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Old 11-01-2006, 11:09 AM
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Default John Kerry WHY?!

Im just reading up on my main candidate for president, and it looks like its over. For a guy who thinks alot about what he says he really killed his aspirations for president with his comments.

Mr Al Gore please run for president, America needs you
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:12 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
Im just reading up on my main candidate for president, and it looks like its over. For a guy who thinks alot about what he says he really killed his aspirations for president with his comments.

Mr Al Gore please run for president, America needs you
He was being honest. He could have said it in a less offensive way. If you make bad grades in high school and score poorly on the SAT's and/or ACT's, there is a high probability you will be recruited for the armed services and sent to Iraq.

It's really good advice. The war is bull****.
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Pillow Pants
He was being honest. He could have said it in a less offensive way. If you make bad grades in high school and score poorly on the SAT's and/or ACT's, there is a high probability you will be recruited for the armed services and sent to Iraq.

It's really good advice. The war is bull****.

well I hope someone from the Dem's spin it as such. It certainly didnt help Kerry, I wish I knew he was in Seattle. I needed to talk to him
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:25 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
well I hope someone from the Dem's spin it as such. It certainly didnt help Kerry, I wish I knew he was in Seattle. I needed to talk to him
I gotta hand it to the guy, to lose in 2004 and have the courage to face the public two years later speaks volumes about his character. Or he simply has no shame.

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Old 11-01-2006, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Pillow Pants
He was being honest. He could have said it in a less offensive way. If you make bad grades in high school and score poorly on the SAT's and/or ACT's, there is a high probability you will be recruited for the armed services and sent to Iraq.

It's really good advice. The war is bull****.

That is complete and utter bull****. I too think the war is bull****, but making bad grades or not doing well on your SAT's does not mean you will end up in Iraq. You are no more likely to be recruited than the valedictorian.

What he was being honest about is that he is an elitist snob, and thinks the people that serve in our military are all hicks and idiots.

Please explain to me how being recruited for the armed services means you are going to Iraq? Last I checked there is no draft and if you are recruited that doesn't mean you have sign up.

In a country will record low unemployment rates, the military recruits are not all poor people looking for work.

Not everyone can be born into a wealthy family like Kerry, and then marry rich widows.

Kerry is a complete and utter loser and a liar and a phoney. The fact that I voted for him makes me want to throw up sometimes.

HE CAN'T STAND NOT BEING THE CENTER OF ATTENTION, and he is willing to destroy his own party just so he can get in the news cycle.

The guy can't just admit it, he is never going to be presiden. NEVER.
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
That is complete and utter bull****. I too think the war is bull****, but making bad grades or not doing well on your SAT's does not mean you will end up in Iraq. You are no more likely to be recruited than the valedictorian.

What he was being honest about is that he is an elitist snob, and thinks the people that serve in our military are all hicks and idiots.

Please explain to me how being recruited for the armed services means you are going to Iraq? Last I checked there is no draft and if you are recruited that doesn't mean you have sign up.

In a country will record low unemployment rates, the military recruits are not all poor people looking for work.

Not everyone can be born into a wealthy family like Kerry, and then marry rich widows.

Kerry is a complete and utter loser and a liar and a phoney. The fact that I voted for him makes me want to throw up sometimes.

HE CAN'T STAND NOT BEING THE CENTER OF ATTENTION, and he is willing to destroy his own party just so he can get in the news cycle.

The guy can't just admit it, he is never going to be presiden. NEVER.

John Kerry is a hero, and not an elitist. His background in his formative years will attest to that fact despite that yes he was in fact rich and privilaged
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
John Kerry is a hero, and not an elitist. His background in his formative years will attest to that fact despite that yes he was in fact rich and privilaged

You are completely clueless if you think he is a hero. He is nothing more than an opportunist.




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Old 11-01-2006, 11:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
You are completely clueless if you think he is a hero. He is nothing more than an opportunist.




you forgot he dated Jackie's sister only to meet President Kennedy
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Old 11-01-2006, 11:45 AM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Revolution
That is complete and utter bull****. I too think the war is bull****, but making bad grades or not doing well on your SAT's does not mean you will end up in Iraq. You are no more likely to be recruited than the valedictorian.

