Video evidence: "Win" announcement was collusion between Hillary and AP
The video shows the title of the graphic being "secret win" from June 4th... |
"If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think" - Clarence Darrow, American lawyer (1857-1938) When you are right, no one remembers;when you are wrong, no one forgets. Thought for today.."No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong" - Francois, Duc de la Rochefoucauld, French moralist (1613-1680) |
Speaking of trump...
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_a...prejudice.html Is trump the hill (of sh!t) that the gop wishes to die on? But, hey, if the gop goes the way of the whigs, then we just need hillary to take the dems the way of the know nothings, and maybe...just maybe a better system could rise from the ashes.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |
You know.....tshirts and hats are made well before the superbowl. How the hell did they know denver would win?! Its rigged, all riiiiggggggeeedddd.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. Abraham Lincoln |