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Old 11-16-2006, 12:42 PM
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Default LOL!!! House Democrats choose Hoyer

This is ****ing hysterical!!! I hope the Dems enjoy their two years in control(which is all they are gonna get)!! They say they are gonna get the country in order and they can't even get themselves in order.
Pelosi's guy Murtha gets beat by Hoyer and Dems are infighting already.
They just don't ever change, bunch of clowns.
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Old 11-16-2006, 12:48 PM
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Looks like they are really off to a good start and ready to get things going, lol.
I personally thought they should have gone with the Abscam guy Murtha who said "he wasn't interested at THIS TIME" when they offered him 50 grand.
Sounds like a real standup guy and definitely who you want at number two!!

I forgot how much fun it is when the Dems are in power and scrutinized as much as members in the party with power are.
Gotta love a party whose majority leader is somehere to the left of Marx, who supports a guy who avoids and ABSCAM prosecution by millimeters due to uttering "not at this time" rather than saying maybe later for more cash as the number two guy, and whose members actually vote for the moderate who stands for most of the things they say they don't.
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Old 11-16-2006, 12:49 PM
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you will see
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Old 11-16-2006, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
you will see
Jerry...the problem is that for the next two years, Congress can't really accomplish much...Bush can and will veto anything he wishes. The Dems must keep control in the next election AND take the White House to enact change! Will the public be patient or will they look back on the upcoming two years and blame Congress for "big talk and no action"'s hard to say! Elect the right person in 08 and change can occur...otherwise...more same old same old!
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Old 11-16-2006, 12:59 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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The best I can figure is that the Dems sure know how to hang their dirty underwear in the front yard.
Maybe the britches and bras will dry out if the sun shines.
We'll have to see which way the wind blows.
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Jerry...the problem is that for the next two years, Congress can't really accomplish much...Bush can and will veto anything he wishes. The Dems must keep control in the next election AND take the White House to enact change! Will the public be patient or will they look back on the upcoming two years and blame Congress for "big talk and no action"'s hard to say! Elect the right person in 08 and change can occur...otherwise...more same old same old!

thats where Al Gore will come into play, and hopefully when the Kerry people have deemed its time to get his face back in the running
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
The best I can figure is that the Dems sure know how to hang their dirty underwear in the front yard.
Maybe the britches and bras will dry out if the sun shines.
We'll have to see which way the wind blows.

Same old story DTS...we get what we deserve...we elect these folks, see that they are dirty and reelect them! When was the last time we elected a man to the Presidency that we could be proud of? I'd say Truman....
"Always be yourself...unless you suck!"
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:26 PM
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“I can’t believe they are self-destructing before they even get started,” said Representative Ray LaHood, Republican of Illinois. “Everyone on our side is giddy.”

What a wonderful thing our two political parties. The Democrats that have no idea what they want to do, and a hateful Republican party that wants to see failure. What a wonderful outlook from both sides. Both sides should feel ashamed.


Yes I get giddy when our nation's politicians cant get anything done. Makes me happy as hell. Will someone from Illinois please get rid of this Republican clown.
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
thats where Al Gore will come into play, and hopefully when the Kerry people have deemed its time to get his face back in the running
Thats pretty funny Jerry! LOL!!
Kerry sunk any small chance he had with his "witty" comments about not studying and ending up in the military.
No dem can win the presidency without some appeal to the moderates in the red states.
Gore's a dinosaur.
Hilary ain't electable and you know it.
Its gonna be Edwards I'd think. Hes been pretty smart, pretty smart indeed.
Hes done something simple but brilliant, hes stayed out of the press and avoided making commentary on anything. The wind blows every which way in times of turmoil and terrorism like we have now. A comment that was fitting at the time of uttering it can turn out to be not so fitting one terrorist attack later.
Hes already got recognition from his VP run. Hes avoided making comments that and accusations that can be drudged up against him and he doesn't have a long liberal voting record.
The problem is that it looks as if the Dems will infight once again in the fight for the nomination, and it always hurts them.
Republicans really only have two candidates, McCain and Giualani and I think if Rudy truly wants it he will get it, and be elected president.
As a former federal prosecutor he has credentials as knowing the letter of the law and going after crime. As mayor he did a stunning job cleaning up NYC, and particularly going after crime. His actions during 911 may indeed have been little more than a lot of words, but he can truly say he will go after terrorism and knows of its effects more than anyone.
His true value is that he could be the first Republican since Reagen to carry Ny and its vast number of electoral votes. Upstate NY is HEAVILY republican but the City has always carried the Dems. Having been one of the most popular NYC mayors since LaGuardia, he could carry NYC and upstate would be a landslide.
Also have to factor in that Italian Americans would support him in masses. He has appeal as a "minority" of sorts attempting to become the countries first Italian American President. He also doesn't have a congressional voting record to be used against him.
I'm not sure yet that he really wants to be President, but if he does, I think its going to President Giulani in 2008.
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by pgardn
“I can’t believe they are self-destructing before they even get started,” said Representative Ray LaHood, Republican of Illinois. “Everyone on our side is giddy.”