Your chances of joining the military increase when you don't have the grades and/or test scores to get an academic scholarship. Why? Because the armed forces help pay for college. It's their strongest selling point. And now that the requirements to join the military have been lowered, due in part to the smart and/or rich kids knowing the consequences of joining, even you can join.

What Kerry said is far less offensive than Dubya's fear mongering about the big bad terrorists. It's unfortunate he gave the dullard something to talk about other than terra.
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Old 11-01-2006, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Bababooyee
I am no fan of John Kerry. However, I think it was intended as a dig on Bush not the troops. That is, if you're dumb, like GW, you get stuck in Iraq (like GW has us stuck in Iraq).

There is no way he intended it as if you're dumb, you end up as a troop in Iraq. Maybe some people feel that way, but a long-time politician, especially a seasoned one like Kerry, would not say so in front of the press...especially around election time.

Poor speech writing. Worse delivery.

(fwiw, I don't like GW either and did not vote for GW or Kerry. But I did vote. Hooray )
It's obvious that the fool misspoke, but why go there...his "joke" was aimed at Bush...and it's obvious that nobody mistakes Bush for Stephen Hawking...but nobody places Kerry up there either! None of these candidates are within 30 IQ points of me and I'm not worthy of being President! Enough with the personal attacks...give us a plan for getting out of Iraq while preserving the government there, stopping nuke development in North Korea and Iran and solving the Middle East mess and I'll be impressed...until then, none of these fools are worth voting for! Kerry goofed...he should state clearly that he misspoke and apologize to our troops and move would be forgotten in a day! These clowns never learn, from Tricky Dicky to Ronnie Ray-gun (zap) to Slick Willie...we don't give a damn if you make a mistake, admit it, apologize and move on! The coverup or the idiotic refusal to admit a mistake is what brings folks down...not the original act! I mean really...who cares what Willie did with that cigar?
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 11-01-2006, 04:01 PM
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Old 11-01-2006, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
You are completely clueless if you think he is a hero. He is nothing more than an opportunist.





Oh my god, you're right! How DARE a Democrat be rich? How DARE HE? Only Republicans are allowed to be rich! Democrats who are rich are evil hypocrites! Republicans who are rich are God's chosen! How dare Kerry! How dare he??????

Um, actually, McCain married a rich woman, too, and he wasn't even divorced when he hooked up with his second wife. At least Kerry wasn't committing adultery (since the Republicans seem pretty obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom). McCain's second wife's money funded his early campaigns.

Though, sadly, I have no snappy comeback for how he could have lost to Bush, other than maybe Americans are very susceptible to, "Elect a Democrat and the terrorists will KILL you," which seems to be the Republicans' campaign slogan for the past six years. Kerry was a rotten candidate; I agree with you, Rev. But I voted for him, and had I to do it again, I'd vote for him over Bush again. Heck, I'd vote for a Fresca over Bush.

And I still say those who think he was talking about the soldiers are wrong, wrong, wrong. It was a Bush dig. But it's just as well he's hiding out for the rest of the campaign. We need divided government and we need it badly- this single party crap has seriously screwed up our long-term stability (ballooning deficit, anyone?). The Dems don't need any more of Kerry trying out his stand-up act before Tuesday...
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Old 11-01-2006, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Oh my god, you're right! How DARE a Democrat be rich? How DARE HE? Only Republicans are allowed to be rich! Democrats who are rich are evil hypocrites! Republicans who are rich are God's chosen! How dare Kerry! How dare he??????

Um, actually, McCain married a rich woman, too, and he wasn't even divorced when he hooked up with his second wife. At least Kerry wasn't committing adultery (since the Republicans seem pretty obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom). McCain's second wife's money funded his early campaigns.

Though, sadly, I have no snappy comeback for how he could have lost to Bush, other than maybe Americans are very susceptible to, "Elect a Democrat and the terrorists will KILL you," which seems to be the Republicans' campaign slogan for the past six years. Kerry was a rotten candidate; I agree with you, Rev. But I voted for him, and had I to do it again, I'd vote for him over Bush again. Heck, I'd vote for a Fresca over Bush.

And I still say those who think he was talking about the soldiers are wrong, wrong, wrong. It was a Bush dig. But it's just as well he's hiding out for the rest of the campaign. We need divided government and we need it badly- this single party crap has seriously screwed up our long-term stability (ballooning deficit, anyone?). The Dems don't need any more of Kerry trying out his stand-up act before Tuesday...
There you go. Go attacking the other guys and look the other way for your guy. I expect this from Republicans, but now it has become the Democrats move too. We need a third party for honest, normal people.

