wrong.People just overload,and sometimes their bodies pull this false alarm called a panic attack.Probably related to the whole adrenaline "fight or flight" response. Obviously they have to rule out heart problems,but I thought they did that already in Boston.Anyways,off n' on panic attacks is what I think he is probably having.This is the way they work.He sees a Dr. and is told he is healthy.A week later the same symptoms occur.They think he needs a better Dr. etc. to find the real problem.They keep searching etc.,and I think they will find it is simply re-occuring panic attacks.They come on suddenly,and mimic what one thinks a heart problem would feel like.I don't think they would give anybody chest pain,or pain in the arm(like a heart attack.)I doubt we have heard that complaint from Ortiz.This is my guess as to what's going on,and yes they would feel like he is going crazy.I think another condition with the same symptoms are Thyroid conditions(again very treatable.)I think they would have caught that a week ago though.
Last edited by SCUDSBROTHER : 08-29-2006 at 04:20 PM.