What a wonderful thing our two political parties. The Democrats that have no idea what they want to do, and a hateful Republican party that wants to see failure. What a wonderful outlook from both sides. Both sides should feel ashamed.


Yes I get giddy when our nation's politicians cant get anything done. Makes me happy as hell. Will someone from Illinois please get rid of this Republican clown.
Are you truly ****ing serious? You can't possibly be.
The Dems have been rooting against the war hoping to get back to pwer with its failure. Nothing like rooting for deaths of American soldiers to make me wanna sing "America the Beautiful"
The repub is right. For all the nonsense and propaganda the Dems just spread, the fact that the first thing they attempt to do in house is embarrasing to them shows they have no united party ideals or structure makes some folks realize that maybe the "vote on the war" should have been examined against exactly what you were voting for, rather than just against. It also showed that they haven't learned a ****ing thing in 12 years on the sidelines, and with 6 since having any control of the agenda whatsoever.
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:50 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Same old story DTS...we get what we deserve...we elect these folks, see that they are dirty and reelect them! When was the last time we elected a man to the Presidency that we could be proud of? I'd say Truman....
Ya had me scratchin' my head on that one...
I'd say Lincoln (Repub). He sure had his fair share of critics though.
They don't make em like they used to.

btw...Watch Edwards. He might be the Dems best hope. The other two will fade. Hillary-too much baggage, Obama-too inexperienced (maybe vp).
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Old 11-16-2006, 01:53 PM
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Originally Posted by oracle80
Are you truly ****ing serious? You can't possibly be.
The Dems have been rooting against the war hoping to get back to pwer with its failure. Nothing like rooting for deaths of American soldiers to make me wanna sing "America the Beautiful"
The repub is right. For all the nonsense and propaganda the Dems just spread, the fact that the first thing they attempt to do in house is embarrasing to them shows they have no united party ideals or structure makes some folks realize that maybe the "vote on the war" should have been examined against exactly what you were voting for, rather than just against. It also showed that they haven't learned a ****ing thing in 12 years on the sidelines, and with 6 since having any control of the agenda whatsoever.
So...if you walk down the street and see a man raping a woman you advocate grabbing the nearest woman and doing the same? That is a morally bankrupt argument...and the basis for the mess we are in today! As long as those who disagree with us suffer, we don't care if we are being flushed down the toilet! We are a country of clowns who enjoy seeing others crash and burn but have no idea how to behave in a constructive manner! This has been going on forever but beginning with Clinton and the witch hunt to try and impeach him, it has reached tragic levels!
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Old 11-16-2006, 02:12 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
So...if you walk down the street and see a man raping a woman you advocate grabbing the nearest woman and doing the same? That is a morally bankrupt argument...and the basis for the mess we are in today! As long as those who disagree with us suffer, we don't care if we are being flushed down the toilet! We are a country of clowns who enjoy seeing others crash and burn but have no idea how to behave in a constructive manner! This has been going on forever but beginning with Clinton and the witch hunt to try and impeach him, it has reached tragic levels!
I'm not going to comment on what you stated other than to say that there's been plenty of "mean spiritness".
Remember who the guy was that said, "A vote for the Democrats is a vote for the terrorists"? Clue: think great "statesman".
Now that Nancy P will be controlling what bills even come to the floor, and put the one's that are sure to be vetoed (cause there was only one,stem cells, when the Repubs held control), my guess is that whatever is put forward will be carefully done.