Nothing wrong with Democrats being rich, but Kerry isn't just rich, he is an elitist. Bill Clinton wasn't rich and that is why he did a good job. He understood normal people. FDR was loaded but he connected with average people. You can't be President of the United States if you are an elitist like Kerry. He talks like an elitist that thinks he knows everything. The fact is he isn't even that bright. The real problem with Kerry though is that he won't go away. GO AWAY!

If you heard him on Don Imus this morning he was a joke. Imus had to tell him 20x to just shut up and go away. This guy wants to be President and he is getting humiliated by Don Imus.
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Old 11-01-2006, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Pillow Pants
Your chances of joining the military increase when you don't have the grades and/or test scores to get an academic scholarship. Why? Because the armed forces help pay for college. It's their strongest selling point. And now that the requirements to join the military have been lowered, due in part to the smart and/or rich kids knowing the consequences of joining, even you can join.

What Kerry said is far less offensive than Dubya's fear mongering about the big bad terrorists. It's unfortunate he gave the dullard something to talk about other than terra.
This is actually not correct. The average income of the families of people joining the military over the last 5 years has increased. Poor people have other options due to low unemployment. Actually, there are quite a few middle class and even wealthy people that are buying the lies of George Bush and joining the military. 9-11 brought a ton of people into the military that would never have joined. Even poor guys like a millionaire NFL player, Pat Tillman joined.
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Old 11-01-2006, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Revolution
There you go. Go attacking the other guys and look the other way for your guy. I expect this from Republicans, but now it has become the Democrats move too. We need a third party for honest, normal people.

Nothing wrong with Democrats being rich, but Kerry isn't just rich, he is an elitist. Bill Clinton wasn't rich and that is why he did a good job. He understood normal people. FDR was loaded but he connected with average people. You can't be President of the United States if you are an elitist like Kerry. He talks like an elitist that thinks he knows everything. The fact is he isn't even that bright. The real problem with Kerry though is that he won't go away. GO AWAY!

If you heard him on Don Imus this morning he was a joke. Imus had to tell him 20x to just shut up and go away. This guy wants to be President and he is getting humiliated by Don Imus.
Rev, what exactly makes him an elitist, besides Fox News saying he is? Where does he say poor people suck, or deserve to be poor, or any of the things I would associate with elitism? He's a crummy speaker, no doubt, and yeah, he has a problem with coming across like he thinks he knows more than the other guy about politics (Gore was guilty of this, too, I thought), but that doesn't have anything to do with elitism-- half the people who post on this board have that same attitude when it comes to racing, and no one is calling them elitist. Kerry is a policy wonk, and gets complex issues-- and then, because he's a crummy speaker, can't explain them. Unfortunately, he's also got zero charisma, and Clinton and FDR had charisma to spare. I think sometimes that absolute radiation of charisma is what makes people respond to a candidate. I think this "elitist" label is one the GOP likes to throw around at Dems to get people angry at them. Bush is every bit as much of an "elitist" as Kerry-- he's a Connecticut blueblood, after all, but the GOP, by seeming to celebrate willful ignorance (in what other nation would a leader not be crucified for saying he doesn't read the news?), can then toss the elitist label at their opponents- "Hey, no need to know what's going on; that makes you a blue-state elitist!" Reminds me of picking on the smart kids in school, really.

I brought up McCain because I'm tired of the "how dare a Dem be rich" thing. I apologize if you thought I was trying to change the topic-- I was uncertain how Kerry marrying rich had anything to do with his comments yesterday or his candidacy in '04, but you brought it up. I suspect you and I both don't care much who anyone marries, rich or not, but you know, Teresa Heinz Kerry's money was a HUGE topic of the '04 elections, while McCain's wife's money wasn't in '00, nor has Bush's family's money ever been an issue. It always seems to be just the Dems who get blamed for having it. What I was trying to say is, take it off the table; both sides have men who married well.

I liked Clinton and FDR, too. And, to bring up the other party, TR was pretty darn good at connecting with the general public, too, don't you think?

