Kofi: Out with a bang
Intersesting that Kofi Anan chose the Truman Library as his venue for his farewell.
While the emporer sings around the Christmas tree, and his queen only can become "tiffed" about three others showing up in their copy-cat gowns, the rest of the world watches, hoping that the citizens of the USA listen. Maybe...maybe not. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,235827,00.html |
The world did SO well on his watch,right? I couldn't do justice to naming the "injustices" this bum either perpetrated/had knowledge of during his 10yr reign! Don't let the door hit ya in the butt on yer way out. Take the Useless Nations with you,ingrate!
Read an article about the new incoming Chief, Ban Ki-moon a few days ago in the New York Times. Will be interesting to see how someone of Korean descent handles the position. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see what he can do.