And "O"...I disagree that ANYONE that's a true American was rooting against our troops. They didn't present the insane policy, they follow orders, remember. I sure hope they all come home safely and stand beside me when I sing "America, the Beautiful"...cause it is.
btw, Dubbya is not America.
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Old 11-16-2006, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by oracle80
Are you truly ****ing serious? You can't possibly be.
The Dems have been rooting against the war hoping to get back to pwer with its failure. Nothing like rooting for deaths of American soldiers to make me wanna sing "America the Beautiful"
The repub is right. For all the nonsense and propaganda the Dems just spread, the fact that the first thing they attempt to do in house is embarrasing to them shows they have no united party ideals or structure makes some folks realize that maybe the "vote on the war" should have been examined against exactly what you were voting for, rather than just against. It also showed that they haven't learned a ****ing thing in 12 years on the sidelines, and with 6 since having any control of the agenda whatsoever.
Oracle, you have got to stop going to Fox for your news. Hey, did you see the one about the Fox memo, giving the anchors their talking points ahead of time?

Please show any of us examples of where Democrats have been rooting for the deaths of American soldiers. I generally find you pretty funny, and love your racing insights, but I find that accusation pretty disgusting and anti-patriotic and offensive. I have friends who have served over there, I send support packages overseas, and unlike your Republican buddies who just had a can of whup-ass opened all over them, I'd like to see my tax dollars go to get those soldiers properly armored and supported, not into the pockets of Halliburton. Why don't you just admit you don't love America, you love Big Business? Why don't you admit you hate our soldiers because you love tax cuts and war, waged properly, is expensive? Why don't you put a big Enron sticker on your terrorist-enabling, gas guzzling car? Why do you hate our freedom????

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Old 11-16-2006, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
thats where Al Gore will come into play, and hopefully when the Kerry people have deemed its time to get his face back in the running
Here's an article on why Gore might be the dark horse for 2008. Looks like his waistline will tell the tale on whether he chooses to run...
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Old 11-16-2006, 03:04 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Seattleallstar
thats where Al Gore will come into play, and hopefully when the Kerry people have deemed its time to get his face back in the running
Dude, i'm not sure if you're being serious or not. In case you are i have to tell you. Al Gore and J Kerry are done as far as presidential prospects. toast.
They're damaged goods. You've got to look for someone else.
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Old 11-16-2006, 03:06 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by somerfrost
Jerry...the problem is that for the next two years, Congress can't really accomplish much...Bush can and will veto anything he wishes. The Dems must keep control in the next election AND take the White House to enact change! Will the public be patient or will they look back on the upcoming two years and blame Congress for "big talk and no action"'s hard to say! Elect the right person in 08 and change can occur...otherwise...more same old same old!
I'm not sure that Bush knows where his veto pen is. I don't think he's used it.
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Old 11-16-2006, 03:10 PM
Downthestretch55 Downthestretch55 is offline
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Originally Posted by ArlJim78
Dude, i'm not sure if you're being serious or not. In case you are i have to tell you. Al Gore and J Kerry are done as far as presidential prospects. toast.
They're damaged goods. You've got to look for someone else.
Not if Repubs put up Trent (I like Strom) Lott and George (Macaca) Allen.
Do you think Foley will be a possible vp candidate and Abramoff will get on parole in time to be a big fund raiser?
At this point, I'm looking at all possibles.
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Old 11-16-2006, 03:49 PM
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trying to get gore or kerry elected againwould be like repubs going for dole again.
if that's the best the dems can do, it will be about as worthwhile an effort as the last time they tried--and failed.
Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all.
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Old 11-16-2006, 04:26 PM
ArlJim78 ArlJim78 is offline
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Originally Posted by Downthestretch55
Not if Repubs put up Trent (I like Strom) Lott and George (Macaca) Allen.
Do you think Foley will be a possible vp candidate and Abramoff will get on parole in time to be a big fund raiser?
At this point, I'm looking at all possibles.
If you want to look at all possibilties that's fine.
I prefer to stick with those that have even a remote chance.
I take it that you're just joking about the Republicans you mentioned.

Back to Kerry or Gore, what I'm saying is that they have no chance of getting the dem nomination so it doesn't matter if they could beat whoever the Reps put up.
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