Germany Going After Rumsfeld Again
For the second time, a proscecutor in Germany is going after Rumsfeld and other American officials. The prosecutor is seeking a criminal investigation and possible prosecution of Rumsfeld and others on behalf of 11 Iraqis who were prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
You can go to drudgreport.com for the links. |
When you really think about it, it's amazing that this prosecutor would have the nerve to do this. Does he think that we don't know his motives? Who does he think he's kidding? Even though I know that nothing will come of this, it still angers me. With all that we've done for Europe, they still treat us like crap. Last edited by Rupert Pupkin : 11-10-2006 at 02:54 PM. |
If it were France.......... |
As far as Germany putting Rumsfeld on trial, can you remember which country held war trials at Nuremburg to hold their war criminals accountable for their actions? Read the second and third paragraphs...... http://www.commondreams.org/views06/1110-35.htm |
This comparing the Nazi Regime and bush is getting real old. The two are very much diffrent. Hitler killed over 12 million people not in a war or fighting, but by taking them from their homes and either burning them, putting them in gas chambers, or simply starving them until they died. People say bush started a pre-emptive war, its fine if you believe that but that has nothing to do with Hitlers regime.
My second thought on the article is it points to the fact that democrats never did anything wrong. Please clinton LIED to america under oath. Do we all remember "it depends on what your definition of is, is" Most politicians will say anything to get into office or out of trouble. |
The culprit here doesn't seem to me to be the Germans but rather German law which allows for "universal jurisdiction" for war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world. A similar situation came up with Rumsfeld in Germany in 2004. Prosecutors delined to persue action. A civil rights attorney named Michael Ratner, who is helping the plaintiffs with their filing is one of the culprits, in my view. But the worst culprit here is former U.S. Army General Janis Kaspirski, who used to run the U.S. prisons in Iraq who has issued a written statement to acompany the plaintiffs' filings and apparently will be a witness for the plaintiffs.. She will be in Germany next week to "address her accusations" in the case. I'd bet dollars to dimes her prospective publisher and public relations rep will be staying in the same freaking hotel. I think it is absolutely abhorrant when senior U.S. military officials "retire" and then move on to seek personal attention and wealth by writing books or showing up on television talk shows which can only be successful ventures if they betray their superiors, their military and their nation. The fact it is happening in Germany is just because it's the quickest way for Kaspirski to get her face on the t.v. talk shows before the new Congress conducts whatever hearings it's sure to conduct where she'd get lost in the shuffle. For or against the war; for or against Bush; for or against whatever, this sort of betrayal by our retired military leaders is bullsh1t. |
Just admit you are a communist. |
I've been called many things, but "communist"? Come on you joker, you! All the while I thought I was a liberal NY eeeeellllleeeeetisssssst... You are such a thilly, thilly boy! Don't worry...your secret's safe. I won't say aword about the smile on your face after you bent over to pick up the soap in the prison shower. Mummms the word. Last edited by Downthestretch55 : 11-11-2006 at 04:53 PM. |
My guess is that you have no clue about the damage that Reagan's policies did to the national debt load. Perhaps you might think about "research" before you hurl "labels". Hurl. |
Here is a "letter to the editor", clearly an opinion, totally based on facts. If you find any "facts" to disprove the author's, please provide. "Research based" only. http://www.madison.com/tct/opinion/l...103512&ntpid=3 |
Here's another that you might find of interest, hardly from a "left wing" opinion site. Note in the article the country that is currently preventing US bankruptcy. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?n...d=222071&rfi=6 |
If you've spent some time reading anyof the articles I put up, this one might also be of interest. Yes, it has to do with China. Yes, they are "communist", which I certainly am not (I'm for "free market capitalism"). It amazes me that this country figured out our "game" so well in the past 30+ years that they can afford to buy our incredible debt (Repub created). My guess is that some of our "leaders" could learn something. http://www.commondreams.org/views06/1112-28.htm Comments? |
http://homepages.kdsi.net/~sherman/rushmore.html |