As always, I enjoy your posts!
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Old 11-01-2006, 05:20 PM
Coach Pants
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Originally Posted by Revolution
This is actually not correct. The average income of the families of people joining the military over the last 5 years has increased. Poor people have other options due to low unemployment. Actually, there are quite a few middle class and even wealthy people that are buying the lies of George Bush and joining the military. 9-11 brought a ton of people into the military that would never have joined. Even poor guys like a millionaire NFL player, Pat Tillman joined.
Where are your sources? Of course the average income is going to increase if even a small number of rich kids enlist. That doesn't mean the majority of men and women in the military don't come from poor families.
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Old 11-01-2006, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Pillow Pants
Where are your sources? Of course the average income is going to increase if even a small number of rich kids enlist. That doesn't mean the majority of men and women in the military don't come from poor families.
my family wasn't poor, neither was my grandparents weren't poor, my husband and i certainly aren't, and i know what my kids grades are, their sats, acts, honor society memberships, asvab scores, graduation with honors, college courses in high school, etc.

congrats, welcome to the stereotype society--you'll fit right in. not sure where you get your facts, or stats....
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Old 11-01-2006, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Pillow Pants
Where are your sources? Of course the average income is going to increase if even a small number of rich kids enlist. That doesn't mean the majority of men and women in the military don't come from poor families.
The majority do NOT come from what is categorized as poor families. The majority do not have terrible grades either. You need to stop listening to propaganda from the liberals. This war is moronic, but the members of the military are not uneducated poor people, which you seem to be insinuating. It doesn't attract a ton of very wealthy kids that would be going to the highest priced universities, but it attracts a huge amount of middle class people.

I hate to say it, but you sure did come across as a snob who looks down on the members of the military. Similar to John Kerry's views.

My cousin went straight into the military and he could have gone to college first, but now he is an engineer with a college degree from a very good school.

Believe it or not, some people feel they are fortunate to live in america and feel it is their duty or obligation to do something for their country.

It sure did look like members of our military were the ones helping the people after Katrina, not educated kids who "are too smart" to join the military.
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Old 11-01-2006, 09:07 PM
Nascar1966 Nascar1966 is offline
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Default Perceptions about the Military

Two years I retired after serving for 20 years in the military for this great country of ours. I have no regrets about serving 20 years in it. I know get a pretty good retirement check, I still work, im not worried about it. I don't know if alot of the people realize other benefits that I am presently enjoying. My insurance for myself, wife, and son is presently under $500.00 for the entire year. A visit to the doctor's office is under $15.00, prescriptions are either $9.00 or $3.00 depending upon it being a generic brand or name brand.

One of the main reasons why I joined the military was that I wanted to do some traveling. I made my 1st cruise at the crisp young age of 19. How many 19 year olds can say they have been to Spain, France, Italy, Crete, and England. Where I grew up there used to be steel mills, now they are either malls or just empty land. People are right about the military paying for outside education, my associates that I received while active cost me $2500, the military paid for the rest. I totally agree with Revolution's post. I grew up in a middle class family, during my senior year I made my mind up that I wasn't going to live off of my dad's money, unlike some of the spoiled brats that are still living with thier parents. I joined the military in December of my senior and I had the peace mind knowing that my future was set for the next four years. Also while in the miltary I received extra money for housing and food, and all medical care was free for my wife and son as long as they went on base. I was also lucky that where I was stationed at had a free five hole practice golf course on the base. It might not of been much to look at, but it was free and it entertained my family on numerous occasions.
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Old 11-01-2006, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by GenuineRisk
Rev, what exactly makes him an elitist, besides Fox News saying he is? Where does he say poor people suck, or deserve to be poor, or any of the things I would associate with elitism?
Fox News is full of idiots, but an elitist is somebody who thinks he knows what is best for everyone. Saying poor people suck isn't elitist, it is just somebody who lacks compassion. There are plenty of elitist people that aren't wealthy, they make up a large proportion of professors on college campuses. They have all the answers and love free speech as long as the free speech is what they believe.

Kerry acts like the people that join the military only do it because they are stupid and don't know any better. He seems to have all the answers to everything that is best for people and we need him to protect us from our own stupidity. He also comes across as very uncomfortable around average americans. His calling Lambeau field Lambert field didn't exactly help him. His saluting and reporting for duty garbage at the Democratic convention was so fake it wasn't funny. I don't think he is a bad person, like a Dick Cheney, but he is an elitist, and he probably doesn't even know it.
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