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Old 11-05-2017, 10:26 PM
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Default Year End Results, Wrap Up and Awards . . .

OK to start with HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Real Quiet for etching his name in the Gallivan Cup. More about this to follow and records set this year and who knows what else I may throw at you, for hopeful response of course. It was kind of disappointing here yet kind of understandable and yet we, the few - the loyal hung in and did our thing. I like our thing!!! But it may not persevere much longer . . . we'll see (ala Plen's very appropriate post I totally misunderstood . . . an apologized for) to her at least about recruiting more players. BRAVO!!!

We've all been doing this for a long time. Me, I'm a relative rookie to have started seriously (without a clue but with thread from my wife) in this handicapping game around 1999. I'm still partying like it's 1999 but with much less gusto. In the beginning at The Vinery I was a court jester in my own mind (somewhat serious) and got banned for it.

I won't continue the story in that many of you know me and know it from then to now. BUT I can say I have had very few experiences as rewardingly frustrating as staying with this, taking things over for many years now and luckily knowing all of you via the web (some personally but not enough) as much as I do. This a finely tuned yet often funky group of people who love the sport we partake in. Most of your don't believe this, that although I newbie compared to most here, I love it likely more than you. Why you may ask, or not.

My wife and that's all I can say. JolyB met Patty (aka Anet) at Saratoga not too may years ago and I could tell he was taken aback by her thoroughbred aura, when she had just a few short exchanges with him that left me speechless of course. Great meet up and I'm so glad for it. She is why I started this in 1999, just to get closer to what she loves even more than me. Then and now we are tuned in and share many spirited points of discussion that from her mouth could be taught in schools of horse racing knowledge and purpose anywhere. I'd say she's a thoroughbred racing savant, to me anyway. Funny, when I play these contest she leaves me alone . . . if not my brain would explode. She's learned to leave me alone to my own demise as she walks away smiling.

But I am going on way too much about ME, and this place is way more than about me. I totally love all of you that are still here and those who have left for any reason. I can't tell you how much I look forward to every weekend and the challenge of it all and yes even bragging at times why I am able to somehow come out ahead of so many that are way better at this game than I.

Thank you for allowing to "lament", so to speak, and expose my shirt sleeve and for standing with me in this little place we call our own and the love of thoroughbred horse racing . . . oh yea and winning the freaking points and ROI contest once in awhile!!!

More to come but more to the point of this year and next, sorry!!!

Oh wait, JolyB, Plenilune and of course Real Quiet, for what you do here with me . . . you all are FREAKING AWESOME!!!!
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 11-06-2017 at 11:11 AM.
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Old 11-06-2017, 10:32 AM
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I apologize for all the ME references. I've been listening to Donald It's all about ME Trump tag lines too much I guess.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb
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Old 11-06-2017, 11:06 AM
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Old 11-06-2017, 10:18 PM
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As if we didn't know, we are off next weekend to keep with out little forum tradition. We all need a short freshening and me I need more of a long one.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb
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Old 11-07-2017, 05:41 PM
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2017 Gallivan Cup and 2016-2017 Racing Season Champions are:

Gallivan Cup Champ - Real Quiet, great job on an even tougher than normal 2 day card. Please note my record shows, in recent history of this forum, this is the 3rd Cup for Real Quiet only one behind DonGuido.

2016-2017 Racing Season Champ - DonGuido, DonGuido lead for the majority of the year being helped greatly by his points contest scores but also helped by having his best year ever in ROI wagers. "Who'd-a thunk it?" Also please note that Don Guido's total points score of 556 points is a record and this is the first time that two players have scored over 500 points as JolyB had a very strong finish just to remind DG who "The Professor" is.

For your final totals, if interested, please go to the final update through 11/4 BC card on the Points and ROI Totals thread.


PS - Real Quiet will post the Champion ROI Wagers results along with his always anticipated entertaining narrative . . . mybe here or in a seprate thread. His choice for sure.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 11-08-2017 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 11-08-2017, 01:13 PM
NJ Stinks NJ Stinks is offline
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DonGuido, I can only tell you that I enjoy the company here too. And I enjoy having a $100 to play with each and every Saturday no matter what is in my wallet.

Hence, I look forward to another season of exciting Saturdays with all of you.
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Old 11-08-2017, 05:36 PM
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One other interesting note for this year that it was the first year I can remember when we did not have a THREE PEAT winner. We had a fair share of REPEATS in points and ROI though.

