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Old 04-03-2014, 09:06 AM
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Default The Weapons in the Leland Yee Scandal

Hey, I realize it's not as nefarious as stopping traffic on a bridge, which is why the msm has spent thousands of hours talking about one and not the other...

Who's Packing What: The Weapons in the Leland Yee Scandal

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Old 04-03-2014, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Hey, I realize it's not as nefarious as stopping traffic on a bridge, which is why the msm has spent thousands of hours talking about one and not the other...

Who's Packing What: The Weapons in the Leland Yee Scandal

Popular Mechanics: Your new go-to news source.
It could be this gets less coverage than the other because one involves a potential candidate for President and the other a potential candidate for California Secretary of State.

Did you know who Chris Christie was before the bridge scandal? Is your answer the same for Leland Yee and his arrest?

It doesn't require a nefarious plot by the imaginary MSM to understand a difference in the amount of coverage.
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Old 04-04-2014, 09:04 AM
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Right. If Yee was a pro-gun conservative this would be top of the hour news at CNN, MSNBC and the 3 networks.
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Old 04-04-2014, 09:17 AM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
Right. If Yee was a pro-gun conservative this would be top of the hour news at CNN, MSNBC and the 3 networks.
if he was a pro gun conservative, he wouldn't have been pushing gun control legislation, while involved in gun running.
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Old 04-04-2014, 11:40 AM
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Any network that dedicated equal coverage to these would be the one pushing an agenda.

It just doesn't make any sense that an obscure state senator in California deserves the same coverage that the potential front runner for a major party Presidential nomination gets.

Your attempt to prove a point by equating them says more about you than any media outlet.
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Old 04-04-2014, 01:05 PM
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The media didn't have any problem devoting a great deal of time to obscure state Senator Wendy Davis.

Equate them? I never said that. How about if the media devotes any coverage at all to Senator Yee. This story is like House of Cards, Scandal and American Hustle combined. If you think that the media I cited wouldn't be all over this story like flies on **** if Yee was a Republican, you aren't being realistic.
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Old 04-04-2014, 01:41 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
The media didn't have any problem devoting a great deal of time to obscure state Senator Wendy Davis.

Equate them? I never said that. How about if the media devotes any coverage at all to Senator Yee. This story is like House of Cards, Scandal and American Hustle combined. If you think that the media I cited wouldn't be all over this story like flies on **** if Yee was a Republican, you aren't being realistic.
I do think the first paragraph in your original post drew a comparison between coverage of the two scandals. I don't know how else I could interpret it.

If all you're saying is there isn't the same level of coverage there would be if Yee was a Republican then I still disagree but admit that could be my own political blinders as much as yours.
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Old 04-04-2014, 03:05 PM
Danzig Danzig is offline
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Originally Posted by OldDog View Post
The media didn't have any problem devoting a great deal of time to obscure state Senator Wendy Davis.

Equate them? I never said that. How about if the media devotes any coverage at all to Senator Yee. This story is like House of Cards, Scandal and American Hustle combined. If you think that the media I cited wouldn't be all over this story like flies on **** if Yee was a Republican, you aren't being realistic.
i've seen coverage of yee, more than once on the news. so, obviously the media covers it. i've been out of town, and out of the loop for days, and still knew about the story. i think he's gotten as much coverage as anyone in that situation would-actually, more since it's california. there has been regional coverage in the past of la and arkansas politicians, but no national coverage.
and of course wendy davis got press-texas being texas. had that been in north dakota, it wouldn't have gotten near the coverage. witness mississippi, which just had their legislature pass a religious rights bill much like what arizona's governor just vetoed, i've seen no national coverage. nobody gives a sh!t about mississippi.
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