I may be wrong on this, so if someone remembers a THREE PEAT, let me know.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 11-08-2017 at 10:38 PM.
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Old 11-10-2017, 12:24 PM
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With 2017 in the books let me first say congrats to Don Guido for putting up a lot of points and winning our handicapper of the year award. Kudos to Joly also for knocking down 500 points to finish a strong second. I win a few ROI Contests and once in a blue moon I'll hit a points contest so I'm proud to add a second Gallivan Cup to my resume on our biggest contest day. Last year Ruffian won our ROI Championship and this year we have a new first time winner in Cruzan. Over the course of our 50 weeks Cruzan made $1426 virtual dollars and had a stellar 45% Return on Investment. Yours truly finished second with an $1139 profit and a 21% ROI. In addition El Prado made $711 virtual dollars and Roamin added $170 to his bankroll. 4 out of the 12 regulars making some cash is impressive. Last year we lost 20% as a group. This year it was only a little over 5%. Probably our strongest year ever and better than the track takeout. As noted earlier, NJ Stinks led the way with 8 ROI wins. Good job NJS stopping the Ruffian 3 peat. Don Guido and Joly B added 6 each. Cruzan, Real Quiet, Indian Hemp, Ruffian and Plenilune had 4 wins each. We did spread it around as everyone had a win in 2017. Nobody did a Zippy Chippy. Ruffian kids me about wearing the bridesmaid gown. I finished second 9 times this year to get the Jacque's Who award. 5 players had $1000 profit weeks. El Prado collected $1510, Roamin got $1260 (on Abel Tasman), Cruzan got $1225 (and finished second that day), the "Don" got a $1276 payout and Ron Yonker nailed it to the tune of $1055. Talk about sniffing out those bombs. Well played all. Sad to see a couple players MIA. Hopefully El Prado and Swedejxn are just taking a freshening. Digger come back. I know your out there at BOTB's. While looking back at 2016 I saw Criminal Type had a +ROI that year. He never missed a day while here and will always be missed. Everytime a law enforcement horse wins I'm sure he's smiling. Thanks to my partners in stats, Plenilune and Don Guido for tabulating the results each week and props to all who keep the lights on here by showing up each week and thanks to our host Steve Byk for providing us a home. Shortly the "lifetime" stats will be recapped. All 497 weeks of it! Congrats again to Don for the most Points and to Cruzan for the highest ROI.
"The more I learn about humans, the more I love horses"
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Old 11-10-2017, 01:57 PM
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Thanks RQ for your expected and always professionally delivered statistical yet creative narration. It was a good year if we were lucky enough to take home a trophy or be mentioned in your summation or maybe weren't so lucky . . . this year. It was still a good year for all!

Y'all knows how much I luvs ya just being here!!!

Enjoy the weekend off, relax and in the much cooler weather, watch some high school and/or college football (I will for sure) and don't forget to honor and thank any and all veterans you know or don't know.

See ya in the gate on the 18th wherever our Gallivan Cup Champ may decide to start us off for the new 2017-2018 handicapping year.
The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears – Arabian Proverb

Last edited by DonGuido : 11-10-2017 at 06:04 PM.
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Old 11-17-2017, 01:08 PM
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A few little stats to report before we start what we call the 2018 season. Since I have been keeping the ROI we have played approximately 497 weeks. 43 players have played at least one week. Should all 43 show up together I'm sure Plenilune would be pleased. I would flee to warmer climates. After the Breeders Cup I maintained a one win lead over Ruffian , 45 to 44 with Criminal Type at 36, Joly B at 35 and NJ Stinks at 34. I kept my lead in part because I am too stubborn to miss a week. Ruffians win percentage is a lot higher at 11% with NJ Stinks and Criminal Type a little over 10%. After 219 weeks Digger is the only player to still show a profit having collected $24,354 and wagered $23,373 for an ROI of +4% and a $981 profit. As I say every year "don't sit on your laurels Digger, show us what you got". The Jacques Who award still goes to JolyB who maintains his lead with 51 second place finishes. Shows you JB can always be found in the photo finish. Win or lose he's always in the shadow of the wire. Digger also leads the In The Money percentage having hit the board and collecting points 35% of his weeks played. Cruzan has hit the board 28% of the time with Plenilune and Joly at 27%. There are a few players who are three time positive ROI finishers. NJ Stinks made money in 2009 2010 and 2013. Roamin has made money in 2009 2014 and 2017 and Criminal Type made money in 2010 2011 and 2016. CT will be missed but not forgotten. Real Quiet, Husker Princess, Little Watermelon, Digger, Dance Smartly, El Prado, Ruffian, Dapplehorse and Joly B were also multiple ROI earners.
What can we learn from this information? It's that I have too much free time on my hands and that if all you players stop showing up I will be forced to watch soap opera's rather than keeping ROI stats and that does not float my boat. Thanks once again to all who play this great game of horse race
"The more I learn about humans, the more I love horses"
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Old 11-21-2017, 11:05 AM
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Thumbs up

I received my Breeders Cup glass yesterday. It is much appreciated. A fitting bookend to my Gallivan Cup Thanks to Plenilune for a fantastic end of the year award.
"The more I learn about humans, the more I love horses"
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